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[RERECRUITING] Clockwork, Steam & Sorcery


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Some info on the setting:


The Orcs came suddenly from the south, innumerable, like a plague of locusts. Devourers they were, pillaging and taking what they wished. Their new leader was young and ambitious, and after organizing and uniting the Dhrogra Jungle tribes into a great Empire, coveted the lands of his neighbours.

At first the advancing hordes drew little concern. Orcs had, periodically throughout history, ridden north into the Trandal plains, only to be easily broken against the shields of the kingdom of Marguard. The invaders were undisciplined and quickly lost morale against the stalwart defenders, trained to fight in the mountain passes that were their home.

But this Emperor was wily, and he used subterfuge and tactics never employed before by his kin. In this way was he able to invest and capture the Marguardin outpost of Thanuledge. From there, he used it as a staging ground for the enslavement and pillaging of the Free Countries.

From Thanuledge, the Emperor overran several countries, and it seemed as if the flow of savage orc bands from the south would not staunch. The dwarves of Grimdale were the first to fall after the defeat of Marguard. The battle of Deepthane was a pivotal loss, and many Dwarven and Gnomish folk were displaced into the northern lands in the following years, fleeing the orcish purges.

The orcs were trained for warcraft, and in the black arts; and they called upon unknown, depraved deities. They had command of fearsome fiends and wicked cruel dragons ready to mete out destruction and death wherever they went.

The coming years threw the Trandal plains in to chaos. Silverwood, home of the Elven lords, was set to flame. Halfling burrows became tombs. These were dark days indeed for the northern nations of Camos, Heneleh, Portos and Yarth. For twenty years, war raged in this corner of the world.

And then King Asmus of Camos came to power. It was he who set forth a treaty, forming the alliance of the Northern league. The four human nations, Silverwood and Grimdale came together. Sharing their resources and knowledge kept each individual kingdom alive, even as the War ate ever away at their borders. In desperation, the nascent league turned to its scholars and academics, its wizards and sages, to divine a way to defeat the inhuman foe they faced. The wise men came back with a force they named technology.

Combining ancient Dwarven & Gnomish lore with human know-how, the league outfitted itself with iron weapons that spit fire, mighty clockwork constructs and steam-powered engines of war. For the first time, the humans and their allies could say that they were on the offensive. It would take another ten years of blood, but the Northern leagues drove back the hordes at the battle of Blackwood Plain, where the orcish Emperor was slain and the orcs pushed back into the jungles once and for all.

Thirty years have passed, and a rebuilt Marguard watches the southern passes again, vigilant for the orcs once more.

The current member nations of the League are Camos, Portos, Heneleh, Yarth, Marguard, Grimdale and Silverwood.

Camos is the wealthiest of the nations, being least effected by the Invasion. It lies in the Trandal Plains, between the Unbroken Sea to the west and Portos to the east. It is ruled wisely by King Asmus and his Royal council. The capitol of Camos is Arcosia, which is the city the campaign will begin in.

Marguard has slowly rebuilt its southern mountain kingdom. These militant humans share their mountain home with the Dwarves of Grimdale, who are located more northerly.

There are numerous small cults, but these are the generally worshipped deities:

Humans used to have a wide-ranging pantheon, but most of the gods have become relegated to minor saint-like roles, and only three are emphasized. ORMA the father, ARCOS the goddess of creativity and ISAME the healer.

Elves tend to worship the deific representation of the Wild, NATURE. They rarely have clerics, and are more likely to have druids serving as spiritual leaders and defenders of the faith. They also worship many lesser spirits.

More to come...

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First Post
Random musings...

The people I have down who are interested in playing are:

Jemal, Krug, Chauzu, Sixchan, arwel, Uriel_fire_of_Heaven and Argent. Feel free to ask any questions you need answered and to begin throwing character concepts at me.

All of your characters will be students at the most prestigious school in the realm, so you will most likely come from a wealthy, noble (even possibly royal) family. If not, you will have a patron. Please detail this as part of your background.

My intention is to run a game that is weighted more towards roleplay, but there will be chances for action. But I'd also like some political machinations, explorations and/or character development if possible.

