Reopening Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes is so packed with material, my first review mainly focused on the lore and race options. Now we'll address the other half of the book – the bestiary.

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes is so packed with material, my first review mainly focused on the lore and race options. Now we'll address the other half of the book – the bestiary.


One of the complaints about the Monster Manual was the relative scarcity of higher level creatures, especially ones that weren't demons, devils or dragons. MToF addresses the deficit, but since only 20 creatures presents have a challenge rating of 20 or more, none of them greater than 26 and some of them previously appeared in Rage of Demons, fans of high level campaigns – or sadistic DMs – won't be fully satisfied.

That's not to say the bestiary portion is bad or insufficient. The mix of new creatures and updated monsters gives DMs a lot to work with. Let's be honest – gamers just always want more.

Which is why the bestiary entries that support the species listed in front part of MToF are so useful. Want to explore more about Drow or Duergar or the Gith or Shadar-kai culture? MToF has a variety of non-player options like Drow Inquisitors, Duergar Soulblades, Githyanki kith'rak, and Shadar-Kai Gloom Weavers provide more insight to the cultures, interesting NPCs and lethal adversaries.

Fans of older editions might enjoy Moloch, whose statue graced the cover of the Players Handbook for many years. His background entry has a variety of story hooks DMs can use. Giving him a 21 Intelligence seems odd considering how badly his schemes have failed, but arrogance and intelligence often work at cross purposes. At a +15 to hit, his Many-Tailed Whip is a formidable weapon, though I expected higher damage levels to go with it.

(Yes, technically the statue could also be described as a Sacred Statue not currently inhabited by an Eidolon. Both get stat blocks in MToF.)

One of the creepiest new monsters is the Oblex. You can discover its connection to the Make-a-Wish Foundation here.

Nagpa tie into the Raven Queen's history and are a nasty adversary that could be discovered accidentally in ancient ruins or pulling the strings behind various schemes and plots. With a 17 CR, big list of spells, corruption and paralysis abilities, your players will hate them, and you can tie a mythic thread through your campaign to the Raven Queen if you wish.

Ogres and Trolls gain more variety. The Ogre Howdah can lead to some fun tactics as the players fight it and the smaller creatures it carries around. Miniature painters can also have a lot of fun customizing that one.

The variant Trolls occur when they regenerate in an area that has encountered a vast amount of death, disease, etc. Spirit Trolls are especially tricky due to the combination of incorporeal and regeneration. If that plus Rot Trolls, Dire Trolls and Venom Trolls aren't enough options, it would be easy to come up with your own variants using these as models, though it doesn't provide an official guidance for that. Vaprak the Destroyer also gets a small sidebar to give DMs even more ideas.

Two words I never encountered before are “Drow constructs,” and the Retriever is a scary prospect. Designed to capture demons, it's a daunting opponent, and its sleek, spidery appearance is both awesome and nightmare inducing.

Speaking of constructs, the Iron Cobra gets an update with really nice artwork (though I've consistently enjoyed the art style used in this edition). Additionally it, the Bronze Scout, Oaken Bolter and Stone Defender have charts for Clockwork Enchantments and and Clockwork Malfunctions that can be used to customize them or other constructs.

For a more difficult challenge, there are also the Steel Predator. While they originate in Sigil, the entry provides ideas for justifying a rogue Predator. Between its immunities, resistance, and attacks, it's a fearsome creature that never needs to rest or eat.

Tortles make it into MToF but, like the Giff, only as stat block creatures, not playable races. I've already had players ask me to allow them as PC races, and I'm sure I'm not the only DM hearing that. Tortles are rather adorable, and they do start at a low enough CR to make adapting to a player race easy.

If you like eldritch horror and elder evil, the Star Spawn are very useful. Star Spawn Grue are a weak challenge that could hint at things to come as you gradually introduce the more powerful Star Spawn Seers, Hulks, Larva Mages, and Manglers. As heralds, servants and soldiers of ancient evil, they could be worked into various conspiracies with multiple double crosses if you pair them with other evil factions.

D&D fans eager for a return of the classic settings have been trying to read the tea leaves to guess which one will follow the well-received Ravenloft revival, Curse of Strahd. MToF doesn't make it easy. It has an obvious interest in planar conflict and creatures, especially the Marut, that might hint at a Sigil-based adventure coming next, but as Mike Mearls recently pointed out, Spelljammer ships don't fly through space. They move between planes. References to Dark Sun and Dragonlance (Kender!) will likely encourage fans of those settings, too. Only time will tell which guess is right. I'm hoping for Planescape since that makes adding the other settings easy from a story perspective.

No D&D supplement will ever please everyone, especially one containing a bestiary. There's always a demand for more monsters than were provided or more of a different type of monster or a different level, etc. That said, MToF hits the sweet spot of providing enough lore, creatures with stat blocks, DM inspiration and player options to make it a useful purchase for players and DMs. As much as I liked Xanathar's Guide to Everything, I'll probably use MToF far more, regardless of which side of the DM screen I am on.

contributed by Beth Rimmels

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I'm enjoying the book, both the art and text a great deal. The only book 5e book that was a bit disappointed in and could have done without is Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, but even that wasn't as bad as some complained. MToF is a solid book and one I expect to get a lot of use out of.

