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Redclaw's Eyes of the Lich Queen

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"Oh, sure, make the petite woman carry all the supplies," Talas in a high pitched voice imitating their appointed leader. "Since Cholas seems to be worried about my eating habits, I figured you would be the one to hand out portions," he says with a grin.


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In the store, they keep poking fun at each other - it's the best way to go into a potentially deadly adventure!
"Rations are rations - even magical ones... you'd be more prone to kick the box away than to gobble up all of it, Tal!
But don't worry, we'd never curse you with this box... only with its creations."

As they walk away, Cholas announces that his next stop is at the church's grounds - "I'm going back to the Flame's Field - in the training hall I'll probably find someone already expert with demons - it's our only clue on this mission. I'll ask them for advice.
In fact... what do we know of demons?
Tal, you bookworm - any pointers?"


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There is, in fact, a Temple of the Flame. It's back near the Broken View, but you can reach it and still be back in time for the lightning rail's departure. You won't have much extra time, however.

When you arrive you find a grizzled old war veteran in a meditative trance before a shrine to the Flame. He snaps to attention as you enter, not threatening but very aware of your presence. Eh? What do you want then, lad? You here to commune with the Flame or is there aught else I can help you with?


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In fact... what do we know of demons? Tal, you bookworm - any pointers?

"Chol, you know I hate it when you call me that. I consider myself more a student, studying the different behaviors of creatures. I learn through action, not as much anymore from books. Though they do come it handy every once in a while. Let's see..."

"You're going to the Church again?" Talas rolls his eyes in obvious disgust. "You need to trust more in yourself brother, not some thing you can't feel, can't see, can't hear. Anyway, I don't need anymore supplies. I'll see you at the rail, I'm going to speak with our employer, to see if I get some more information out of him yet."

[sblock=Knowledge Planes] 17 [/sblock]
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EvolutionKB said:
"You're going to the Church again?" Talas rolls his eyes in obvious disgust. "You need to trust more in yourself brother, not some thing you can't feel, can't see, can't hear."

Alexa waggles her finger at Talas, but doesn't lecture him. "I need to write to mother and father to let them know I'll be gone for a while. I'll meet you at the rail in a couple hours."


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He rolls his eyes at his brother's comment - he'll never change. Still, he's a good brother... may he never change! - and keeps at him, an half smile forming as he shakes his head

"And that's the exact moment your smarts will come useful, for all the fun I can poke at them, Tal..."

Later, at the church - "I'm in need for advice - bordering on the spiritual kind. I'm going into battle - not for the Flame, this time, but one of my own... and there will be demons. Those, that I shall not suffer - but still, I've never fought them. I need the advice of someone who did."

[sblock=ooc]I hope I'm not confusing anyone - two conversations, in two different time-frames...[/sblock]


Bregan shrugs and wonders off in the direction of the rail. He wanted to beat their employer there. To see what people, if any, were waiting there.


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Your study of all things planar has give you the knowledge that outsiders are composed at least partially of material from some other plane (and that demons are native to the Abyss). You know that they tend to possess darkvision, that their souls and bodies are much more intertwined than other beings. Demons in particular tend to attack people for the shear joy of spreading pain and fear, and that they also enjoy tempting mortals into depravity. A subset of demon, the Tanar'ri, are immune to electricity and poison, are resistant to acid, cold and fire, are telepathic, and are able to summon more of their ilk. [/sblock]

At the temple the grizzled veteran scratches at a prominent, long-healed scar on his right arm. Aye, I've fought demons lad. And trust me, any battle where you face a demon is for the Flame. I don't have the knowledge to explain much, but I can tell you that weapons of cold iron are of more use than others, and that they are tough buggers in general. Many a time I've seen one of them things shrug off a blow or a spell that I thought would end its existence.
Good luck, lad. I'll speak to the Flame on your behalf.
With that he turns back to his meditation.


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Cold iron... just what the fletcher wanted to sell me - and I refused. And time is running short here... oh, well. It's not even sure that there are demons where we are going - raiders and tomb-thiefs sounded almost more likely...

"I'll look for cold iron arrows then. Thank you - may the Flame shine on you and this temple."
As there's no time to get to the weapons shop anyway, Cholas briefly joins the warrior-priest in meditation.
A couple minutes later, a voice inside him screaming that's getting late (the Flame or just his common sense?), he silently goes away - to quickly assemble his backpack and join the others at the rail.

Voidrunner's Codex

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