• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

"Retake the Island" - Concluded!

Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-eight, “Tunnel Battle“ , August 9th, 1018, 8:00 A,M.

Back at the peninsula by the harbor, Immy investigates the tower, hearing two male voices in the room at the top. He decides to return to the tavern, the hike back taking him nearly two hours due to the weather.

At Fiona’s house, the group of Aradyn, Blake, Blip, Cassie, Fiona, Fiona Sea Castle, Freyland, Guice, Isaiah, Jaime, Jerry, Kharole, Kruk, Lannon, Lono, Luekia, Mark, Mojo, Narg, Razou, Timothy & Vincenzo decide to head to the cave tunnel to the city, to set up an ambush for the enemies. They head off, traveling on foot to the cave entrance, and make their way to a central point in the tunnel.

Luekia is given one of each of the blue, red, turquoise, and pink colored flares, and continues on towards the city. Upon reaching the city she starts moving around the city, launching flares from different spots. She sends up the four flares, included both the turquoise and red squadrons. Unfortunately this does not occur until after the enemies have already entered the cave, who therefore are unaware that their teams have now officially surrendered. One positive consequence of this action, is that it gets Serita's attention, who flies out into the city to find out what is going on (still in Faerie Dragon form). She soon runs into Luekia, and the two of them exchange information (which goes by really fast, as both characters belong to the same player so the DM does not require her to talk to herself).

The monsters begin moving through the cave in six groups of approximately ten-to-twelve per group; each group spaced about 100 feet apart from the next. The party waits until the first group has passed a cave where most of the thieves are hiding, and are between two caves with groups of primarily fighters before they let lose with a pair of fireballs into the first set of monsters.

The fireballs drop all of the hobgoblins with this group, and the group's leader, the armored centaur, rides back to the next group of monsters, which is comprised of bugbears. Again, a party fireball hits part of this group, dropping most of them. The armored centaur survives, but is seriously wounded. The only surviving bugbear, apparently this group's leader, starts to help the centaur back. Blake moves forward with his Boots of Speed, and backstabs the centaur, killing him. The bugbear starts to retreat, but Blake manages to drop him.

Lannon then sees the next group of monsters, comprised of the elephant footed giants and the enemy female mage Gina, who all start to rush forward. Lannon decides that taking them on alone probably is not the best strategy, and lets loose one of his lime green signal flares into them. This has the desired effect, striking one giant in the center of his chest and dropping him, with the fireworks raining down upon all of the rest. Lannon and Blake manage to dodge a few stray fireworks that make their way back to where he is standing. The party moves forward, seeing that the group of giants is retreating, with two helping the severely wounded one along.

The monsters are soon out of sight. Narg curses that the ambush did not work as expected, as the others are getting away. It is pointed out that the party could still teleport, and meet them at the cave mouth. "Great, hurry up" says Narg, as they fill the two bags of holding with those closest to him, comprised of primarily of fighters and mages of the party, namely Aradyn, Cassie, Fiona, Fiona Sea Castle, Freyland, Guice, Jaime, Jerry, Kharole, Kruk, Mark, Mojo, Narg, & Timothy. They leave behind most of the clerics and thieves to "clean up", namely Blake, Blip, Isaiah, Lannon, Lono, Razou, & Vincenzo. Luekia and Serita soon join the "clean up" crew.

The forward group sets up by a turn in the cave about two hundred feet into the cave, and wait. They do not have to wait long until the first group of retreating enemies arrive, consisting of bugbears. Rather than attack at a distance, the party hides and wait for the enemy to reach them and engage in melee, which takes longer than anyone would have anticipated, but proves successful, without any party casualties. As the last bugbears fall, the next enemy group, comprised of elephant-footed giants, reaches them. The fighters again enter into melee, with only minor spell-caster support, as they are saving their main spells for the enemy adventurers.

Aradyn and Mojo both discover the hard way that being kicked by elephant-style feet is not pleasant, as they are sent sailing back into the tunnel wall. The others intensify their attacks, being careful to avoid being kicked or stepped on. It takes a while, but the giants fall, and no more enemies are encountered. The party realizes that they still have not engaged the enemy adventurers, or encountered the other group of giants that Lannon wounded with the flare, and that these enemies are sandwiched between the two groups. They cautiously proceed forward through the caves.

A third of a mile further back in the tunnel, the others are less-cautiously making their way towards through the caves, trying to catch up with the others, with Lono and Lannon making disparaging remarks about being left behind. This makes them "sitting ducks" for a fifty-four-point fireball, which strikes and cuts down several of them, including Blip, Lannon, Isaiah, Lono and Razou.

