• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(Recruiting) Relic Hunters (All female PCs, Castles and Crusades rules, Tekumel Campaign Setting)

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Queen of Everything
Well yah she's a half sister. I was guessing you two still grew up together or no? I'm not sure... I was thinking that my character's father was the first mate of Queenie's father. So Queenie's character (and presumably CB's character) and my character were childhood friends. Sorry if I'm being confusing.

Rubberneck, that makes more sense. The first way you worded it made it sound like your character was the child of Queenie and some random first mate.

Yes, I was a little thrown off too lol. Thanks for explaining! I'm fine with that if DT is fine with having another source of unlimited wealth ;) Either way I am cool with us all growing up family & friends.


First Post
Well my character wouldn't be nearly as rich as yours haha. Even if my character were completely broke, she would still be funded by your character I'm assuming :)


First Post
My apologies, I am going to bow out of this. Not because I don't want to play, but just because I'm in so many games right now, and my character idea for this is feeling thinner and thinner, and it's just not quite coming together for me. I'm having so much trouble updating my existing games that it feels less and less responsible of me to take on another one. And this setting/game concept is a pretty uneasy fit for the character I want to play...

So yeah. I'll watch it with interest and hope y'all have fun. Sorry if my leaving this late in the process causes issues. :(


Queen of Everything
Sorry to hear that Shay.

DT - Charlatan gains spells every level but since we are using the QuickStart guide it doesn't say what the spells should be at 3rd - how many I can know and how many to cast per day. Do you have that info? Int is an 18.

Deuce Traveler

Queenie, wizard spells at 3rd level are:

Level 0: 4
Level 1: 2
Level 2: 1

I'll let you have double those amounts in your spellbook. From the Player's Guide:

Level 0 Spells:
Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Endure Elements
Ghost Sound
Magic Hand

1st Level:
Alter Size
Burning Hands
Change Self
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Feather Fall
Floating Disc
Hold Portal
Magic Missile
Protection from Chaos/Law/Good/Evil
Read Magic
Shocking Grasp
Spider Climb
Summon Familiar
Unseen Servant

2nd Level:
Acid Arrow
Continual Flame
Detect Thoughts
Enhance Attribute
Fog Cloud
Locate Object
Magic Mouth
Mirror Image
Protection from Arrows
Ray Enfeeblement
Rope Trick
See Invisibility


First Post
Being half-sisters is totally ok by me.

OK so I think I have managed to completely throw everyone off so let me try and correct the issue. You and Queenie would be half sisters. My character would be a childhood friend. My father served as your father's first mate on his crew (first mate meaning his right hand man, friend, co-captain, lieutenant, partner, etc. Not a romantic partner) I'm really sorry about confusing everybody lol.


Queen of Everything
Best childhood buddies, I get it now! Lol Fine by moi!

Thank you DT my character is almost done. It's been hard slogging though it on my own... Making characters is not my forte. :( I will try to get the bones up tonight!

Voidrunner's Codex

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