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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters II

Two weeks had passed since your heated escape from Carida. You were all given some downtime in the small, cramped base within one of the larger asteroids in the Roche field. In the meantime, the unit went through a few personell changes, with two transfers out and two coming in to replace them.

There had been some time to get to know the newer members of the group, but soon, the base was a flurry of activity. Somehow, an Imperial Agent had infiltrated the base. It was well known that there was an Imperial fleet farther out in the system, but they never risked going into the asteroid field and security was so tight that even the slightest changes were noted. How the Imperial Agent got in is still unknown, but how he...or she...or it, got out, is well known.

It was the the previous day that the alarms sounded and everything went mad. All of you knew of the starfighter development program that the entire facility was based around. Admiral Ackbar had a team of Verpine technicians working on a new, advanced bomber of some kind. And so, when you heard the alarms go off, it was easy to figure out what was going on. It was surprising, however, to arrive at the main hangar and watch the new starfighter rocket out of the base.

The base's single starfighter squadron was scrambled to disable the ship, but it escaped into hyperspace just as it exited the dense asteroid field.

And so, a day later, here you were, gathered in the small command center that was still a crowded and generally tense place. The buzz about the defectors was gone, and though you could point out a few of them here and there, your focus was on the young human man that was in charge while Commander Derlin tried to coordinate and calm things down.

His name was Garil, and from the small patch on his jacket, he was a Lieutenant. Trying to tone out the noise that surrounded you in the command center, the young man pulled up a holo of a galactic map in front of you and pointed to a small red dot near the bottom of the galaxy, "I'll be quick. There was a tracking device on the prototype fighter, and we've been following it through mulitple jumps all the way from here to the other side of the Outer Rim.

As you can see, its now at a stationary position. This is the planet Tatooine. A dusty, middle of no where on the edge of the Outer Rim. We happened to make a lucky defense move and intercepted the fighter there, where it was shot down. However, before a recovery effort could be made, the local Imperial Star Destroyer showed up and out forces had to escape.

If you haven't figured it out already, you're going after it. It is imperative that the B-Wing does not fall into Imperial hands. It may already have, but we can't assume that until we're sure, and so you're going in,"
he then sighed heavily.

"However, this is going to be difficult. From a couple short recon fighters, we've determined that nearly the entire Imperial Outer Rim Defense Fleet is now in orbit around Tatooine. The local Moff seems to have appeared, also. Now, its doubtful they would put that kind of blockade up if they'd found the fighter, which leads us to assume its crash landed in the deeper deserts of the planet.

You won't be able to just jump there and land, though, even with that nice Sentinel Shuttle you brought back from Carida. Before you can head there, you'll need to find a way of acquiring the Imperial Codes being used. We have tried to intercept them but have had no luck. We've not come up with much help on that end of things, I'm sorry to say. Its doubtful the codes have gotten out to any smuggler and crime networks at this point, so the only way to get them is from the Fleet itself. You could try to just fly straight through the blockade, of course, but you'd likely end up either stranded below or dead. The best we've got for you is to attempt to get aboard one of the Star Destroyers and get the codes through some fast talking.

However you get on the planet, though, once you're down you won't be alone. We've got multiple cells all over the place, so just find yourself a settlement and keep an eye out. You should be able to pick out the cells without too much trouble, but make sure to watch out for Imperial forces. They're likely to be combing the planet if they haven't found the fighter already."

After a deep breath, the young Lieutenant leaned back to deactivate the holo before saying quietly, "Wish I had more to give you, but its all we've got. If you can't get the fighter back, destroy it. And if you can find the Imperial Agent that stole it, we'd be very appreciative if you could take him alive. Any questions? We can't take many, as you need to get yourselves moving soon."

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Major Trual'Nuin - Duros 3rd. level Noble

- "Get aboard a star destroyer and fast talk to get the codes?!... Hum!"

A Duros steps forward. He looks around him, then again his superior.

- "Well, we must indeed take the shuttle we stole... huh, I mean, confiscated during our last mission. But it's not enough. We before all need to come up with a plan, we also need imperial uniforms, false identities... that sorts of things. Anyway, myself and the new crew are ready to depart as soon as we have all of this."

Trual'Nuin pauses, and looks at the others.

- "Anyway, I would be glad to also listen to my companions' suggestions."