Most make their saves, with Lono reduced to the negatives, but soon brought back up by Vincenzo, who comments about having missed a fireball for a change. Serita and Blip managed to keep the enemy mage at bay, with him retreating down a side passageway. Vincenzo checks Razou, reporting the sad news to the party that he is dead.

Meanwhile, outside on the mountain around a quarter mile to the east, a pair of enemies choose not to enter the cave with the others. They instead had reach what they hope to be a place of safety to wait out the storm in, namely a cave entrance into the side of the mountain. This cave turns out to be Lannon's home, and he had trapped it against intrusion prior to heading off to the Cantage Lordholding the previous week.

The two enemy fighters make their way in, encountering traps at each doorway along the way. By the time they reach the first large room, which is actually only his front hallway, they have each taken about twenty points of damage. Although this room has doors going further into the building, the two evaluate that since they are now out of the direct path of storm and now in a room with chairs, a fireplace and pile of dry firewood that this is as far as they are willing to go.

Back in the tunnel, the forward party reaches a group of fourteen bugbears. They are armed with twelve-foot long spears, and use the narrow confines of the tunnel to their advantage by establishing tight formation projecting outward a wall of spears. Rather than letting one of the spellcasters take care of this. Narg further exhibits his low wisdom by mounting a charge, with several of his fighter comrades following right behind. A rather lengthy battle follows, as the spear wall is not easily penetrated, and whenever a break in the wall appears it is quickly filled in by the bugbear behind. Lannon’s player, a highland games participant, makes a comment "where did bugbears learn Scottish battle tactics?". The DM replies "Some of them must have listened to your demo at the last highland games."

Only about half of the bugbears have been defeated when the next group of enemies arrive, comprised of the wounded group of giants and two enemy adventurers. The party spellcasters let loose multiple fireballs into the giants once they are in range, as Narg organizes his fighters into a screaming charge. The first of the giants reach the remaining bugbears, who all move aside, willing to oblige in moving out of the way to the side wall to let the giants pass.

The fighters engage the giants in hand-to-hand combat, supported by arrow fire from Aradyn and Jaime. Mojo and Kruk discover that the giants make great targets for their hammers. One enemy adventurer and the most wounded giants are brought down by the next fireball, a twelve-dice blast from Cassie's crown. The forward human enemy, apparently a cleric, casts a hold person spell that freezes Timothy and Fiona Sea Castle, but the others soon break them free. Narg reaches the cleric, and knocks him unconscious. The six bugbears along the wall do not hesitate to surrender.

A quarter-of a mile away in the tunnel, the other group is ambushed by the other high-level enemy mage, who tosses a lightning bolt that strikes Lannon and Vincenzo, who both make their saves. Lannon, Lono and Serita charge at him, running into a Wall of Force that had been thrown up by a wand held by the enemy low-level mage Gina (who, in spite of being only fourth level, is now engaging the party in battle for the third time). Blake is the only member of the party trapped on the enemy side of the Wall of Force, as he had been invisibly scouting ahead. He moves towards the Mage.

Having just seen two previously invisible enemies appear after casting magic at them, Blip decides to use her Detect Invisibility spell to check for more. This move immediately earns her the "Most Valuable Player" award for the night, as the other invisible mage had made his way past Vincenzo, and was moving into position to throw another fourteen-dice fireball into the group comprised of Blip, Isaiah, Lannon, Lono, Luekia and Serita. This would have probably killed at least three of them. Blip lets loose missiles into this mage, striking him, and giving Vincenzo a general direction in which to cast a Dispel Magic spell. The enemy mage has a Haste spell going, and is able to get out the range of Vincenzo's spell, and heads back down the side passageway he had come out from.

While this is going on, Blake attempts to backstab the mage, and misses, becoming visible. He manages to get invisible again, and apparently neither mage have Detect Invisibility with them, so don't know exactly where the halfling went to. They move in close, using the wall of force to protect their backs.

Blake moves in again to attack. Blake manages to strike the mage, becoming visible again. Blip looks back over, and yells out a warning to Blake of an invisible swordsman who is about to attack him, the warning being enough for him to duck and miss the attack, Blake moves back. The lead mage gathers his allies around, and the three then teleport away. Blip cannot detect any more foes, so the party decides to set up guard by the passageway that the other mage had gone down until the others arrive, as the distant battle noises have ceased.

