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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters II


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"It'd be a good idea to prepare for the possibility that the Empire gets to the B-wing before we do. Why you people always have to name your starfighters after letters is beyond me. Anyway, if we have to destroy the fighter we'll need the proper munitions. I think fifty kilograms of high-yield explosives would be enough to make sure there's nothing bigger than a speck of dust for the Empire to examine." Jonas says without looking up from his rifle.
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"Do we have specs on the B-Wing cockpit and controls? I may need to familiarize myself of them to fly that baby home." Dol Tarin says.

"We can get you some charges and medical equipment no problem, but there are some of our cells down on the planet that should still have their own supplies if you need anything," Garil nodded to both Jonas and Selus, then looked to Dol, "I can get you some basics on the fighter to look over, but from what I know, its not too different from the other designs. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too much trouble if you can get the thing out of there in one piece.

Anything else? If not, get to the hangar and I'll have your supplies delivered."


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Selus nods to Garil, and puts the blue dough into a small metal case, which he then slides into the folds of his clean, white robe. "Very well, Lieutenant." Selus would make his way out of the room, and make a beeline straight to the hangar. He's got nothing else he needs to do before leaving. His vocalizer emits a monotone hum the entire way.


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Major Trual'Nuin - Duros 3rd. level Noble

Trual'Nuin likewise stands up and heads towards the exit.

- "Okay, lets get what we requested and I think we are ready to go... Intruding into a star-destroying..." **shudders** "Lets the force be with us!"


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“Hey, at least we can thank the Empire for destroying our shuttle in the last mission, otherwise we might not have that Sentinel now,” Lyss remarks with a shrug of her shoulders. It's hard to discern, whether this is meant as some kind of joke or not. “I'm ready, if you are... no wait! Lieutenant Garil? Do you have a blaster pistol with a bit more... punch? This hold-out here is nice to sneak it past someone, but in a firefight with Imperial Stormtroopers it will hardly scratch their pretty white suits. And while I'm aware, that avoiding such a firefight will be high on our list of objectives, it's not always for us to decide. In that case, I'd rather have the biggest gun I can handle. Unfortunately my aim with a rifle isn't the best, which only leaves pistols for me.”


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"A Caliban Model X is what you need, though I doubt they just happen to have those on hand in the armory." Jonas says, passing Lyss on his way out.

Garil nods, glances around a moment, then detaches the holster and his blaster from his belt. Handing the entire thing to Lyss, he says, "Good old DL-44. We don't have too much beyond extra Stormtrooper equipment at this point, but this should pack the kind of punch you need, and I don't think I'll be needing it around here."

You then left the command center of the base for the hangar. It took a few minutes to get there, but when you did, you found the techs were just finishing up, and motioned you to go ahead and get the ship warmed up. Inside the main cabin(which was rather spacious now that it wasn't lined with defectors), were the items you had requested, plus a few basic supplies and survival gear for all of you.

It took a few more minutes to get the Sentinel's engines online, and once they were, you were cleared to leave. Another short trip through the sparse asteriod field and you were out into the blackness of empty space. Angling the ship and inputting the jump coordinates for Tatooine too another minute, and then, when the hyperspace levers were pulled, the stars extended a moment before the ship shot forward into an endless tunnel of swirling blue.

The trip would take some time...hours. But, considering you were jumping halfway across the galaxy, it wasn't too bad.

((Go ahead and update your character sheets with newly acquired equipment. The things you requested. For Lyss, the DL-44 is just a Heavy Blaster Pistol, so use that for the stats. I'll give you guys a little time now to do some planning, plotting, and general RPing before we get to your destination.))

Voidrunner's Codex

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