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Redbadge's Solo Skull and Shackles (IC)


Starday, 21 Desnus, 4712 AR (08:21:12) [Round 2]
Bilges, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

You notice that the buckler you hold is quite exceptional.

The visible rat attacks Marina, but the others, if any, do not appear. The sorceress, frightened by the rat, squeels and lobs a fist of conjured acid at the vermin, but this only provokes it further. Marina receives a couple of nasty bites, and the wounds quickly become red and swollen. Instead of immediately providing aid, Elias and Queepod scan the water with axes raised and ready to strike, searching for the other rats they are fairly certian are hiding around.

[sblock=Actions]Dire Rat 2: Attack Marina (standard).
Marina: Cast Acid Splash against adjacent rat (standard)
Dire Rat 2: Attack Marina (attack of opportunity).
Elias: Search for rats (move). Search for rats (move).
Queepod: Search for rats (move). Search for rats (move).[/sblock][sblock=Combat Status]
[B]Init   Crewmember   AC/ T/FF     HP       Effects
[/B]23     Elias        14/14/10     11/11    
09     Queepod      11/11/10     [COLOR=Lime]14[/COLOR]/15      
05     Jhiv         17/14/13     8/8      
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 1   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-[COLOR=Red]2[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
05     Dire Rat 2   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 3   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-[COLOR=Red]5[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
05     Dire Rat 4   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Dire Rat 5   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Dire Rat 6   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Marina       13/13/10     [COLOR=DarkRed]1[/COLOR]/7      [U]Filth Fever (DC 11)[/U]
GM: Jhiv is next!
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First Post
Jhiv moves to help Marina. He takes aim and neatly stabs the rat through the eye. As it slides limply off his blade he looks to his companions, "Kabobs? Marina, you might want to get back up on the stairs until I can heal you."[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Move to E1 (3 squares).
Standard Action: Attack Rat.
Free Action: Speak.[/sblock][sblock=Current Status]
Jhiv Viratek (Male undine druid/rogue 1)
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Str 11 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 14

Key Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +2, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +9, Profession (Sailor) +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +15

Init +4 Spd 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +9
AC 17, touch 14, FF 13 HP 8/8 Temp HP 0
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +6 CMB +0 CMD 14
Hero Points 1/3

Melee Attack Rapier +4 (1d6/18-20)
Melee Attack Dagger +4 (1d4/19-20)
Melee Attack Sap +4 (1d6) [nonlethal]
Melee Attack
Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3/x2) [nonlethal]
Ranged Attack Dagger (10 ft.) +4 (1d4/19-20)

Currently Wielding Rapier
Current Armor Leather Armor, Buckler, (Explorer's Outfit)
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, Straps, Pockets, etc.) Sap, Dagger, [8 pp, 4 gp, 20 sp, 9 cp], Sprig of Holly, Mineral Prism, Footlocker Key
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, Belt Pouches, Saddle Bags, etc.) Belt Pouch (Nothing)
Stored (Footlockers, etc.) Arrows (20), Backpack (Masterwork), Mirror (Small Steel), Fishhook, Thieves' Tools, Twine (50 ft.)
Current Encumbrance 33.5 lbs (light load) Medium Load 39 lbs Heavy Load 77 lbs Max 115 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells:
1/1 (Cure Light Wounds/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Remove Sickness/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Obscuring Mist)
Cantrips: ~/~
(Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Mending)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Storm Burst
Combat Options: Charge (full round action), Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm (Weapon Finesse), Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder
(Weapon Finesse), Trip (Weapon Finesse)

Defensive Abilities
Cold Resistance 5 (racial)

Situational Modifiers
Shackles Seafarer, Fast Healing 2 (Hydrated Vitality)

Current Effects and Conditions:
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Starday, 21 Desnus, 4712 AR (08:21:18) [Round 3]
Bilges, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

The water grows still and quiet, and the shadows play tricks on your eyes, bits of movement that may or may not be additional rats.

"Yeah... I think I will take your advice, sweetie," says Marina, sounding sickened as she makes her way back up the ladder.

"I'll check over here," says Elias as he wades further to the stern of the bilges, "Maybe I should work the pump... though this is suppose to be young Scrimshaw's job."

"Queepod will check here," says Queepod, moving to the opposite side of the bilges. "See nothing."