The others soon arrive, for a reunited party. Narg and Mojo lead a group down this passageway after the mage. They see him in the distance, and start to charge at him, becoming recipients to another massive fireball of his. As this does not stop them, the mage panics and teleports away.

A debate ensues as to whether or not to resurrect Razou. The group has significant concerns that, since his religion considers death final, he would be opposed to this, and might commit suicide if they did bring him back. Lannon suggests that “We should just do it, he probably won’t know anyway.” Narg interjects “Of course he won’t, he’s human, they’re dumb as bricks…” then noticing the looks angry looks he is getting from the humans around him, amends the comment to “I mean only the humans who are high on drugs, really, I did.” Serita adds “Narg, your eight wisdom is showing again.”

They suggest maybe asking Razou Sea Castle what they should do about Razou. Fiona Sea Castle expresses her desire for the party to not tell her Razou anything. She goes on to explain how her Razou has a theory, that by them being present on the world it will bring about the death of their counterparts, as the same person cannot exist somewhere twice. She points out that since their arrival both the Flashis and Milo of this world had each once died, and now Razou, so this would further support his theory, which she does not necessarily agree with.

The group heads through the tunnels towards the city. The lake and marsh have overflowed their banks, with several inches of water now covering the eastern third of the city. The group realizes that if the rising water hits Alton’s house, with its permanent electric lines to the planet’s core, the electricity would probably electrocute those in the city. They head immediately to the southern building where Alton, Dennismore and Vallessa are being held.

The group undertakes negotiations with the enemy leader Barthrock. First they try to convince him to let all hostages go, referencing all of the flares that were sent up. Barthrock points out that the White team's flare still has not gone up yet. Narg and Serita tell him of defeating most of the White team in the cave on Southpoint Island. "Most isn't all. Until that while flare goes up, we still hold the hostages." They then make an appeal for him to at least release Alton, by explaining the danger from the electricity at Alton’s home, which only he knows how to shut down.

After conferring with his colleagues, Barthrock agrees to a prisoner exchange, with Jerry agreeing to take Alton’s place. Alton is carried out, and given a Neutralize Poison to bring him back to consciousness. After being unconscious for four days, he is rather incoherent. Narg says, “Let me talk to him, I speak hangover.”. Cassie points out that Alton's problem is actually the exact opposite, as he has had no booze or drugs in his system in four days, and that spell would have negated any remaining effects from before. His system is therefore "clean" for the first time in decades, which is throwing him off. Fortunately, they know where a fridge full of cold beer is to soon solve this problem.

Once back at Alton’s home, and after he gets some food and beverage into him, they explain the situation. He says he has actually never bothered to figure out where the electricity power source was but should be able to figure it out. He boots up the computer, and begins to look for information about the power supply for his building. [Editors Note: You can tell that we’re now in the “information age” when one of the main action points for the climax of an epic module involves medieval fantasy characters using a computer search engine to solve their problems.]

The search results in blueprints of his house, showing the power junction box located below a floorboard near the central support beam. A quick search reveals the specific board, which has been nailed down. Using their thieves' tools, Blake and Lannon soon have the nails out and remove the board. Alton identifies four labeled power switches. Two are labeled 110 and 220, and are in the “on” position. He accurately concludes that the 110 powers the computer and small appliances, with the 220 powering the fridge. He shuts them off, and then shuts down the main power switch circuit leading to the junction box.

Cassie asks Alton about the other two switches that were in the “off” position. He tells her that one is labeled “440”, probably to power some futuristic appliance of Vaughn, and that the final was labeled “816,000”, most likely for powering Vaughn’s space ship. Alton advises the party to “Never touch that one.”

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Silver Moon

Chapter Thirty-nine, “The Hurricane Arrives”, August 9th, 1018

The group debates what to do next, deciding again to split the party, and send a team to mount a rescue of Beulla, Furynick and Silas. Narg points out that, with the power now off, the beer in the refrigerator will go bad, so he and several of his allies decide to consume them before that happens.

A sizeable group of unknown humanoids are seen emerging from the cave tunnel and heading into the city. The party sets up an ambush, eventually counting twelve, including two larger than man-sized. As this group gets closer, they are able to identify them as the combined group of Immy and his team of ships crew with the Sea Castle Adventurers and Second Mate Hans. They quickly wave them over to join the party at Alton’s house, which is now becoming rather crowded, although most of the new people are more than happy to assist Narg in emptying the fridge.

