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Return to the Temple. ( Group 2 )


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Without stepping on Danvick's toes, Delkat moves next to him and looks over the two parties.

"A paladin? Of Heironious? What are you doing in an alley accosting this man? What exactly has he 'lied' to you about?"

He looks at Danvick and says,"We should take both to the local sheriff or constable to sort this grievance out."

He then mutters something below his breath about why these types of things always have to happen at night...

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Danvick shoots an annoyed glance back at Gareth, then turns to Delkat. I agree. This man is engaged in nothing less than drunk and disorderly conduct. I am going to have to insist that you both come along with me to the local authorities, unless of course, you two can find a way to work things out between yourselves first. Decide now. I won't ask again.


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The paladin acts as if he is going to grab Chatrilon again, but instead waves him off. "Get out of my sight. May the Gods forgive you for all your wrong doings." The smaller man bows to the rest, apparently having saved his life, and scurries off down the alley ways like the rat the paladin accused him of being. "Look down upon me if you wish, but I handled it as anyone else would have. In fact, I handled him better than most. Everyone thinks that he's a friendly fellow, but he's not! I promise you, his true colors will shine through soon enough! I sense a great evil within his soul." The drunken paladin staggers a bit as he moves away from those of you gathered outside. "Brave adventurers.. here to save the town. Yet they cannot even tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys. Hopefully they'll know the difference if they ever make it to the moathouse.." His words are offered to Delkat and Danvick over his shoulder as he stalks away.

Meanwhile.. with a little effort, Kanjo finds his way up atop a rooftop looking down on the scene. He watches the scenario unfold before him, nothing of interest coming of the dispute.

[sblock=Kanjo.. ]
I need a spot check, please.


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"Well, that was useless. He never did tell us what exactly the man lied about."

"Drunk or not, though, a true paladin's word should be taken into account if we do have dealings with this 'Chatrillion' in the future."

"But I am in doubt as to whether the man we just saw would be a 'true' paladin."


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From his bird's eye view of the alley way below, Kanjo sees a couple of things. One, he spots a dirty bag lady-like woman crouched down feeding something out of her hand. Wait.. is that a ... rat? That's not something you see every day. Nor, is a tiny body dropping down out of a back window of the Welcome Wench. The form is moving quite fast for it's size, sticking to the shadows.. dodging the rat taming woman, it pauses just within the illumination of a nearby street lamp. The smaller form appears to be talking to someone, just out of view, and then disappears into the shadows again. Huh. That was.. odd.


Kanjo searches the rooftops, looking for a way to get closer. People usually don't go out of windows for no reason. Better take a look.

action: He will sneak to the best of his ability to get within earshot of them, but will make no move to engage them. He just wants to find out what is so important that a person has to sneak out a window for it.


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Delkat, Danvick, Gareth are left standing in the street as Kanjo moves from rooftop to rooftop. Quietly as can be, mind you. He's able to creep along and get a better look of the two - but cannot make out what they are saying. It looks to him, from here, that it's the shady gnome from inside the Welcome Wench and the man that the paladin had a problem with are discussing something heatedly. Whatever could they be up to?


Kanjo can't help but wonder what this poor man has gotten himself into that everyone would be yelling at him. He smiles as he thinks of what he will tell the group. He's got the faces and the tone of their conversation. If only he could get alittle more............

action: I'd like him to get as close as possible, as quietly as possible. If he thinks at any moment that he has been either spotted or heard, he will retreat to the safety of the group.


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"Well, perhaps we should check in with the local authorities in the morning to see if our 'paladin' actually made good and sought out help."

He face sours a bit as he contemplates going back inside to the inn.

OOC: Delkat would like to visit the local temple devoted to Pelor (if any) in the morning to speak with the priests, especially about the goings on in the town, and whether they know of this 'paladin'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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