Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games

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What? Me Worry?
I preordered the Gold version of the book. It is, indeed, impressive and beautiful. Fantastic art leaps out. My personal favorite of the newer artists is Peter Mullen, whose work stands shoulder-to-shoulder with that of the classic artists who have work in the game.

I think it's worthwhile to mention that there is no index, and the table of contents is not that great. In fact, the ToC is a bit confusing in its layout. I've read that there is an effort underway to put together an index, but it's a lapse that is noticeable in a book of this size.

Regardless, this is a really cool book, and I'd love the opportunity to run the game. It definitely reminds me of old school D&D, but has its own unique take on it. Of the various Old School Revival games and retroclones, this is my favorite.

Lord Rasputin

I've played. It has an interesting magic system, but it needs to ditch the funny dice. It stripped 3e/4e to the roots (good) then added lots of arbitrary rules (bad).


I've played. It has an interesting magic system, but it needs to ditch the funny dice. It stripped 3e/4e to the roots (good) then added lots of arbitrary rules (bad).

Like it or not, those are features and not bugs. Funny dice are in, because they're cool, plus they make some game mechanics more interesting. The arbitrary rules are usually there to help in capturing the feel of the classic sword fantasy literature mentioned in Appendix N.


... but it needs to ditch the funny dice.

Yeah, I have heard a few complaints about that as well. But to hear interviews with him they were sort of included to bring back the fascination with funny looking dice. Back in the day we were all new to the d4's and stuff. The funny dice in this game hope to do the same.

We'll see. I will likely need to get my hands on some.

If you really want to emulate Appendix N, you drop the Cleric entirely.

Eh, there is a reasonable thread over on the Goodman Games forums where they talk about the cleric and Appendix N. They made a good enough case for me.

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