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review this race based on vampire hunter d please!!


before i get started, i want to inform you that this is not mine. it was written by a player in my group. he is looking at playing this race in another game and i told him i would get a review of it for him. so please be as honest as needed. you won't be hurting my feelings. this is word for word how it was written when he sent it to me.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dunpeals

Cursed with hunger, and a long life, the Dunpeal are rare race of vampire half breeds born with a vampire father and a human mother. They are outsiders to both breeds. They are strong and powerful, however they have their own unique weaknesses and strengths that set them apart from the vampires.

Physical Description: Dunpeals are the same size as any other normal human. They tend to have slightly pale skin, regardless of how much sunlight they get. Dunpeals are also naturally very attractive, their physical beauty often equaling that of an elf. However Dunpeals due retain one curse of their vampire blood, they do not age.

Personality: Most Dunpeals are loners. They often are very quiet and soft-spoken preferring actions to words. Although naturally gruff they have an innate sense of goodness, that is most of them do. Each individual is different so their personalities do often differ as much as those of humans.

Relations: Dunpeals unfortunently are always looked upon as outsiders by all races. Dunpeals tend to be both feared and revered depending on where they are, and who they are. Oftenly most people do not realize what a Dunpeal is, nor do they know that they are not evil.

Alignment: This often at times depends on how the Dunpeal was raised and where. Most Dunpeals tend to be of good alignment often that of the chaotic good alignment. Very, very few are lawful good. And fewer are ever evil, but those that are do have morals and are oftenly lawful evil.

Home Lands: Dunpeals generally have no specific home. Most prefer to wander about learning about the world and destroying any undead creatures they come across. Those that do find a home tend to live isolated lives, and those with families try to live like any other family. Those that still live in vampire society tend to live the lives of nobles, dressing richly, and living in castles.

Religion: Dunpeals tend to be very cynical when it comes to religions and most do not worship gods. Those few that do worship gods tend to worship good or neutral aligned gods.

Languages: Dunpeals speak common. They typically learn other languages, including obscure ones.

Names: Dunpeals tend to have normal human names since they are half-human.

Adventures: Dunpeals are capable of being virtually any class available. Dunpeals, however, are not very big on magic and religion so they are rarely mages, paladins, and clerics. Dunpeals are never druids, or bards, and those classes are even banded. Most Dunpeals prefer to be fighters or monks, although a few are rangers, barbarians, and rogues, but most are fighters. Also
Dunpeals can take up any class that is specific in hunting the undead.

Dunpeal Racial Traits
Attribute Bonuses: Dunpeals gain some of the same bonuses a vampire does to their attributes, however they do gain one nasty penalty. Dunpeals gain a +2 to their Strength, a +1 to their Dexterity, and a +1 to their Constitution. However they get a –2 to their Wisdom as they are often bull-headed, a –3 to their Charisma as they come across as being blunt, single minded, stand offish, and consummate loners.. And when in any sort of social interaction with groups of people, or individuals who do not personally know the Dunpeal, the Dunpeal is at a –10 penalty on all skills that would deal with interacting with people. However bluff and intimidation skills are not effected at all. Dunpeals often dislike interacting with large groups of people and prefer to wander about looking to slay undead rather than living in a city.

Medium Size: As medium-size creatures, Dunpeals have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Speed: Dunpeals have a base Speed of 30ft.

Low-light Vision: Dunpeals can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They can still distinguish colors and details.

Immunities: Dunpeals are naturally immune to all the powers of vampires only. To a bit of a lesser degree they can not be made into lycanthropes. Also Dunpeals gain a +2 bonus verses charm spells, and other like spells and powers.

Jumping: Dunpeals have an uncanny nack for jumping as theyare often able to easily leap several feet into the air with little effort. Dunpeals have a +5 racial bonus on all Jump checks.

Healing: Dunpeals are able to heal and recover much faster than normal humans. Dunpeals heal subdual damage at a rate of their Constitution modifier every 4 minutes. However they heal normal damage at a rate of their Con mod plus half their level per every 2 hours.

Senses: Dunpeals have heightened senses due to their heritage. Dunpeals gain a +2 bonus to their listen, search and spot checks.

Hatred: Dunpeals have a standing natural hatred for vampires and all undead. When fighting vampires the dunpeal is at a +2 to hit, against all other undead they are only at a +1 to hit. If he dunpeal is evil they loose this ability. This is only good against vampires and the undead.

Blood Lust: Even Dunpeals feel the tug of the vampieric blood hunger at times. Most of the time it is easy to over come, however in some situations it’s not that easy. When in a situation that would allow the Dunpeal to freely act upon their vampieric nature, like a young woman flirting heavily with a male Dunpeal, then the Dunpeal has several chances to over come their blood lust and keep form drinking the persons blood by making a Will save. The DC for the first check is 10. If it’s made then the Dunpeals easily is able to control them selves. If it is failed then they begin to grow their fangs and take on more vampieric features, their eyes turn red and cat like, an their skin grows pailler. At this point another save is made now at DC 15. If this is failed then the Dunpeal begins to go for the neck, however they get 1 last and final chance to over come the blood lust by making a check at DC 20.