[sblock=Actions]Marina: Climb bilge ladder (move). Climb bilge ladder (move).
Elias: Move to F3 (move). Search for rats (move).
Queepod: Move to B3 (move). Search for rats (move).[/sblock][sblock=Combat Status]
[B]Init   Crewmember   AC/ T/FF     HP       Effects
[/B]23     Elias        14/14/10     11/11    
09     Queepod      11/11/10     [COLOR=Lime]14[/COLOR]/15      
05     Jhiv         17/14/13     8/8      
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 1   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-[COLOR=Red]3[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 2   14/14/11[/COLOR]     [COLOR=Red]-8[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray], Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 3   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-6[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
05     Dire Rat 4   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Dire Rat 5   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Dire Rat 6   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Marina       13/13/10     [COLOR=DarkRed]1[/COLOR]/7      [U]Filth Fever (DC 11)[/U]
GM: What's the call, Jhiv?


First Post
"Let's see if we can bump into them, the pump would take too long. It's kind of risky, but I don't want to be down here all day."[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Speak.
Move Action: Move to F2 (3 squares).
Move Action:
Move to G3 (3 squares).[/sblock]
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Starday, 21 Desnus, 4712 AR (08:21:21) [Round 3]
Bilges, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

As you wade through the water, your feet, ankle, and lower legs soaking in the stagnant pool, something attacks your calf. You feel a sharp pain as needlepoints tear into your flesh.

Afterwards, the large hairy rat turns tail and tries to swim out of reach of your retaliation.
[sblock=Perception]The rat disappears under the shadowy waters.[/sblock]
[sblock=Actions]Dire Rat 6: Bite Jhiv (attack of opportunity).
Dire Rat 6: Swim away from G2 to D1 (move action). Attempt to hide (move action).[/sblock][sblock=Combat Status]
[B]Init   Crewmember   AC/ T/FF     HP       Effects
[/B]23     Elias        14/14/10     11/11    
09     Queepod      11/11/10     [COLOR=Lime]14[/COLOR]/15      
05     Dire Rat 6   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment
05     Jhiv         17/14/13     8/8      
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 1   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-4[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 2   14/14/11[/COLOR]     [COLOR=Red]-9[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray], Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray]05     Dire Rat 3   14/14/11 [/COLOR]    [COLOR=Red]-7[/COLOR][COLOR=Gray]/5      Concealment, Unconscious, Dying[/COLOR]
05     Dire Rat 4   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Dire Rat 5   14/14/11     5/5      Concealment, Hidden, Delayed
05     Marina       13/13/10     [COLOR=DarkRed]1[/COLOR]/7      [U]Filth Fever (DC 11)[/U]

GM: The rat provokes from Jhiv! Also, don't forget to make a Fortitude Save (DC 11).


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First Post
Jhiv lunges forward and stabs the rat as it attempts to flee. "He went there!"[sblock=Actions]Free Action: (Out of Turn) Speak.
Free Action: (Out of Turn) Point to square D1.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: I want to say something to the effect of, "To hell with this. Marina, start casting light on things and throwing them into the water (on the intersections of gridlines) so we can see these damned rats." How long would it take in game time to say that and can I say it out of turn?


OOC: I want to say something to the effect of, "To hell with this. Marina, start casting light on things and throwing them into the water (on the intersections of gridlines) so we can see these damned rats." How long would it take in game time to say that and can I say it out of turn?

GM: Speaking In-Character: Your character can speak as a free action. However, there are limits to the amount that you can say in one round. You may be able to increase this limit by using additional actions.
Free action (any time during the round, cumulative): 50 syllables.
Casting Light: Unfortunately, Marina can only have 1 light up at a time. Each additional casting causes the previous to wink out. However, if your intent was to do this just to illuminate different parts of the bilges one-at-a-time (rather than all at once), Marina can comply.


First Post
"Marina, cast light on something and throw it over by Queepod, please."[sblock=Actions]Free Action: (Out of Turn) Speak [20 syllables].[/sblock]


"Aye, Jhiv." Marina grabs someone's abandoned tin cup from the floor of the crew berths and concentrates on it until it glows.

Queepod begins to move over to where you indicated, but you see and hear a large splash as he is startled by another rat biting him. He immediately tries to chop the creature in half, but misses.

Much like you, Elias is becoming less amused by the second. "An' why did they 'ave to go take me gun, again? One scatterin' o' bullets down here would take care of all these wee demons." He casts about for any more rats on the stern side of the bilges, and spies the final rat swimming away. "There's one!" he says, pointing it out.

GM: Jhiv, again! You know that there are rats in B2, C4, and D1.
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