With that, Trual'Nuin returns to his seat.
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Dol Tarin; Level 1 Scout Pilot

"As before," A Kel Dor says stepping forward in much the same way as the Duros had, "I will not be able to infultrait any imperial anything." Dol Tarin says. "So, what ever ship I'm flying us in with, I'll have to stay there."


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Selus keeps a small, doughy blue mass in his six-fingered hands, shaping it blindly as he listens to the Lieutenant. He takes each word in, and he nods as the Lieutenant speaks, sure to keep quiet until the information relay is complete. And when it is, Selus only has a few things to add. The voice is not truly that of Selus, but rather of the vocalizer mask he wears - and the sound that comes through is rough, crackling. A faint hum accompanies the short pauses between words.

"I spent a few years on Tatooine. That doesn't help us get there, but, I think, it will help use to find the ship. The Jawas that comb the sand there are aware of most that happens in the dune sea - and when I left, I was in good standing with some of the tribes there. It's one of the perks of being a community doctor - people learn to like you."

He waves one of his arms around in an arc, signalling to his allies.

"I'll have to rely on you to get us through the Imperial Blockade. Once that's out of the way, I think we'll have no trouble finding the ship on Tatooine's surface."


First Post
"So...you want us to board an Imperial Star Destroyer with a stolen shuttle, and request that they just hand over the most recent security clearcnce code sequence." A grizzled looking man who sat polishing a very large blaster rifle with 'The Thunderer' engraved on the stock said around a hunk of dried ration meat. He wore a typical combat jumpsuit, an addition to an arboreal camoflage broad-rimmed hat that lightly armored jungle troopers sometimes sported.

"Brilliant, just brilliant. Never mind that half of our team is made of non-humans, and we all know that the Empire just looooves them. It won't work, plain and simple. I've worked for the Empire before, and the only thing they like more than xenocide is being a bunch of anal-retentive tight-asses." Jonas said, and then chewed thoughtfully for a moment.

"I've seen stunts like this before, and even helped stop a few of 'em. The only way to do what you're thinking of without getting us all executed is to play to their weaknesses; in this case their reliance on regulations. Here's how we get those codes. First, we have to get a suit of Stormtrooper armor. Once we've jumped to Tatooine, we disable our comms system and approach the Star Destroyer nice and slow like while repeating something about having our comm systems being out over the old blinking light code.

Stow the aliens in the storage compartment once we're close, and I'll put on the Stormie armor. I've been around them enough that I know all their basic protocols and suchlike. We land, I go down the ramp, and tell whoever meets us that we need one tiny little part to repair our comms system, and request the latest clearance codes for the sector. If they ask what our business in the sector is...well..."
Jonas scratched is head. "I'll leave that to the diplomatic folks to figure out." He went back to chewing the jerky and polishing his rifle.
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Major Trual'Nuin - Duros 3rd. level Noble

Trual'Nuin turns toward Jonas:

- "I like your plan. Lets get a full stormtrooper suit for all of us. Then, Lyss should be able to second you well when doing it..."


First Post
"I'll also need a standard issue imperial Blastech E-11 blaster rifle. The armor alone won't complete the disguise, I'll have to have the right weapon."


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

Lyss had listened to the talk, shaking her head a few times in disbelief, when she heard about the star destroyer.

“Yes, sneaking into a star destroyer simply doesn't seem like a good idea. It was difficult enough during the last mission, and there the security was a lot less, than what could be expected on a major starship like that. The other plan sounds easy enough in theory, but will the Imperials fall for it?”

"We've got a good amount of old stormtrooper uniforms and weapons from the defectors, so getting you that won't be a problem if you need it," Garil said with a nod, "Sadly, though, its not going to be easy either way, but you've got to find some way of getting through that blockade. Its tighter than anything we've seen before in that part of the galaxy, and there's no way to just run through it without taking some serious damage...and likely getting yourselves killed. If anything, it just proves that the Empire knows what's down there, and means you need to be able to get down there even more urgently. If there's anything else I can get you before you head out, please tell me. The Sentinel should be finishing its prepping in the next few minutes."


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Selus pipes in here, as much as one can 'pipe' without a voice.

"As a precautionary measure, I'd like to request a surgical kit. I don't know what's going to happen out there, but I've only got the necessary supplies to deal with minor problems. Other than that... I'm set."

He pops a bubble in the blue dough, and nods once.

Voidrunner's Codex

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