D&D 5E Recent Errata clarifications

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Not as they're presented in the movies. If, on the other hand, they had followed Tolkien's description of them as the "least lovely Mongol-types", yes, that would have severely lessened how much I would be able to enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies.
The original post I quoted was about free-will and how their creator imprinted his "evilness" on them. That is the issue of concern that was raised, not the description of their comeliness.


Not as they're presented in the movies. If, on the other hand, they had followed Tolkien's description of them as the "least lovely Mongol-types", yes, that would have severely lessened how much I would be able to enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies.
That description was only stated once in a private letter when someone insisted on specifics. Just because he didn't have a good way of describing them in a way others could picture them doesn't mean much. It's not like he could point them to a web page with fan art and say "this is pretty close".

Voidrunner's Codex

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