D&D 5E Red Hand of Doom + Rise of Tiamat + Scales of War


I'm not familiar with Scales of War, but I need a post-Rise of Tiamat campaign capper. Can anyone give me a brief summary?

It's been some time since I looked at it, and I never read the full level 1-30 campaign, but it's about the cosmological war between Tiamat/chromatics and Bahamut/metallics as they were split from the single dragon god. It ends with the party hunting down Tiamat in a giant dungeon complex and taking down a bunch of ancient dragons (one of each color) and also solving puzzles.

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I found that Sunless Citadel was a pretty good prequel adventure for Red Hand of Doom.

The Citadel became a lost temple of Tiamat and the kobolds were very junior members of the Red Hand who had been sent there to reclaim it (mostly to get them out of the way, since the Hand leaders didn't rate them much).


After beating the Aspect of Tiamat, they'd have the option to start planejumping and finish her off, and we'd use some of the "Scale of War" adventures for high level play- I haven't had a chance to fully read these through, yet, but a lot of the concepts sounded cool. (Getting the arrow that had split Tiamat and Bahumat, raiding a Githyanki ship on the Astral Plane, attacking her a Bahumat realm to finish her off...)

Anyone tried something similar, or have any insight into these campaigns?

I did something similar with 14 hr marathon adventure with my group back in 4e, but just the epic part at the end. The one thing I would have changed was that i would not have had them fight an aspect of Tiamat and then fight Tiamat later. If you plan on, or think your group will want to, challenge Tiamat i would leave that battle for the end. Have them defeat an exarch (an ancient red perhaps) or something to stop her summoning and then fight her later. Or if they don't stop the summon - well, that's how the cookie crumbles.


I'm not familiar with Scales of War, but I need a post-Rise of Tiamat campaign capper. Can anyone give me a brief summary?

Tiamat kills Bahamut, the PCs resurrect Bahamut and defeat Tiamat's armies, Bahamut sends the PCs to her domain in the midst of her forces abandoning her and while she is preoccupied trying to prevent that. The PCs must defeat 5 ancient dragons (brood mothers) scattered throughout her dungeon lair to gain access to her throne room and then battle her on a floating island with a nasty fall/trap if your knocked off.


First Post
I did something similar with 14 hr marathon adventure with my group back in 4e, but just the epic part at the end. The one thing I would have changed was that i would not have had them fight an aspect of Tiamat and then fight Tiamat later. If you plan on, or think your group will want to, challenge Tiamat i would leave that battle for the end. Have them defeat an exarch (an ancient red perhaps) or something to stop her summoning and then fight her later. Or if they don't stop the summon - well, that's how the cookie crumbles.

Yeah, I'm going back and forth on that- I was thinking there could be a value to it, since the aspect will be weaker thanks to whatever victory points they get. So they can tussle with a weak Tiamat, then fight here for real later on. It may be more climactic to just do the one fight, though.


First Post
I found that Sunless Citadel was a pretty good prequel adventure for Red Hand of Doom.

The Citadel became a lost temple of Tiamat and the kobolds were very junior members of the Red Hand who had been sent there to reclaim it (mostly to get them out of the way, since the Hand leaders didn't rate them much).

Ooh, that is a good idea, but I may end up running the Ashardalon arc in it's entirety sometime. I'm thinking I'll fill in the early levels with things to do in the town, to try to endear some NPCs to the players and raise the stakes of the army invasion.


Yeah, I'm going back and forth on that- I was thinking there could be a value to it, since the aspect will be weaker thanks to whatever victory points they get. So they can tussle with a weak Tiamat, then fight here for real later on. It may be more climactic to just do the one fight, though.

I think so. I didn't ask my players, but it definitely felt less climatic to me. I even went to the effort to redesign Tiamat (you really had to beef up 4e epic monsters to fight 6 lvl 30 players at full strength) for the final and it still felt a bit anti-climactic to me.


First Post
I think so. I didn't ask my players, but it definitely felt less climatic to me. I even went to the effort to redesign Tiamat (you really had to beef up 4e epic monsters to fight 6 lvl 30 players at full strength) for the final and it still felt a bit anti-climactic to me.

There is that old Dragon magazine article that gets into the Spawn of Tiamat, maybe fighting her children in the Fane is a good way to go.


I've also looked into the DM's Guild adventure Palace of the Red Pasha as a segue between Rise of Tiamat and Scales of War. The party is tasked with ending the cult once and for all (and ideally ending Tiamat), so they track down a major base of operations in Calimport. At the end of the adventure they have access to a planar portal that's strongly connected to the City of Brass, which would lead right into some of the last adventures in the Scales of War.
I've run Palace of the Red Pasha, and I can vouch for it as an interesting and well-written adventure.



There is that old Dragon magazine article that gets into the Spawn of Tiamat, maybe fighting her children in the Fane is a good way to go.

That always works. However, it might be interesting to go a different route. Now that Bel has been removed as the Lord of the 1st, maybe he and Tiamat are working together to reclaim Avernus. Perhaps Bel is the one trying to summon her to Faerun to gain additional power to reclaim Avernus together? Something like that might work. You could have a boss fight with Bel and if the summoning fails fight Tiamat later.

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