And keeping with those facts, along with your major, I'd also like the title of your thesis :D
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
I'm still working him up but I'm playing Forge Ironsong. He is the son of one of the Dwarves who worked on the Technology project that saved the kingdoms.
His major is in Technomancy: The fusion of magic and technology.
His thesis is about "the societal changes brought about by the miracle of steam technology."
Forge is a mage/ Enchanter specialist (bared school is illusion)
(he wants to be a unban planner like his grandfather who was instrumental in rebuilding of Grimdale.)
One question. have you taken into consideration that many of the non-humans will have lived through the war? Forge would have been there for the war, or at least for the last 47 years of it. (47 is the youngest a dwarf mage can be acording to the PHB) Or doesn't that matter?


First Post
I'm not too picky on the starting age as long as it's loosely in the ballpark. Remember that even if your Dwarf starts at 47, the Invasion happened 30 years ago... he would only have been a child and therefore noncombatant for the most part.

The only problem I'd have would be with elves, which start at 110! That really blows my sense of disbelief. Sure, elves take everything in their own time, but they're not so slow that it takes them a human's lifetime to go through university.

In this campaign, elves are physically children until age 25. They go through adolescence for another 30 years, and so reach young adulthood around 55. Which means even if an elf starts at 55, he or she was the equivalent of a 10 year old during the Invasion. Needless to say, I don't expect many of the school's current students to have fought in the war. Being alive during it, now that's quite alright.

By the way Argent, I like what you've come up with so far.
Krug, feel free to flesh out Linda further.

Also, I've decided to drop the point buy to 28, upon further reflection. I will change the initial post to reflect this.
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The self-proclaimed "Greatest Thief in the World", Larina Vilardy is the daughter of the rich but not-so-noble Arind Vilardy, one of the most important persons in the Arcosian Thieves' Guild.
She has Majored in Covert Operations, and her thesis was "What's that over there? Escaping an area after discovery".
Larina is, unsurprisingly, a rogue.
If she didn't think she was already, her goal would be to become the greatest thief in the World.


First Post
Phowett Tilverton
Male Human Psion
His major is Clairsentience: powers that reveal information.
His thesis is that “the cure lies within ourselves”
He was born with terrible eyes. His father, one of the head clerics and leading doctor in town tried his best to heal his son, but could not. He was the first semi-blind man to enter his school of psionics, and believes that psionics will cure him from his blindness.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Forge Ironsong

Mage/Enchanter level 1 Lawful Good
(Opposed school: Illusion)
Dwarf. Age: 47 Weight 140lbs Eyes: Light Brown Hair: Brown
Strength: 10 Dex: 13 Con: 12 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 9
Hit Points: 8 Ref: +1, Fort: +1, Will: +2 BAB: 0

1) Toughness
2) Scribe Scroll (bonus)
3) Familiar: Owl (Class Ability)

Class Skills
1) Knowledge Arcana: 4/+8
2) Knowledge History: 4/+8
3) Knowledge Steam technology: 4/+8
4) Concentration: 4/+8
5) Spellcraft: 4/+8
6) Knowledge Technomacy: 4/+8

Spell Book:
0 level: all but Illusion
1st level: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Magic Missile, Tenser’s floating Disk, Identify, Feather Fall, and Sleep.

Gears: his owl familiar:
Tiny Magical Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
AC: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +5 to hit, 1d2-2 damage
Face/Reach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +14, Move Silently +20, Spot +6*
Skills: Owls receive a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks, and a +14 to Move Silently checks. *They receive a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks in dusk and darkness.
Feats: Weapon Finesse (claws)

Familiar attributes:
Grants Forge: Alertness, Low-light Vision, +2 to move silently checks.
Improved Evasion
Share spells
Empathic Link

Forge's equipment:
Back pack
Water Skin
Bed roll
Light Crossbow
quiver of bolts 10 bolts
Spell comp pouch
Scroll cases
Spell book
sacks 2
Belt pouch
Explorers' outfit
Artisans' outfit
Rations 2 days
Sunrods 10
Tindertwigs 10
8 gold 7 silver left over. (spent 2gp on beer at the dwarven Inn.)
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First Post
Rogue Level 1 Chaotic Good
Human, Age 16, Weight 170lb, Height 5' 6", Eyes Blue, Hair Black
Str:10 Dex:16 Con:10 Int:14 Wis:10 Cha:14
HP: 6 Fort:+0 Ref:+5 Will:+0 BAB:+0 AC:15

Weapon Finesse (Rapier)

