D&D 5E Regarding published editions of D&D books...


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Does anyone know where I might find a list of the D&D 5E books and how many print runs there have been of each. I'm interested in knowing specifically What the current print run is for each book and which have the corrected errata.


Believe it or not, WotC customer service could not (not unwillingly, but because they didn't know) this info.

If anyone has it, I would greatly appreciate it.

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By print run, it sounds like you want to know how many times has the book been batch printed (i.e. 15 batches of 5000 books for a total of 75000 copies sold). That info will never be released.

Do you actually want to know how many print versions of a specific book (e.g. PHB v1.00, v1.01, v1.02...)?

To identify the printers edition, look on the first page of the book somewhere near the ISBN/LoC identifiers for the "printers key". The printer will remove numbers from the key from low to high to indicate typography and textual changes that differ from first edition printings. This is how to identify a rare "first edition print" from subsequent printings. So a "first edition" will have this text
9 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 1

and the third edition printing
9 8 7 6 5 4 3

PHB - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included
MM - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included
DMG - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included
SCAG - single printing
OotA - single printing
PotA - single printing
RoT - single printing
HotDQ - single printing
CoS - single printing

I highly doubt that the adventure books will ever change print edition. SCAG maybe, but not likely until 1st quarter 2017. Good luck purchasing the edition you are seeking!

Li Shenron

PHB - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included
MM - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included
DMG - corrected 3rd printing, up to 2nd errata included

Didn't someone mention that the inclusion of errata is explicitly signalled by some text on the first page?
Because IIRC someone found 3rd print books both with and without errata...


First Post
I am looking for this exact info, not the number of copies, but the print editions. This list is not up to date however. I own the FOURTH edition of PotA as pictured. Any ideas on how to get a comprehensive, up to date list of these?


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