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Committed Hero said:
Effectively I'm priced out of the market. I'd love to write espionage material for True20 (speaking of, hope you're feeling well and someday reconsider Omega Briefing).

Ah, that's not in the FAQ. I have no hard feelings about releases, and I know singling out any one company in the rpg industry for delays is - nor do I repudiate the work you did to win the prize - but I do wonder about the "head start" your books were supposed to get, since October 1 2006 has come and gone.

In fact, I'd love to know if GR has had any bites other than from the contest winners. Just to see what's happened with the idea. I would have expected Ronin Arts to have jumped in with both feet, for example.

The head start was very nice, definitely. It allowed me to get much of the grunt work done (in addition to co-writing a chapter for the upcoming T20 companion with David S Gallant), But as the writing progressed I started seeing areas that really needed more work, especially with game mechanics, which I think will be a great addition to any Fantasy true20 game.

Then came the holidays. ugh.

Long story short, I'm not happy about having the release being as late (in my opinion) as it is, but I'd rather have The first release be late than get pushed out early and be less than what I think it should be.

I know Rpgobjects has Legends of Excalibur for T20 (which I helped edit) out, and Chris Davis and I have been discussing the conversion of Darwin's World for T20.

While I won't discuss exactly what Phil Reed and Co. are doing, I know they have a bunch of stuff planned.

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Committed Hero said:
I agree with everyone that True20 is good enough to deserve a chance. I wouldn't rail against the fee if I didn't feel strongly about it. It would be great to see it thrive, but I can't help but feel that GR has hurt it's chances by attaching a price tag.

My perspective as someone who has been through this exact process twice now: things take time.

When d20 Modern was new and fresh, everyone, even WOTC, was asking "where are the 3rd party products"?

There was speculation that 3rd party publishers didn't care for the system and for a time, the only people releasing products for it were the Game Mechanics, who helped design the thing.

Of course now we look back and see that 3rd party support has been one of the BIGGEST successes for d20 Modern.

And now we're seeing the same process, at about the same pace, for True 20.

So why the lag?

Well, developers need to learn the system for one thing. And I don't mean in a "I got this sweet module and I read it last night on the plane! let's run it! yeah!"

I mean in a "what does this system NEED in the way of 3rd party support" way. That takes time.

We had the d20M rules in hand soon enough to do Blood and Space for the system. But I was 3/4 done with the manuscript and learning a new system seemed to be a recipe for an embarrassing rules gaffe.

Even then, my first book for the system, Blood and Relics first edition, was probably my weakest one.

So I understand people's impatience. We all want as many new toys that work with our new games as possible and True 20 is as awesome a toy as that Millenium Falcon I made all my friends jealous with in the 80's.

But I can assure you the license requirements GR has put in place aren't causing the delays any more than a dissatisfaction with d20 Modern caused those delays.

These things just take time. We're reading the rules, digesting them, playing them and slowly coming to grips with what we want to add to the game.


jaerdaph said:
Folks here claim to support Green Ronin and enjoy their products, but are really just screwing them over by doing this. All we are going to see is less and less OGC declaration from GR and other companies who see what is happening, and end up screwing ourselves.

Just remember that the only things GR had to include as open content are those things they used that were already open content. If they wanted to close more content, they could have done so.


jaerdaph said:
Just because you legally can publish and re-sell (or just give away) the entirety of someone else's OGC in one shot, doesn't mean that you should. Folks here claim to support Green Ronin and enjoy their products, but are really just screwing them over by doing this. All we are going to see is less and less OGC declaration from GR and other companies who see what is happening, and end up screwing ourselves.

And so it begins, looking at the one of the most restrictive OGC declarations I've ever seen from Green Ronin in True20 Wild West...


kingpaul said:
Oh? What's the declaration?

The following parts of True20 Wild West are designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: all path descriptions, all other descriptive text, all logos. All game statistics and stat blocks are Open Gaming Content, except for material previously declared Product Identity.


First Post
jaerdaph said:
And so it begins, looking at the one of the most restrictive OGC declarations I've ever seen from Green Ronin in True20 Wild West...

Yep... As opposed to the Skull & Bones OGC, which includes practically the entire book, expect for one chapter on the Carribean Islands, and a handful of historical sidebars.

Three years ago, when appraoched about making it into an SRD-style document, Chris Pramas replied, "What you suggest is a legal use of the OGL, so we couldn't stop you from doing such a thing (though you couldn't use the S&B Trademark without our permission). However, we would prefer if you didn't give away 90% of the content of one of our books on the internet. Thanks."


First Post
jaerdaph said:
The following parts of True20 Wild West are designated as Product Identity, in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: all path descriptions, all other descriptive text, all logos. All game statistics and stat blocks are Open Gaming Content, except for material previously declared Product Identity.
How is that restrictive? The PI'd material are descriptions and logos.


First Post
kingpaul said:
How is that restrictive? The PI'd material are descriptions and logos.

The concern is that a rule description isn't a game statistic. And does the name of a feat, class or ability count as a game statistic or a description? Statistics are typically numbers.

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