DDAL Review of DDAL 04-08 The Broken One (3 stars) [SPOILERS] [repost]


Yes, anyone can cast spells out of the Ring.

In-character, the ring was accompanied by a note(player's handout) that should give some clue as to Eugen's condition, and what the players could do.

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Yes, anyone can cast spells out of the Ring.

In-character, the ring was accompanied by a note(player's handout) that should give some clue as to Eugen's condition, and what the players could do.

Cool, thanks! I don't remember the note. Maybe the DM forgot or we just didn't get the hint.


Rotten DM
In character, the dm is suppose to ham up his bad tables matters and gluttony but mention he is string bean thin. And other stuff.


That guy, who does that thing.
It's been a while since I played this module, could any PC cast remove curse using the ring?

Yes, the ring of spell storing allows anyone wearing and attuned to the ring to cast any spells stored within. Note that a spellcaster does not need to be attuned to the ring to cast spells into it; the caster only needs to be able to touch the ring while casting.

There's some debate over whether any spell can be cast into the ring, or only spells that the caster is able to cast at the time he's casting (so, in theory, if the caster isn't being attacked or the target of a Magic Missile spell, he can't cast Shield into the ring -- a DM can certainly rule otherwise, though).

Could someone clue me in as to how we were supposed to learn that he was cursed in character? From what I recall we had no way of knowing.

There's a player handout that represents the letter that accompanies the ring. That's the only clue I'm aware of, and based on my own party's response, it's possible for the letter to be misinterpreted.

Edit: Missed that Anthraxus beat me to the answer -- hope this one is also useful.


Voidrunner's Codex

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