If its made the Dunpeal pulls away at the last second. If it is not made, they give in to their blood lust and start to drain their victim of blood. The bite attack does only 1d2 damage, however the Dunpeal drains away 1d4 points from the victims Constitution. After this the Dunpeal can break away with another Will check at DC 10 now. If this fails another one can be tried after an additional 1d4 points are drained, and it is at the same DC. The Dunpeal gains nothing from the act except for it satisfying their hunger for the day. Also if someone who knows what the Dunpeal is and is willing to give themselves freely, (they must verbally say so), then the DC of all checks increases by 5. The Dunpeals bite is painful at first but the victim instantly slips into a state of relaxation and euphoria.

Blood Rage: There are times when a Dunpeal is forced to let loose their vampieric side. These times are rare and require curtain circumstances to be met. First off this act is totally uncontrollable by the Dunpeal. In combat once the Dunpeal’s HP falls to ½ of its maximum total the Dunpeal begins to enter into their rage. On the next hit that the Dunpeal takes the rage. They focus the full force of their rage on the strongest opponent,or whom ever it is that hit them last. Any spells or charms that were effecting the character are instantly cancelled out as the Dunpeal’s vampire side takes over. The character gains a +4 to their Strength and Dexterity, and a –2 to their AC.

The Dunpeals full rage lasts until their primary target is killed, or they are forced out of the rage by some means. After the target is dead, the Dunpeal looses half of their bonuses, and retains the –2 to AC. The rage lasts for only 2 minutes plus the Dunpeal’s Constitution modifier. A Dunpeal can attack anything they wish after they have exited out of their full rage. The Dunpeal can not use any skills that require concentration while in a the full rage, after wards they are at a –5 to all skills that require concentration. The Dunpeal does gains +5 circumstance bonus to any Intimidation checks done while in blood rage.

Eternal Youth: Upon reaching maturity the Dunpeal’s heritage kicks into effect. Before the age of 21 the Dunpeal is all but human, although they do not gain any of the racial traits for humans they do get half of their Dunpeal racial bonuses to their attributes, as well as retaining their immunities and healing abilities. However at the age of 21 the Dunpeals full racial traits kick in. Also as of the age of 21 the Dunpeal no longer ages. Both a blessing and a curse, the Dunpeal then becomes a true outsider. The Dunpeal will live far beyond that of any human or elf. They can fall in love, but its much worse for them than it is for elves. The Dunpeal will always watch those that they grow close to whither and age, even an elf. Dunpeals do not pay attention to time, as their lives are eternally long until they are killed. Because of their long lives most Dunpeals actively avoid relationships even if the develop feeling for some one. Dunpeals are immune to all effects of aging and spells that would age a person.

Weaknesses: Dunpeals have some of the same weaknesses as vampires but in a different way. Magical items and weapon that are a bane to vampires only (must be specific in that it is a bane to vampires, not undead, but vampires, with just the undead it will not effect the Dunpeal) also work against Dunpeals. A cleric or paladins turning ability does not work on Dunpeals, as they are living and not undead. Dunpeals have a unique condition regarding the sun. Sunlight does not harm or hurt them, however if a Dunpeal remains in direct sunlight (even if filtered by trees) for 2 days plus their Constitution modifier in days they begin to suffer a unique form of sunstroke. If the Dunpeal does so on the last day at some point in time (random) they will suddenly get hit with it. A Fortitude save must be made (DC 20). If the save is made then the Dunpeal can continue to act for 1 hour plus a number of hours equal to their Constitution modifier.

However during that hour or last hour the Dunpeal must spend their time digging a hole to bury them selves in. They must rest for 8 full hours like this. If they failed they begin to suffer a –5 to all actions taken for every 2 minutes out of the ground. This penalty also goes to the characters Dexterity and Strength. When these hit zero the character can not move at all. At this point the character must rest for 24 hours in a shaded area. If no shade is around then the character looses 2 points of Constitution points per day. If shade is provided, like rain clouds, or actual cover then after 24 hours the character can take partial actions until they can dig a hole and bury themselves. When the Dunpeal’s Constitution hits zero they are dead. In order to first start the cycle for the sunstroke the Dunpeal must remain in the sun for a total of 8 hours a day, the cycle resets if the Dunpeal remains out of sun light for 8 hour or more with in their limited number of days.

A stake through the heart can kill a Dunpeal like it can a vampire. However the Dunpeal slowly dies at a rate of 1 Con point per minute that the stake is not removed. If it is removed the character does not die, but is still missing any number of Con points that were lost with the stake in the heart.