Serita and Cassie complain that it is getting too loud to think, so Narg leads the group with the beer next door to his house. Those that remain strategize about what druidic, clerical and magic user spells would world to help reduce the severity of the incoming storm. They conclude that they can do much to reduce the storms impact over a fair potion of the island, and designate themselves as the Weather Assault Team, the acronym being WAT, which leads to a “who’s on first” type routine with WAT being confused with the word "What". The WAT is comprised of Alton, Aurora, Blip, Cassie, Fiona, Isaiah, Serita and Vincenzo.

Narg, on the other hand, could care less about weather control and wants to lead an assault directly against the known enemies on Southpoint Island. Several party members question the wisdom of splitting the party, as there will be time to lead such an assault following the storm. None can argue, however, with Narg’s point that the enemies will not be expecting an attack during the height of the storm, so surprise would be on their side. He also points out that it will probably be best to hit these powerful villains at a different time than the attack on Morgarth himself, which again people tend to agree with.

When discussing exactly how they will get to the Southpoint Island, Torvald points out that his Viking longboat is currently located on the southeastern tip of Silver Moon Island. The group decides to use that, but opts to bring Flashis with them rather than Torvard from the SeaCastle team, due to his dwarven resistance to magic as well as taking less space in a bag of holding (if necessary)

It is decided that a second team, dubbed the Overland Assault Team (followed by a few puns about the acronym OAT) will go to hit the villains on Southpoint Island. Fiona Sea Castle points out that her "Control Weather" spell will not cover the entire island, but should cover about a quarter of it. The party decides for her to cast it in a triangular range, the two main corners being the city and school, with the third running as far to the south as possible to provide cover to the OAT. They decide that since the height of the storm will be approximately 10:00 P.M., and since the Control Weather has a variable range of duration, for her to start it at 5:00 P.M.

The OAT group decides to get a few hours rest, and set out so that they will be at the mountainside entrance to the tunnel by 5:00 PM when the Control Weather starts. The WAT plans to be at the southwestern tip of the island at that point. The OAT is comprised of Aradyn, Blake, Flashis, Freyland, Guice, Jaime, Kharole, Kruk, Lannon, Lono, Luekia, Mark, Mojo & Narg.

The WAT initially bring with them all three bags of holding, one with the group the other two full of metal (primarily the slagged jeep plus armor and weapon from the defeated hobgoblins).
At 5:00 P.M. Fiona Sea Castle casts the Control Weather scroll. Back at the school, Vincenzo Junior has been praying to one of his deities, the Wind and Weather god, and takes full credit for the calming effect of the storm. Blip uses the calmer, but still strong, winds to her advantage to quickly fly her broom to the southwest, and the other team heads down the storm-drenched mountainside. Both groups make good time.

Blip does well while within the control weather, but has to land about a mile off from their planned destination once beyond that, as the winds outside of the control weather send her too far westward, and she does not want to risk fighting the storm over the ocean. She lets the others out of the bag of holding, and they walk the remaining mile, setting up near a now-submerged sandbar heading out on the southwestern-most tip of the island. The clerics use Lower Water spells to make it out onto the sandbar, where they dump the metal contents of the bags. Aurora then takes the bags of holding, and teleports to the Viking longboat, to await the arrival of the other group.

Meanwhile, with the WAT, the trek through the woods takes considerable time, with Mark leading the way, as the southern part of the island is near his cabin. The closest he actually comes to his own cabin is about a half mile, avoiding what would have been an interesting confrontation, as that is where the Hendry family is currently riding out the storm. Once outside of the control weather, the storm slows them down, although the strength of the storm is soon reduced due to the actions of the other team. As they near the longboat, Flashis is able to direct them, where he is reunited with his team leader Aurora. They conclude that the seas are far too rough here to attempt rowing the boat around the peninsula, and it is best to travel over-land the mile southwest through the woods towards the shore opposite Southpoint Island.

Fifteen miles to the west, the WAT lets loose with their planned combination of spells. Vincenzo prays to his Wind and Weather deity to help, as the other clerics begin chants. The druids cast Chill Metal spells on the metal pile, which is then enhanced to bring down the temperatures in the area via Control Temp spells (which use metal as the material component). This has a dramatic effect on the storm, as hurricanes require warm air to sustain themselves.

