D&D (2024) Rests should be dropped. Stop conflating survival mechanics with resource recovery.

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How would you recover mana?

Perhaps when you rest?
I think the mana concept is a failure that takes a system built for that kind of thing. Having played some I can say it has a very different feel that doesn't work for d&d... the rest mechanics in 5e are way too deep into the territory of making sure that a failed rest will ultimately failsafe to the point that it becomes implausible for it to failsecure that might lead to the group considering the rest out of reach now/here.


Potions, like literally any other RPG that isn't stuck in this useless tradition.

Potions are a resource that removes all negotiating and negates any verisimilitude problems. If players want to spend their resources willy nilly they should be able to, and the GM should be empowered to keep the fight up because the difficulty shouldn't even be tied to whether or not they've had a potion anyway.
hell no, this must be among the worst ideas I have heard on this topic. Chuck down a potion and move on, what is that, liquid cocaine?

No, long rest for resource recovery, short rest for healing only, done.


To be fair. You could use milestones. Recover X after so many battles.

Not very verisimilitude, but functional.
But not really, as players want things in every battle. Not like one out of ten.

Lower the number of abilities and have them recover with a 5-minute short rest. Keeps rests. Players get to use all their toys. And the designers can actually balance the game. So many problems solved.
A five minute rest? Just make abilities at will then.


I'd say just make them a check of some sort based on the class pre-requisite ability. Roll a d20, if the check succeeds then the player/character can use the ability if the check fails then the ability doesnt work that round.

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