D&D (2024) REcharge and Rest


I really want to avoid the 15 minute day problem.

I like the time based rest. Like you need a day of rest....but the game mechanics need to be made with lots of legalese to stop players from resting every 15 minutes. Too many players players will kill monster one, demand time freeze for the world so they can rest a day, then unfreeze time and attack monster two.

I do like weakening characters, like each use drains a constitution point. Though most players make high con characters. And making a character weak only works if the game has character death. And most games won't even want to play a 'weak' character past a 'set' point as they are too useless.

So you'd need to alter a lot of game rules to get just the right effect.

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Cantrips are careful not to be game-breaking. I'm talking about unrestricted access to spells that would be game-breaking.
Yea, it couldn't be just any spell. Spamming wall of stone would get ridiculous pretty quickly.

I'm thinking more of an evoker getting to use scorching ray one per short rest (scaling a bit).
Illusionist get mirror image.
Hexblades might get a smite.

Yea, it couldn't be just any spell. Spamming wall of stone would get ridiculous pretty quickly.

I'm thinking more of an evoker getting to use scorching ray one per short rest (scaling a bit).
Illusionist get mirror image.
Hexblades might get a smite.
For instance, the designers tried hard to add Invocations that would not be broken if they were at-will


For instance, the designers tried hard to add Invocations that would not be broken if they were at-will
And had a whole spell list up to 5th level of things that where fine for casting once per short rest.

Really. The majority of the spells would be fine casting on short rest or at-will. It's just a few that wouldn't.

And had a whole spell list up to 5th level of things that where fine for casting once per short rest.

Really. The majority of the spells would be fine casting on short rest or at-will. It's just a few that wouldn't.
Which is why the functionality should be curated as class options, not a universal magic mechanic.

I would say more a sub-class option.
But i agree.

Though I will point out that wizards already have the ability to cast any level 1 or 2 spell at-will.
At near archmage levels, sure, and they can certainly dabble to get healing. But it is not the norm for all casters, and doesn't affect worldbuilding at such a large scale.

Voidrunner's Codex

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