Level Adjustment +1: Dunpeals are a bit more powerful than the average mortal being and gain levels much more slowly than other common races. Additionally every level of advancement requires that the Dunpeal gain an additional 1,000 experience points. So at level 1 the Dunpeal would need to gain a 4,000 to reach level 2.

Favored Class: Almost any, but prefer being Fighters, or if any, a class specialized in hunting the undead. However Dunpeals can not be Paladins, Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, and Druids since Dunpeals have no aptitude for magic. They can be Rangers, but are not allowed to gain any spells. With the barbarian raging is not often a good thing. As a barbarian the Dunpeal must decide whether or not to use their blood rage or barbarian rage, you can not use both. In either case if the Dunpeal uses their barbarian rage they must make a Will save (DC 15) to stave off their Blood Lust. If they fail then when in rage the Dunpeal can use their bite and blood drain attack against an opponent that they grapple with.

The Dunpeal gains 1 extra action for this specifically as they must make a bite attack each turn until they are successful with the attack. Also any class or prestige class that offers spells can not be selected. With psionics the Dunpeal can only go up to level 5 as a Psion, or Level 10 as a Psychic Warrior. As you can see Dunpeals are heavily restricted in what classes they can be. A Dunpeals favored class is primarily that of a Fighter or if any a class specialized in fighting the Undead, Vampires, Demons and Devils. The Dunpeal Fighter (or other) class does not suffer an Xp penalty when multiclassing, but must follow the rules out lined above for curtain classes as some classes are totally unavailable for the Dunpeal to use.
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First Post
Hmmm, several problems.

First off, ability modifiers should NEVER be given in even numbers. Odd numbers only make penalties easy to conceal by assigning them to an odd numbered base score, and can create benefits where ordinarily none existed. There is a good reason why every race is given ability mods in even numbers.

Secondly, there is NO WAY that this race could be an ECL +1. Even if they had a simple +2 Str. and -2 Chr., the other benefits of the class are pretty powerful (especially the myriad of skill bonuses).

This race involves so many role-playing 'rules' that it is pretty much unplayable except by someone who wanted to conform to a specific kind of character.

First off, I see no reason why this race would lean towards good. If anything, they should be mostly evil as they are descended from vampires.

Secondly, the class suggestions don't make much sense. I think Wizard would be a more appropriate choice than barbarian.

Overall, Dunpeals would probably be better as a template rather than a race. The feel that the author wants clearly would be better served with a template that could be applied to any creature.


doomsdaisy: thanks a lot!

p.s. how is the weather in vancouver? you get as much rain as we do in portland? ;)

keep the reviews coming folks!


Community Supporter
Odd ability modifiers are bad.

Dunpeal Racial Traits - my changes
Attribute Bonuses: +2 Str, -2 Cha
Diplomacy -4 racial penalty
Immunities: Drop save vs. charm spells.
Jumping: Drop this.
Hatred: Drop this.

With these changes, I'd peg it at ECL +2. Without any changes, odd modifers and all, I'd rate it at ECL +5 (because it's abusable and powerful).

Carl Cuthulhu

First Post
what manner of :):):):)e is this?

has the writer no sense of what simple grammar and spelling can do to make something not so painful to read.

mighty good golly!


First Post

Let's give constructive criticism people! ;)
That said, I agree with the above poster on that you should stick with even numbered ability modifiers for the same reasons.

If the benefits and penalties are:
+2 to Str -2 Cha
eternal youth
immunities to vampiric powers
vulnerability to vampire weapons and sunlight
-4 to diplomacy (with "prey")
no hatred bonuses
Blood Rage 1/day per 4 Hit Dice (or total character levels)
Blood Lust

I'd peg it at LA (which stands for Level Adjustment and replaced ECL) of +1 leaning to +2 (depending on what race/class/additional templates that your player chooses). Stick with +2 LA to be on the safe side. :D


First Post
I'll have to completely agree with the people who say that ability bonuses should always be even numbers. Its a very good rule of design that should never be broken.

The race is a little focused in its abilities. In a Ravenloft campaign it might be a good concept, but I really don't see all the vampire strengths/resistances really helping that much in 99% of gameplay (the remaining 1% involves vampires).

The fast healing is right out. That's just too powerful and throws off a lot of the checks and balances of the game.

The role-playing restrictions seem a little odd, and I would have to question the race's tendency towards good or even neutrality.

One good maxim of race design is to keep things simple. Look at the regular character races and you can see a certain kind of pattern in their strengths and weaknesses. There's some with some interesting extra abilities, and so its good to look at them to get an idea of what kind of powers should be allowed.

I would suggest looking at Tieflings in the FRCS and comparing this race to them. Tieflings are a good +1 ECL race, and I consider them quite balanced and wouldn't hesitate to allow one in my campaign. Aasimar are even better than Tieflings and I would be tempted to make them ECL +1.5 or +2 since they're a bit more powerful. If you're looking to make a ECL +1 race, look at these two races and try to get something in between in terms of power.

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