Recruitment: Kulan: Shackled City Legacy PbP Game (Game Cancelled)

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
I added Brother Pi to the RG.

Just one question, though: Is it alright if my signature weapon (a +1 short sword) is actually hidden within the staff of a broom? So in case of fighting, he can pull out the blade from the broom "scabbard"?

Also, I'm hoping that incorporating your Hassan PC the way I did is okay.


World of Kulan DM
I added Brother Pi to the RG.

Just one question, though: Is it alright if my signature weapon (a +1 short sword) is actually hidden within the staff of a broom? So in case of fighting, he can pull out the blade from the broom "scabbard"?
That's fine. And a good place for Brother Pi to 'work' would be a place called the Hall of Bast. It is a memorial near The Temple of the Cat and honors those Bastites who died helping protect the city from the Cagewrights. (It's also very museum-like.)

Another good option would be for him to work in one of the local inns. There is the Magma Inn in the southern part of the city on the eastern edge of the Groves of the Bloodsun. Another major workplace would be the Gateway Inn, which stands just south of The Stone Gate (the northern gate into the city).

Also, I'm hoping that incorporating your Hassan PC the way I did is okay.
It's good. Note, however, that Jagged Peaks are some distance from the Kul Moren Mountains. They are a small range to the northeast in the lands known as the Eastern Shores. The guild sending him there from Cauldron would be a major task.

Also note that there aren't any major thieves' guilds in Cauldron. There are several trying to make inroads into the city since the Alleybashers and The Last Laugh were both run out of the city by the Order of the Silver Hand. (There was also a criminal guild known as the Heartless Firestorm who became highly infamous. They are still a problem but that group only accepts the most vicious of initiates and they don't have a presence in the city.)

Did Brother Pi reveal himself to the guards when he turned in his former leader? If he did, then Cauldron's guards would know him and some would respect him for taking such a risk (not knowing his skills).

Here are some options for the name of Brother Pi's former guild: The Bloodshields, The Iron Order, The Jade Dragoons, or The Red Fangs. Those are from/were inspired by an online generator.

Just some suggestions... :)


World of Kulan DM
Also, since you're playing a dwarf, he could have integrated himself into the Dwarven District. He could work as a minor assistant at Gurnezarn’s Smithy or as a sweeper at the newly constructed Temple of Clangeddin, which sits next to Toryn's Forge.

Toryn Stonecutter is a member of the Order of the Silver Hand but he is rarely in the city. His forge is run by his former apprentices, and now partners, Tebul and Ushbarte Jokulsson. They are twins and are always willing to help out young dwarves looking for "honest" employment. Working there would be a lot harder than working for Phalian Gurnezarn, however.

He could also work at The Old Sanctuary, which was once the temple to Jalivier. But after the High Sun Sanctuary was built, the old building was donated to the city's dwarves by Argo Flameheart and Toryn. It is now used as a meeting hall and has several shrines in it dedicated to the dwarven gods.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pi doesn't need to come from Cauldron. Is there a suitable city near the Jagged Peaks?

I think he wouldn't let himself known to the city guards; doing good is its own reward, he'd say.


World of Kulan DM
Pi doesn't need to come from Cauldron. Is there a suitable city near the Jagged Peaks?

I think he wouldn't let himself known to the city guards; doing good is its own reward, he'd say.
There are several cities near the Jagged Peaks. On the coast there is the capital city of Theocracy of Thallin, Fruen, which was once a place for heroes but the new Mad King of Thallin has turned it and the country into a bastion for villainy. (The Sword Gods are openly worshiped there.) There is also the city of Rivenwood, which is on the border of Thallin. There is more freedom in that city, but the Fury of the Dragon do have their spies on its streets.

There are several thieves' guilds in Thallin but most pale in comparison compared to the guild of assassins, that is allowed to operate with impunity in dark kingdom, called Vespin's Hand. That guild doesn't let members leave, however, and it isn't found in Caludron. (However, it is whispered that the Hand has a foothold in Mor's End.) Vespin is a decease Sword God that the Hand and their masters want to return to life.

There is another city that sits in the hills that surround the Jagged Peaks. It is called Alora and is a place for demihumans to find shelter against the evils of Thallin. Alora exists within Thallin's border, but it is a hidden place that is not easily accessible. It a place of good.

Note that Rivenwood is the city that is the closest to the Town of Fallow's Cross where Hassan and the rest of the Fallow's Cross Adventurers have their collective origin. I do have an old hex map of the region but it is a bit out of date. (I was sure I had a replacement done, but I think my plan was to redo it after I finished the Thunder Lands.) The placement of towns and cities has "shifted" since I did that map.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
You really should edit all the info required to submit a character to the first post, ESPECIALLY if you're using house rules. If you want a serious commitment from your players, entice them by showing that you're committed enough to organize things.

There is a name I have not seen in a long time!

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Yeah, it would definitely squeak as it follows the group around. But maybe it only moves when you aren't looking at it? ;)

Don't blink.


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