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@MonsterEnvy I don't suppose you happen to know why those weren't included? Quality-wise it's on par compared to some of the other illustrations, but I could see the direction being too similar to Ghouls - that would be my issue with them.

They were created around the time of the Monster Manual and did not make the cut there. (The Atropal was a similar thing though it was eventually included.) While normally I would think they could not fit it in given the space they had in the book. They featured two double page spreads that could have been used for monsters and their art.
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New Publisher
I have enjoyed it so far. I get that not everyone will like all the lore, but for the most part, I'm a fan of what I've read so far. Still confused by the hitpoints of some of the arch devils....compared to the drow.....

Greg K

The only interest the book would have had for me is if it had all the 1e Demon Princes (and other Demon Lords) and Arch-Devils (and Dukes and Duchesses) from the 1e Monster Manual, 1e Monster Manual 2, 1e Fiend Folio, S4, and T1-T4. I heard it does not so it is a pass.

The only interest the book would have had for me is if it had all the 1e Demon Princes (and other Demon Lords) and Arch-Devils (and Dukes and Duchesses) from the 1e Monster Manual, 1e Monster Manual 2, 1e Fiend Folio, S4, and T1-T4. I heard it does not so it is a pass.

It has most of them from the Monster Manual 2 and a few from 1. And the one from T1 to 4.

After reading the book at a friend, I canceled my amazon shipping exactly because of that reason. I'm someone who use as much the lore as the art to spark new ideas. Having many creatures lack art or having a lot of reprinted art hurt the book IMO. I also have a specific artist that I cant help but to hate its work and everytime I see its design my love for a book decreases. Compared to Volo's with the great lair maps and all, its hard to justify buying it for me. I'll use the book ''on demand'' with a friend Beyond account, and I'll skip it for my personal collection.

It isn't that bad - only a handful of stat blocks went without illustrations. For the ogres and drow, it's not too big of a deal, as there's nothing exceptionally unique in those that are missing (even the arachnomancer just turns into a big spider). Even many of the missing duergar ones would just be a variation on the same duergar theme. The ones that do really stand out as being problems missing are the duergar/construct hybrids, the star spawn, and the molydeus, as they are far more unique and would definitely benefit from having a visual component - and in the case of the last, there are plenty of previous edition illustrations that can be used (as annoying as having to search one down instead of having it in the book may be). But for me, missing art on a few stat blocks is a minor blemish on what otherwise is pretty awesome book...

The only interest the book would have had for me is if it had all the 1e Demon Princes (and other Demon Lords) and Arch-Devils (and Dukes and Duchesses) from the 1e Monster Manual, 1e Monster Manual 2, 1e Fiend Folio, S4, and T1-T4. I heard it does not so it is a pass.

It has 12 of the 24 (if I'm counting the 1e sources correctly), so exactly 50% Out of curiosity, what percentage would have satisfied you? After all, even the MM2 only had 14 of the 24...

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
It isn't that bad - only a handful of stat blocks went without illustrations. For the ogres and drow, it's not too big of a deal, as there's nothing exceptionally unique in those that are missing (even the arachnomancer just turns into a big spider). Even many of the missing duergar ones would just be a variation on the same duergar theme. The ones that do really stand out as being problems missing are the duergar/construct hybrids, the star spawn, and the molydeus, as they are far more unique and would definitely benefit from having a visual component - and in the case of the last, there are plenty of previous edition illustrations that can be used (as annoying as having to search one down instead of having it in the book may be). But for me, missing art on a few stat blocks is a minor blemish on what otherwise is pretty awesome book...

Oh, I agree the missing art is a big deal, but to me it add to some other things that made me change my mind about the necessity of having as hardcover in my collection. I dont play a lot of planar adventures because I tend to use AP instead of going homebrew; I like to change the type of enemy in the AP to another, but more for low impact creatures (Goblin to Xvart, Orc to Darkling etc). Since I own all APs, I already have some of the most iconic (to me) creatures already while the others, high CR monsters are less useful to me. The Lore section is interesting, but I already took the parts I liked the most on Beyond and added it to my version of FR, so the rest would not be as useful, unless I change my mind and desire to add some other stuff later on.

Its as good content but is not really interesting for my table and the lack of art (or the quality of some of it) make it less fun for me to own as a ''reading book''.


I'm sure halflings or gnomes are intended here, but I feel like we could use an entry on the "totally not gelflings" as well to go with the nagpa!

A gelfling is clearly a mix of a gnome, an elf, and a halfling.

Also, the Dark Crystal is out on 4k/HDR and looks gorgeous for people that want to revisit some great puppetry.

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