• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recommendation for good old fashion simple adventure please.


The Gonji series by TC Rypel. It's set in the 15/1600's, but it's got all the things you're looking for (as long as you can take that a samurai was magically transported to Europe). Lots of evil black magic, lots of action, and some of the best representations of the various armies of Europe (mostly eastern europe) that I've seen in fiction.
Chris Bunch's Seer King, Demon King, Warrior King series probably lacks the amount of wonder and magic you're looking for. I usually don't like his work, but these three books were pretty good. Lots of good fight scenes and some deep dark magic stuff. The only downside is you have to sit through 2.5 graphic sex scenes per book. Like Penthouse Letters style... pretty bad.

And I'll 'third' the Magician series, if you haven't read it. I've only read the Riftwar Saga (none of the spin offs), and they are still a pretty solid read...

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Holly Lisle - Pretty much everything I've read by her falls into most of your wants
Fire in the Mist by Holly Lisle; also the other two books in the series, Bones of the Past, Mind of the Magic
The Secret Texts series: Diplomacy of Wolves, Vengeance of Dragons, Courage of Falcons and the standalone Vincalis the Agitator
The World Gates series: Memory of Fire, The Wreck of Heaven, Gods Old and Dark

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