Next, the spellcasters break into their respective weather-related spells, including Precipitation, Gusts of Wind, Cloudburst, and Call Lightning in order to pull as much energy as possible out of the storm at this location with the diminished temperatures. They continue this for the full length of their spell duration, each praying to their respective deities once the spells are exhausted. Overall, the strategy is extremely successful, reducing the category-five storm to a category-three, resulting in substantially less devastation to the island.

It takes over an hour for the OAT to make their way through the forest, carrying the large boat, as the weather beats down upon them. They reach the beach to the south, suddenly noticing that the waters between them and Southpoint Island are actually calm. They look around, and realize that this inlet between them and Southpoint Island is currently in the eye of the storm. They launch the boat and paddle as quickly as possible to get to the opposite shore while the waters are still calm. The team lands on the northeastern shore of Southpoint island, pulling the longboat up onto a short plateau, and securely lashing it to the rocks.

Seeing the end of the “eye” approaching, they quickly make their way to the caves, arriving just as the rest of the storm reaches them. They quickly traverse the island to the place where the series of caves are. They make their way through the caves, with Mojo finding a secret door that they had missed during their prior visit to these caves. They make their way through, to an unknown corridor. They figure out which direction to go, but are soon stopped by another evil barrier, which causes both Narg and Mojo to double over in pain.

Taking the Sword of Cancellation in hand, Blake moves forward to through the barrier and to the far door. He successfully checks for traps, then opens the lock. He then opens the door, which opens into a large oval-shaped chamber. In the middle of the room is the Balrog, who stares directly at the halfling thief, as Blake immediately turns pale as a ghost from fear.

The Balrog flies across the room, striking the doorway with his flaming sword. Blake dodges the blade, and rushes back, as Mojo lets loose his hammer into the creature. Jaime lets fly two magical arrows, and Kruk follows Mojo’s lead with the hammer action. The creature then disappears….reappearing at the rear of the party, where he swipes his sword into the backs of Aradyn and Guice.

Arrow in hand, Aradyn fires up into the demon, as the Balrog itself bursts into flame, hurting both Aradyn and Guice. The Balrog then charges forward, swinging his sword into Lono and Fiona, who both successfully drop to the floor to avoid it. He continues to charge forward, hurting the party with his flames or stepping on them, as they try to dodge out of the way.

Jaime, Kruk and Mojo continue to use their missile weapons. Narg charges forward, dodging an attack, and then hitting him full force. The Balrog takes further sword slashes, missing Narg. Lannon moves in for a backstab as Jaime’s arrows and Kruk and Mojo’s hammers again connect. The creature lets out a yell as it dissipates.

The party makes their way through that room, Mojo finding a secret door. He opens the door, directly into a room with three enemies, the same three who had teleported out of the cave tunnel together twelve hours earlier. The high level mage is asleep, but the thief and low-level mage are awake. Mojo lets fly his hammer into the woman, knocking her down, as both Blake and Narg charge into the room.

Blake heads towards the still-sleeping high-level mage. Mojo tosses his hammer into the thief. In the doorway, Kruk follows Mojo’s lead, his hammer also hitting the same thief for the killing blow. Narg sees the female mage pull out the same Wand of Force that she had used in the caves, and tosses his sword at her. Unfortunately, Narg is not Ixy, and the sword misses. Blake also misses his attempted attack on the sleeping mage.

Mojo sends his hammer into her, killing her, but only after the Wall of Force has gone up (and preventing his hammer from returning). Once again, this leaves Blake on the opposite side of a Wall of Force facing a mage by himself. Narg and Mojo yell at Blake to use the Sword of Cancellation that he is still carrying on the Wall of Force. Unfortunately for them, their yelling finally wakes the mage. As Blake uses the sword to dispel the wall the mage casts a teleport spell and disappears. The group evaluates that, in hindsight, they should have yelled for Blake the hit the mage with the sword rather than the wall.

The others all enter the room. From there they find two exits, a short hallway leading to a door and a long hallway heading further into the caves. A quick investigation of the long hallway finds that it links with the tunnels where the party had encountered the Hendry family the previous day. Mojo goes to open the other door, getting stopped by another barrier that does much damage.

Not to be deterred, Narg grabs the Sword of Cancellation out of Blake's hand, and marches through to the door. Once there, he again demonstrates his low wisdom by mirroring Blake’s move at the prior barriers of sliding the sword back. Unfortunately for him, this barrier has no open area at the end, extending all the way to the door, and thereby freezing Narg in place while also hitting him with extreme pain. Muttering expletives under his breath, Mojo picks up the sword, marches through the barrier, and drags Narg out before the excruciating pain kills him. Guice decides to head around the long way to rooms on the opposite side, hoping to find a secret door into the chamber.

