Thanks for a great review of a great game!
Sorry - even as I closed the tab earlier, I thought maybe I should have linked it!
Here is the link:
Goodman Games • View topic - Thoughts on a simplified SRD game.
The Death, Dying, and Healing section and Character Classes section in the post are most relevant. There is some discussion later in the thread as well, but the post I link to seems most applicable as to why decisions were made.
That's pretty unconvincing as far as leaving clerics in. By Joe's logic, you'd see a core Paladin well before you'd add in a core Cleric.
Actually, the paladin is there: it's the high level lawful warrior's name. Chaotic clerics can possibly turn paladins.
You misspelled "stupid." Seriously, they added nothing to the game; the same effects could be done using more common polyhedrons. The Zocchi dice add nothing, are lame and roll funny, kinda like a d4 (why I have 8-sided d4s).Like it or not, those are features and not bugs. Funny dice are in, because they're cool,
They don't. Instead, they capture the arbitrary rules of 1970s D&D and Arduin and such, and remind us why we came up with different rules. Nowhere in Howard, Leiber or Tolkein do I find any reason to change init dice with a two-handed weapon and the mess doing so they make some game mechanics more interesting. The arbitrary rules are usually there to help in capturing the feel of the classic sword fantasy literature mentioned in Appendix N.
This isn't a bad game, but these are bad features. They appeal to grognards and grognards only, doing nothing to lure desperately needed new blood.
That's pretty unconvincing as far as leaving clerics in. By Joe's logic, you'd see a core Paladin well before you'd add in a core Cleric.
I used to be quite interested in DCC, but it became clear early on that this was Joe's pet OD&D and not actually Appendix-N-based.
This isn't a bad game, but these are bad features.
They appeal to grognards and grognards only,
doing nothing to lure desperately needed new blood.
I know this is going to go over badly with its devoted fan base, but at least D&D 4e (and I am not a fan; in fact, I think DCC is a better game in spite of these defects) and D&D Next have newbies in mind.