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{Recruiting} Exalted (God-blood level): Serving the Queen Under the Mountain

I'm looking for 5-7 players to play a low-ish level game of Exalted. For the next few days, I'm just checking the interest level - if enough people respond, I'll start giving out the pertinent details.

Stuff You Should Be Aware Of:

-This is _not_ "Rebelling Against the Evil Queen". Umergi, The Queen Under the Mountain, is one of the more benign and competent dictators strewn about Creation. IE, one of the Good Guys. For now, anyway.

-This is _not_ "Asocial, Sociopathic D**kheads Rebelling Against the Good Queen", either. At the very least, your characters must be willing to put the good of the Queen's Realm above their own base impulses.

-For those familiar with with Exalted, this is Creation if the Scarlet Empress never disappeared and the Solars were never released. Things are placid enough that you don't need to be an elemental supersoldier or a golden demigod to handle the problems in your corner of Creation.

-I will be experimenting. I want to try out various mods to see how they work.

-In keeping with the above, this game is going to be crunchy. I will try to have the chrunchiness as streamlined as possible, but the complexity will probably rival or surpass the core DnD 3.5 rules.

-Everyone will need to have "Combat" as at least a lesser focus. Creation is dangerous.

-There will be a single slot available for the concept of "Complete outsider swept up by events into the party". If more than one person wants that, I will approve the concept that I think is coolest. One more slot will be available for "Expert hired just now by Queen's Voice to provide a useful/needed capability." For the latter, please detail why the Voice considered you trustworthy enough to risk hiring you for something sensitive.

-Other outsiders are allowable if they've been in the Queen's service for a while.

-Umergi's domain is in the Southeast of Creation, in a massive mountain range that runs NW/SE. Southwest is increasing arid regions giving way to desert. Northeast is forest, rainforest, and jungle. The original adventure will see the party travelling a few hundred miles northeast. Whoever wants the Scout/Pathfinder slot should keep that in mind.

-With the above in mind, feel free to come up with your character's very own culture if you want to. Creation is vast - my version is close to 30,000 miles across. Realms are generally small, rarely more than 50-100 miles across.

Conceptual Differences:

Mages are much less powerful. Their powers are generally low-key and practical. The Bandaid Cleric is not available. That said, having whatever healing capability and resources you can afford is a good idea.

A note about combat: The way it's going to be, your characters can generally fight until

A) They are incapacitated due to pain and shock, or
B) They are incapacitated due to blood-loss, or
C) They are incapacitated due to biomechanical failure (such as getting hamstrung or losing a limb).

Getting more 'hp', at the level we'll be playing at, is mostly a matter of learning to handle pain and shock. Taking care of blood-loss is trickier in the middle of combat. (Afterwards, bandage yourselves quickly.) Restoring something that's been mangled is delicate surgery. Restoring something severe requires dealing with something that can probably squash you like a bug. Death isn't something that can be fixed. (There are ways to pseudo-fix it, however. Emphasis on pseudo.)


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