Concluding that the door is probably locked, Blake again takes the sword and heads across, where he successfully unlocks it. Having learned his lesson from the Balrog, he heads back to let somebody else open the door. Once the mages are in place, Narg heads back, and does just this. Seeing a room with two men in it. One is the evil cleric Roger, who is sleeping on a bunk on the far wall. The other is Etronne, the man that they had killed and destroyed the body of two days earlier, who looks up and begins to cast a spell. “I hate it when they don’t stay dead,” says Narg, who moves to the side for Kharole’s fireball to launch.

The fireball prevents Etronne from being able to cast his spell. Those on the other end of the barrier simultaneous lob missiles into the mage, with Mojo hitting for seventeen points with his hammer, Kruk for ten points with his hammer, Aradyn for twenty-three with two arrows, and Fiona for seventeen from another Fireball. This brings about an immediate reaction, as Etronne transforms into the large Black Dragon, taking up most of the room.

The dragon rears back to let loose a breath weapon. Since his head is immediately in front of the door Narg charges forward, first hitting with the Nargblade in his right hand for significant damage into the monster’s throat and preventing him from spitting acid at the party. Narg then following up with the Sword of Cancellation with his left hand, which causes minimal actual damage, but cancels out all twenty-two of Etronne’s remaining spells (many of which could have proven very lethal to the party).

Having successfully prevented all major forms of attack from the creature, Narg again moves to the side, leaving an open target for his allies. In addition to the attacks from the same four from the prior round, missile weapons are also shot by Blake, Flashis, Lannon, Lono and Jaime, as Blip, Aurora and Fiona launch spells. A total of sixty-two points of damage are poured into the dragon this round, killing him. Narg charges into the room, to see both Roger and the Chimera plane shift away.

The party surveys the situation, concluding that Cassie will have a field day with the dragon body. The group debates where to go from here. Only after Narg calls for a cleric to help heal him does the group of fifteen realize that they did not bring a single cleric or druid with them. Lacking a medic, they conclude that these caves are a safe enough place to wait out the worst of the weather until morning. Guards are posted, as the majority of the party sleeps.

Silver Moon

Chapter Forty, “Wrap-up”, August 10, 1018, 5:00 A.M.

The group in the Southpoint Cave is woken up, finding that the storm has greatly diminished. It will continue to rain for the rest of this day, however the winds die down more with each passing hour. At Southpoint Island, all except Lannon and Fiona SeaCastle get into the bags of holding, and they then fly back to the city on her Carpet of Flying. The parties regroup, and discuss what has transpired. The city itself survived with the only thing of significance being flooding in the eastern half of the city, with the several inches of rain now covering the roads and first floors of the buildings. This water has begun to recede, assisted by more “Lower Water” spells by the clerics.

Those who can fly investigate the remainder of the Island to survey the damage left by the storm. The non-combatants left at the school, and the school buildings themselves, made it through the storm relatively unscathed, the only real damage being to the basement of the main house which is now flooded with five feet of water.

Houses belonging to Aradyn, Blip, Fiona and Mark also made it through the storm with minimal damage (a few broken windows and some sections of roofing that need to be replaced). The oceanfront Silas family home is no more, having been washed over the cliff and into the sea. Blake’s hobbit hole had been flooded out of existence, with mudslides from the mountain having filled it in. The caves of Freyland and Milo also show water and mud damage. Araby's cabin has also been flattened.

The town itself suffered the worst damage, with the homes of fifteen of the crew being completely flattened, eight more homes washed off of their foundations (two floating in the harbor), and the remaining ten homes heavily damaged. The harbor has overflowed, with about eighteen inches of water now covering the streets of the town. One of the two docks was destroyed. The front third of the inn and the main room of the tavern had collapsed, but the kitchen, Jerry’s quarters, and back two-thirds of the inn appear to be relatively undamaged.

Deciding they need to get Dennismore, Jerry and Vallessa back, the group manages to use Invisibility, Levitate and Illusion spells to simulate a while flare. This convinces Barthrock that his team has won, and he agrees to release his three prisoners after the party agrees to let his team exit the mountain without being assaulted or followed. Narg also requires his group to agree to never return to their Island again. Taking the bodies of their two fallen comrades, the five members of his team depart through the main tunnel.

