Recruitment: Kulan: Shackled City Legacy PbP Game (Game Cancelled)


If no one else objects to my altering the plan I'd like to go with the Urban Druid.

Yes, I'm very pleased with the numbers.

Now, for something a bit different. One of the urban druid's choices for companion is a small animated object. What would you say to a little wagon? Something like this with the faded name of a local brewery stenciled on the side.

Carry capacity would be no more than a small character of equivalent str.


  • wagon animated.jpg
    wagon animated.jpg
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Seriously, if such an item as companion will offend anyone's willing suspension of disbelief I'll withdraw the request and go with something a bit more traditional.


You really should edit all the info required to submit a character to the first post, ESPECIALLY if you're using house rules. If you want a serious commitment from your players, entice them by showing that you're committed enough to organize things.


World of Kulan DM
You really should edit all the info required to submit a character to the first post, ESPECIALLY if you're using house rules. If you want a serious commitment from your players, entice them by showing that you're committed enough to organize things.
That's good idea. Thanks for your input.

First post of thread in the Talking the Talk subforum updated. (I've put that same information in the second post of this thread.) Would you add anything else?


World of Kulan DM
If no one else objects to my altering the plan I'd like to go with the Urban Druid.

Yes, I'm very pleased with the numbers.
It's fine. To balance it out, the urban ranger will be restricted and I've removed the temple defender variant.

Now, for something a bit different. One of the urban druid's choices for companion is a small animated object. What would you say to a little wagon? Something like this with the faded name of a local brewery stenciled on the side.

Carry capacity would be no more than a small character of equivalent str.
Ha! I dig it! no objections from me!

Voidrunner's Codex

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