I feel like it is pretty common for folks to come up with solutions to known problem in TTRPGs that have already been not just thought of but implemented, sometimes for years or decades. it seems more common in the years following a spike in D&D's popularity in particular, and these days the very online nature of D&D fans and "influencers" makes this reinventing of the wheel all the more visible.
Why do you think this happens? Why do people end up solving already solved problem in TTRPGs so much, as opposed to seeking out existing solutions? Is it simply the DIY nature of TTRPGs, or is there something more driving it? Is it happening more today, or is it more visible?
What do you think?
People don't always agree on known problems, and even when they do, they often don't agree about why it's a problem.
Some house rules are very common and well known (and often become "official" rules in later editions). But most are obscure and hard to find, even with the internet and on-line searching. It really can be
quicker and easier to "reinvent the wheel" than to spend the time and effort required to track down where someone has done it before.
Rules from other systems require adaptation. House rules from the same system also generally require adaption. House rules I use in MY games are going to be custom fitted to my games - and this means any found rules will be modified, more often than not. This shifts the balance toward it being more efficient to invent rather than to search for rule fixes.
I do search for what others have done before, as part of my process for creating a problem-fixing new rule, but I've found those search results to be generally unsatisfactory. Useful ideas are out there, but ideas that can be used with little modification are rare, and solutions that can be dropped in unchanged are extremely rare.
I'd love to see easy-to-search collections of other people's house rules, even if I find, say, 100 house rules for initiative and then go on to create a 101st. I understand that the enworld forums here once had a forum for house rules, but it got shut down