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Return to Chapel Hill [Sword and Sorcery Saga]


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!

Return to Chapel Hill​

The marketplace of Volare's Keep is bustling on a warm late summer's day. The air filled with the sounds of trade and the smell of fresh baked breads. The peaceful people of the keep happily going about their day, one would be surprised to think that the ominous Dark Wood lies only a days walk to the north.

Differing reasons have brought you all to the marketplace this day but the things available here have kept you here longer than you had expected. A few minutes ago a wearied man rode into town and pull a merchant aside to speak to him. The merchant broke conversation abruptly and looked out into the crowd searching for something. Suddenly he steps forward toward Duncan.

"You, yeah, you with the sword, you want a job?" He shouts at you Duncan. Then looking out into the crowd again. "Any of you want a job, Any of you fight? You want a job? I'll pay"

The merchant appears to be a man of money and has an intense fury about him.

Welcome to the game everyone. Hope to have some fun here, the bustle of the marketplace has brought you all together by chance, but you don't know each other yet. It's still morning so I imagine Mace is still up picking up supplies Reaper Steve.

Changed my mind on the rolling gonna let you all roll your dice through Invisable Castle, havn't done a game that way before we'll see how it works out.

Thank you everyone, wouldn't be much of a game without players [/SBLOCK]

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Reaper Steve

If vampires are real, I think I'm turning into one, thinks Mace. The sun hurts and is especially bright in the morning, which used to be enough motivation to call it a night while it was still dark. But lately, he's been staying out all night, waiting for the next job. The easy takes don't thrill him anymore and he usually just ignores those chances. He needs a real challenge. But when he starts running low on coin, like today, he'll find a easy mark to keep the wine flowing. Like that beatdown traveller, or his mouthpiece merchant. Nope, I don't want a job, or to fight, thinks Mace. But I do want coin, which you obviously have. Mace remains one with the crowd, showing no sign of interest but listening intently. Let's see if these guys are worth the trouble, he thinks.


Abhay looks around, trying to pay close attention to everyone around him. He never did like the cities, but he never really minded them either. It wasn't too large, the market was not too busy, perhaps he would stay for a drink in this town. Abhay handed the merchant the coin and walked toward the pub.

[sblock=Darwin] Please let me know when i'm supposed to roll. I imagine there would be a perception check here, but like I said, I'm unsure. Thanks bud.[/sblock]
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DarwinofMind said:
Suddenly he steps forward toward Duncan.

"You, yeah, you with the sword, you want a job?" He shouts at you Duncan. Then looking out into the crowd again. "Any of you want a job, Any of you fight? You want a job? I'll pay"

The merchant appears to be a man of money and has an intense fury about him.

Duncan is not surprised by the offer. After having done this for a while, in these dark days, a man carry a sword is as good as holding a sign that he not only fights but does so for the right price.

"Yeah, I'll take a job, if the silver is there" replies Duncan walking up to the merchant.

Reaper Steve

Mace keeps an eye on where the person who paid the merchant is going, while moving close enough to listen to the exchange between the swordsman and the merchant. If required he'll take 10 on his Perception check(s) = 14.


OnlytheStrong said:
Abhay looks around, trying to pay close attention to everyone around him. He never did like the cities, but he never really minded them either. It wasn't too large, the market was not too busy, perhaps he would stay for a drink in this town. Abhay handed the merchant the coin and walked toward the pub.

He stopped as he heard the man's offer. He was running low on coin. He changed direction and went toward the man. Need a scout?


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
The man looked at Duncan, "There'll be gold in this for you if do this right."

He then turned to Abhay before looking out at the rest of the assembled crowd.
"A scout may be needed if your any good. Besides I don't think this man with the sword can do this by himself. Come on ya rough lot, surely there is more of you that can fight."

Reaper Steve

What the heck? It's not like there's been much for excitement in the town lately, anyway.

I might be interested...if you care to say a little more about this fight. I can be handy in a pinch, but I'm not looking to fight for your pleasure or clean up someone else's mess.


Abhay chuckled at the man's remark. Don't worry about my skill good sir. A novice cannot survive as long as I in the wilderness. He looks at Duncan and says, I am Abhay, a scout from the far east. Since we are to be companions, may I ask your name my new friend? Casts a sidelong glance at the new voice, And your name too of course?

Voidrunner's Codex

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