Pathfinder 2E Release Day Second Edition Amazon Sales Rank

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Looks like it's just behind the D&D PHB now in #2. I don't think it will overtake it, but it's good to see people still like PF. I will always be thankful to Paizo for keeping the OGL alive, and for providing support for a system I still enjoy, even if I prefer 5e.

I'm looking forward to getting my copy today.


Book-Friend, he/him
Looks like it's just behind the D&D PHB now in #2. I don't think it will overtake it, but it's good to see people still like PF. I will always be thankful to Paizo for keeping the OGL alive, and for providing support for a system I still enjoy, even if I prefer 5e.

I'm looking forward to getting my copy today.

Yup, PF2 Core is up to 171 among all books, while the 5E PHB is at 86 for today. The Beastiary passed ahead of the Young Adventurers books to 11tg place in Fantasy Gaming.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh, snap, PF2 Core has risen to 56 in books, and taken number 1 in Fantasy Gaming, while the Beastiary pushed past Volo's Guide for number 8.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Oh, snap, PF2 Core has risen to 56 in books, and taken number 1 in Fantasy Gaming, while the Beastiary pushed past Volo's Guide for number 8.

I'm sure it's temporary, and I don't have shares in either company so their sales figures don't affect me in any way, but it's worth noting with a screenshot because it's so unusual!

Screenshot 2019-08-03 at 00.12.02.png


Eternal Optimist
I'm sure it's temporary, and I don't have shares in either company so their sales figures don't affect me in any way, but it's worth noting with a screenshot because it's so unusual!

Does Paizo have shares? :)

It's a notable moment.

Must say, the "P2" designation throws me. I keep thinking it should be PF2.



Dusty Dragon
Even though I'm more of a fan of 5e and the GLOG than pathfinder, I still think it's important that we have pathfinder in existence, as an option. The spectrum of D&D games wouldn't be complete without it IMO.

Voidrunner's Codex

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