The group of Alton, Isaiah, Mojo, Narg and Serita lead an aerial assault on the observation tower, catching its occupants by surprise. The find in the uppermost room three people they recognize as those who had first attacked the school, and then later held the hostages at the Silas family home. Of these, the mage leader, Valerie, is still unconscious from the SeaCastle adventurer’s assault on the church. Another in the room is the fighter Donovan, immobilized due to the bullet wounds to his leg,. The third is the enemy monk. Donovan mouths off to the group, which proves to be fatal as Serita is “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore”. Before anyone can stop her, she decapitates him with her scimitar. The monk immediately surrenders.

At noon, six ships sail into the harbor from Thenossia, led by Queen Jennifer. She meets with the party, and offers the assistance of her forces as needed. The party is appreciative, and has her troops help search the woods for any more enemies. They find a group of a dozen hobgoblins a mile south of the church. None of these hobgoblins survive the subsequent battle with these mercenaries.

Mid-afternoon, another six ships arrive, these being Jawlt Naval Ships, led by the Naval leader Waller. Waller immediately meets with the party. Once he establishes that every-thing is under control, Waller orders four of these six ships to set sail for Farnsburg, to assist with the cleanup there, as that was where the hurricane eventually made landfall. (Note: the efforts of the “weather team” reduced the category-five storm to a category-three. During the hundred mile-trek across the ocean to Farnsburg, it intensified back up to a category-four, but was still a far weaker storm than it would have been without their intervention.)

Waller tells the party that prior to hitting the anti-magic barrier, a mage messenger teleported to his ship, informing him of the storm’s impact at Farnsburg. The Jawlt army leader Tenbar decided to return with the mage to Farnsburg, and Waller redirected two of his eight ships to sail there as well.

Since Farnsburg had had advanced notice that the storm was coming, the mages present at that town were able to cast Control Weather spells, to protect the large crowds of people who had gathered there for the annual Farnburg Fair, scheduled to begin that week. There was no loss of life as a result, although the town itself was heavily damaged. At Tenbar’s suggestion, the current year’s Fair has now been redesigned, so that rather than athletic competition, the eight-person teams will now compete to see who can do the most to “rebuild the town” during the next two weeks.

The two prisoners from the tower, as well as the human and six bugbears from the cave tunnel, are turned over to Waller. He has them placed under guard in the brig of his flagship, the Jawlt Naval Ship Jawltorn. He says that the two captured in the tower will be held accountable for the damage to the Ukko church, since their presence there was what prompted Aurora to fireball it, and that these enemies will make restitution. Aurora is thrilled by this news, commenting to Torvald "I love it, I get to burn down a Lawful Good church, everybody knows I did it, and yet somebody else gets blamed. We should do this more often."

Sailing on Waller’s other vessel, the Jawlt Naval Ship Celib-Itil, the party surveys the northern coast to check out the status of their other two ships. They find the Grand Enigma has weathered the storm in its protected inlet (the group deciding to rename this ship the Shining Star). The Molly III (soon to be renamed the Golden Sun) has also survived the storm. However, the group is troubled to find that the Molly III has been very recently readied for sailing, with dozens of hobgoblin tracks around it. They decide to follow these tracks.

The tracks lead south to Crystul’s cabin. The party arrives, to find the forty-three members of the Gold Team, who they had negotiated with the previous morning. The party angrily confronts the people about their intention to steal the group’s ship, feeling that such deception nullifies their truce.

The leader, the cleric Barry, tactfully explains that the ship was only going to be borrowed to bring them to the outer island to meet Morgarth. The group does not believe him, until after a “Detect Lie” spell confirms that these were indeed his intentions. A “Know Alignment” spell reveals both Barry and Kenneth to be Lawful Neutral, but the thief, bugbears and hobgoblins to be evil. The group discusses accompanying them to meet Morgarth, which Barry adamantly refuses, as it would be obvious he and his team were setting up Morgarth for an ambush. Barry again reminds them of the truce negotiated the previous day, and argues that their planning to borrow but not harm the ship should not nullify it.

After a short debate, the group decides to turn the forty-one evil aligned creatures over to Waller and the Jawlt Military. They reluctantly agree to Barry’s suggestion that he and Kenneth be allowed to just “walk away now” on their own, without the gold wands and tracking device, and take their chances about finding a way on their own to meet with Morgarth. The two agree to never again take any offensive action against the party, and to take a neutral position if present when the party attacks Morgarth. The two quickly disappear into the woods. Luekia feels that letting them go is a mistake.