Disable Device 4/+6
Escape Artist 4/+7
Bluff 4/+6
Disguise 4/+6
Hide 4/+7
Move Silently 4/+7
Open Lock 4/+7
Diplomacy 4/+6
Use Rope 4/+7
Climb 4/+4
Spot 4/+4

Leather Armour
Thieves' Tools, Masterwork

Gold: 70GP

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First Post
Phowett Tilverton
1st level Male Human Psion (Clairsentience)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 23
Height: 5’9’’
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Tan

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 15 (+2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

HP: 6
AC: 10
Initiative: 0
Base Attack Bonus: 0
HD: d4

Reflex: 0
Fortitude: 0
Will: 2

Melee Attack Bonus: 0
Ranged Attack Bonus: 0

Concentration 4
Gather Information 2
Intuit Direction 1
Knowledge (Psionics) 4
Listen 4
Psicraft 1
Remote View 4
Sense Motive 2
Scry 1

Enlarge power
Inner Strength

Powers Known:
Know Direction
Detect Psionics
Know Location

Walking Cane (Quarterstaff)
two day's trail rations
Hooded Lantern
5 pints of oil
164 gp
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Living EN World Judge
MECHANIST (I left out all of the flavor text, though I can post it later if you want).

LEVEL BaB Fort Ref Will Special

1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Bonus Feat Jury-rig,Guerilla Repair,Minor Upgrade

2 +1 +0 +0 +3 1st favored tech, Sabotage

3 +1 +1 +1 +3
4 +2 +1 +1 +4
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Moderate Upgrade
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat,2nd Favored Tech
7 +3 +2 +2 +5
8 +4 +2 +2 +6
9 +4 +3 +3 +6
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 3rd Favored Tech,Major Upgrade
11 +5 +3 +3 +7 Bonus Feat
12 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
13 +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
14 +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 4th Favored tech
15 +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Extraordinary Upgrade
16 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Bonus Feat
17 +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 5th Favored tech
19 +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20 +10/5 +6 +6 +12 Masterful Upgrade

Class Skills: Appraise,Concentration,Craft,Cryptography,Demolitions,Disable device,Freefall,Knowledge (all science/tech),Open Lock,Pilot,Profession,Repair,Research,Search,Use Device.
Skill Points 8+Int X4@ 1st
8+Int/Level thereafter.
Hit Die:D6
Prof with all light armor & simple weapons.

Bonus Feats: These are almost all Sci-Fi related<Zero G movement etc..., one 'Gearhead' might still be useful:Gearhead-+2 to all Use Device and Repair Checks.You could add others, as you see fit.
Mechanists can detect and remove traps as a Rogue.

Favored Techs: Select a Tech type (lots of High tech, but I assume you are using forearms, and some Engineering rules.clockwork etc...)
+1 to Craft,Demolitions,Disable Device,Repair,USe Device. Firearms, Melee Weapons,Machines,Watercraft,Traps,Robots (clockwork ones?), some others very high Tech oriented.

Jury-Rig: Slap together bits and pieces to Repair objects,machines, other Tech areas//Can not 'take 10 or take 20' on the roll. Malfunctions based on Iten taking damage or the user rolling a '1' etc...

Guerilla Repair:More 'on the run' than Jury-Rig. A Quick fix, requires a touch attack, Mechanist kicks, slaps, oils, etc...the item. Item works for 3D6 rounds plus Mechanist's Class Level.No repair roll needed.Can't restore lost HP to an object.

Sabotage:Can cause non-magical, technological device to malfunction. Standard Action,Touch Attack,Disable Device Check (DC20), if successful, device stops working.Represents pulling wires, holing a crucial pan,fuel compartment, hinge etc...
Does 1D8+1/Mech Level against Constructs.

Upgrade: Always tinkering with things,Mechanists seek to 'Improve' everything that they touch.
Minor:+1 bonus on attacks, skill rolls etc...or improve a Constructs move by 5'.DC 15 Costs the Mechanist 10% of the Device/Items cost in GP.
Moderate: As above, +2/10' DC 20/15% Cost.
Major:As above +3,+15' move DC25/20% Cost.
Extraordinary: +4, +20' Move DC 30/25% Cost.
Masterful: +5, +25', DC35/30% Cost.

That's the Basic Stuff...hope you like them.
I'll be a Gnome...since I'm a Gnomoholic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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