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renau1g's Thunderspire Labyrinth


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Vio stands and waits as the two dragonborn warriors lecture his bodyguard. His crimson painted face is impressionless as Saphalaxis looks in his direction. I still don't quite understand this one. He ignores the others, but follows my lead? Does he find me intimidating? I've never known a dragonborn to show fear. I'll have to try something next time. Once Saph leaves to have a look at the door, Vio gives a quick motion of his fingers, allowing the other two dragonborn to hear what he is about to say. "Let me try something else next time. Not orders, or maybe just not from you guys."

[sblock=ooc]Ghost sounds, whispers so only the two other dragonborn can hear.[/sblock]

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Lord Sessadore

Sargil doesn't turn look back at the wizard, but nods his agreement. If that eladrin has an idea that can get Saph to cooperate without an argument every time, I'm all ears. I'm getting tired of this, he thinks, with a mental sigh. And I hate lecturing my elders. Makes you wonder what his parents were like, feh. Probably just as lazy.

The golden dragonborn snaps out of his reverie, paying attention to the task at hand. If Saph runs into trouble, I need to be ready. No sense in lecturing him about his duty and then not performing mine, heh heh.


First Post
Patresh's shoulders stiffen at the whispered message, but he nods slightly in acceptance. It's not exactly standard procedure, he thinks to himself. The eladrin may know his magic, and he is Saph's employer, but he's no field officer. Ah well, I guess Saph isn't much of a soldier, either. Maybe it'll work.


Saph tries to see if he can hear or see anyone else in the room other than just the one hobgoblin, and he also does a scan of the gob he can see... checking out any weapons he might have, or any identifying markings, tattoos, or symbols on his person that might confirm identity or skill.

When done, he slides back to the others waiting for him and passes on the info he divined.


First Post
Saph does hear other voices in the room, besides the hobgoblin and the halfling's, at least two more from what he can make out.

The hobgoblin is carrying a heavy shield and flail and wearing sturdy scale mail. Saph doesn't notice anything else out of the ordinary about this individual.

Lord Sessadore

After listening to Saph's report, the paladin readies for combat. "So, one hobgoblin for sure, possibly 3 or more. I think it is safe to think that they will be hostile. It sounds like the halfling doesn't want to be in that kind of company." He turns his golden gaze to Patresh, inquiring, "How shall we make our entrance?"

Sargil waits patiently for the plan to be formulated. He'll get his battle either way, so he's not in any particular rush. He is in favor of himself leading the charge, of course.
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First Post

Vio once again speaking in the quiet language of Ghost sounds, "I'll open the door with mage hand, move forward and catch the creature in a cloud of daggers. The rest of you then engage as needed. Just be sure not to catch me in that nasty breath of yours. I'll keep an eye on any immediate doors to the room, making sure anything else doesn't stand long if it comes in." Vio lets loose unless the others voice disapproval.

[sblock=Graf]Can you post your character in the rogue's gallery[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]AC: 17
Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 19
HP: 34/34 Bloodied: 17
Surges: 7/day (0 used) Surge Value: 8
Basic Attack: Longsword: +4, 1d8-1
Action points: 1

Encounter Powers
Orb of imposition
Icy Terrain
Fire Shroud
Fey Step
Shield(Current utility spell prepared)

Daily Powers
Sleep(current daily spell prepared)
Healing word
Magic item power [/sblock]


Minor: Mage hand door open(less than 5 lbs of force right?)
Standard: Cloud of Daggers hob. 17 init, 11 to hit, 10 damage. 3 damage to creature that starts turn in square. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1711978/
Move: Move into room(SW corner)[/sblock]


First Post
The group approaches the doorway with as much stealth as they can muster, and get ready to charge in. Vio uses a minor cantrip to conjure a ghostly hand made of pure force which pushes the door open.

Inside the room you see a quartet of hobgoblin's carrying flails at their hips and heavy shields at their backs, the same as Saph described previously. Additionally, you see a hobgoblin wearing robes and carrying a quarterstaff beyond a group of ten-foot tall kegs. They look at you in surprise...

Vio can throw the door open in the surprise round, but you only get one action.

Yanwer - 22*
Hobby - 20
Warcaster - 18
Vio - 17
Patresh - 17*
Saph - 13*
Sargil - 6*
*Includes +2 from Combat Leader
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Wanting to get to higher ground so as to pick and choose his target... Saphalaxis rushes into the room and tries his best to scramble up the nearest keg. "Here we go again..."

OOC: For the surprise round Move action, Saph moves 4 squares forward and right... to the square just below the lower-right hand corner of the first keg. If he can, he'll use the final 2 squares of his movement to go into the "difficult terrain" of climbing on top of the keg. I'll make an Athletics or an Acrobatic stunt check as needed. If the DM does not allow that, then he'll just stay in the square before the keg.

HP: 42/42 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1
AC: 19 | F: 16 | R: 19 | W: 15

Exploits Remaining:
Piercing Strike
Riposte Strike
Safewing Amulet

Dragon Breath
Dazing Strike
Setup Strike
Master Of Deceit

Easy Target
Duelist Dagger

Bloodcut Armor

Lord Sessadore

As the door swing open, Sargil charges into the face of the nearest hobgoblin with a cry of "KORD!" as he swings his deadly sword at the overgrown goblin.

OOC: When Sargil's turn comes up in the surprise round he'll charge the nearest hobgoblin (charge gives +1 to the attack, right? charge is +1 to attack roll), ending his move in the square below him.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Charge hobgoblin 3. (1d20+11=15, 1d10+6=9) Forgot about combat advantage for surprising the hobs, so attack roll is 17.
Move: N/A (surprise round)
Minor: N/A (surprise round)[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]HP: 45/45 | Surges: 13/13 | AP: 1
AC 23 | F 18 | R 17 | W 17
Resist 5 fire, 5 necrotic, 5 poison

Holy Strike
Valiant Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands 3/3

Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity
Piercing Smite
Arcing Smite

Paladin's Judgement
Martyr's Blessing
Lightning Bastard Sword
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Voidrunner's Codex

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