Aurora tells the Silver Moon party how much assistance their ship’s Second Mate Hans was with her group, and that he is always welcome to join them as a member of their party. They thank her, but add that now that the group owns three ships, he is likely to be getting a promotion.

All three Silver Moon mates (Fritz, Hans and Lloyd), after talking to the crew, bring up the suggestion that instead of the party continuing to pay them every month, in lieu of payment they would like to have one the merchant ships to hire out for cargo runs. The group’s two principal business people, Luekia and Jerry, immediately begin to negotiate terms for this proposed arrangement, to be finalized after Jacob returns.

August 11, 1018, 12:00 Noon

A group comprised primarily of the highest-level characters (Aradyn, Cassie, Furynick, Isaiah, Kharole, Lannon, Mark, Mojo, Narg, Serita, Timothy and Vincenzo) sets up an ambush at the known place on Southpoint Island, but Morgarth never arrives. Two enemies that do arrive to be picked up by him are the human fighter Craig and half-orc fighter Martt (previously encountered on the Molly III, also the two that rode out the storm in Lannon's front hallway). The group captures them, and turns them over to the Jawlt military, after first stripping them of all possessions.

Waller offers to keep his two Jawlt Naval Ships and their troops at the Island until the return of the group’s own warship, the Silver Moon. He also volunteers a dozen of his most experienced sailors to accompany Aurora back to the Isle of Cleese, to assist Jacob and the seven crew-members with him to sail back the Silver Moon. Waller also points out to the party that the Jawlt Naval ships Fransburg, Gelorynth, Georgetown and Jawltorn each use the coastal communities that they are named for as their home port, and offers the same for the Jawlt Naval Ship Celib-Itil, if the party so chooses.

Using a combination of “reduce” spells and her group’s bag of holding, Aurora teleports away with the dozen Jawlt sailors. “Twelve sailors for one female mage,” comments Jerry, “Who does she think she is…Kharole?” The other five SeaCastle Adventurers decide to remain on the Island until Aurora returns, with Billy Bob, Flashis, Razou and Torvald offering to help Jerry with fixing the tavern. Fiona SeaCastle offers to help her counterpart. Mojo and Narg decide that they will wait outside of the destroyed tavern for Jerry to “Nail together three boards, consider the place open, and get us each a drink.”

Determining that the “threat” has now passed, Queen Jennifer releases the five ships that she had commandeered, letting them return to Thenossia (four to Halla, one to Grammel). The mercenary troops who she hired are issued pay vouchers, and most choose to return on the ships to Thenossia, although after a generous offer and appeal from Jerry, eighty-two sign on for hire as construction workers to help rebuild the town. Also departing with the Thenossian ships are the pair of Adrianna and Kruk, who decide that the coastal city of Halla sounds like an interesting place to visit.

Jennifer decides to remain at the Island for at least a few more days with her personal warship, Thenossia’s Pride, anticipating that either Lord Kindor or Lord Aldorn will arrive soon with news as to what they found out in Zalpar.

One ship that does arrive this afternoon is a boat that Da’Bears (the Silver Moon’s lower-level spin off team) had chartered to take them to the annual Farnsburg Fair. Dani had insisted upon the “detour” to Silver Moon Island, after hearing that a hurricane had hit it, wanting to check on the status of both her mother Vallessa and her friends at the school. Dani, Bitsey and Troyan decide to stick around for a while with the Silver Moon.

After concluding that those on the island are pretty much intact, and hearing that the Farnsburg Fair will soon begin, Opal Silversteel (who as a past “Mayor” is slated to be an “Honorary Judge” at the Fair) insists that her group head out to the competition. With those remaining behind, they are short one spot for their eight-man team, so Kale volunteers to accompany them, having had past experience with athletic competitions. Immy senses that he may have over-stayed his welcome with the Silver Moon, with several party members still suspecting that he is in league with Morgarth, so as a friend and past employer of Da’Bears (Module 97 “Immy and the Three Stooges”) he also chooses to head off with them on their boat.

End of “Retake the Island”. Readers comments are welcomed and appreciated!


Reading the narratives from the Silver Moon campaign is the best fun one could have on their own! I always get great ideas for my own group, which I hope you do not mind if I steal. I'd be delighted to read more about the Silver Moon adventurers' exploits.

Silver Moon

Thanks Rin, I appreciate the kind words. I'm bumping the "Chinese Take-out" Story Hour which immediately follows this one. It was one of the best modules in our group's history and I hope you enjoy it.

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