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RGA1 - Daylight Robbery (Salix? Judging)


The jukebox morphs back into a basic, featureless grey humanoid form. "I'm Clay. The real me is technically dead, and the Resolutes' psychiatrist is trying to have me accept that fact, though I think he's more disturbed by my current state than me; but that's a long story and this isn't the moment."

"I'm a collective of nanobots performing the simulation of a human's conscience. The nanobots can adopt basically any form, and I don't have distinct organs. This means a laundry list of useful abilities; morphing, ability to manifest monomolecular-edged weapons out of my body mass, resilience to being hurt, can stretch a couple hundred feet, flow like water, become transparent, sinthetize sounds, and rebuild lost nanobots and thus lost body mass very quickly. The nanobots can also tear the molecular structure of anything I'm touching, acting like some kind of very potent acid; I can precisely control how the damage is done, so I can selectively engrave things, or damage parts of an item and not others."

"I've received some training at stealth and acting at the Resolutes, seeing how my abilities can be useful at infiltration."

Clay morphs into Sergeant. "Don't you agree?"
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"Nobody" answers Angelina Jolie. "It was some kind of freakish accident with a batch of experimental nanobots; they supposedly didn't work and never were able to reproduce the experiment, so the comet must have had something to do with them. They tore me down atom by atom, but somehow stored my brain patterns within them. Me. You know what I mean."


"The human 'me' is dead; the nanobots destroyed him. But in the process they preserved his (my) memories and personality; now that you brought the term, I suppose I'm an AI, but also a perfect copy of the human. I think is perfect, anyway, I don't know what I would say if I was alive."

"You also discovered why I don't tend to think into it too much, and why the psychiatrist is so disturbed. I think he's the religious type."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*A young college student enters the room. He seems barely old enough to drink legally, and is otherwise attired normally for a youth of his age, including the requisite cell phone, save for a large wizened staff he carries with him.*

"Oh, hello there. I'm Martin. I couldn't help but overhear your story there. That sounds an awful lot like what they did with Sandman in the most recent Spiderman movie. Think you were the inspiration there?"


First Post
"I didn't saw that movie... maybe I should start to see them, before some Supers start to mimic them. I wouldn't be surprise to see someone going as Capitaine America in some time." tells Sergeant as Martin enter the room. "Hi Martin."

He turn back his attention to Clay "I understand. I'm not sure what to think of that. So teh nanobots killed a man? Well, I won't hide I don't like much that idea, but if they allowed you in Resolute, as long as you don't break the law, it will be all right with me."


[Sblock=GM Ruling]Disguise as a free action using morph is fine but it will not stack with the disguse skill unless the required time (min 10mins) is taken and a disguise kit used.[/Sblock]

[Sblock=Notice checks] I am assuming no one will want to waste hero points on this :>
[sblock=Flux]Flux is reasonably impressed by the jukebox disguise, the impressions of Sergeant and Ms Jolie are ok but would probably not have fooled her even if she had not seen the transformation.[/sblock]
[Sblock=Sergeant]Sergeant quickly spots that the walking Jukebox is actually a particulate body. The impression of Ms Jolie is poor and the attempt to imitate his own apearance is frankly laughable.[/sblock]
[sblock=paladin]Paladin is reasonably impressed by the jukebox disguise, the impersonation of Sergeant is poor and he has no idea who the dark haired beauty is supposed to be.[/sblock]
[sblock=Magus]The young mage thinks the impressions are all absolutely amazing.[/sblock][/sblock]

The man at the head of table looks up from his notes and briefly surveys the gathered Resolutes. It is obvious from his desk that he has a file on each of them and has been flicking through the papers as the team arrived.

"Lady, gentlemen, welcome" He smiles "Let us get down to business. But first Mr Clay could you please stop messing around. Your impersonations are not exactly impressive and I would be somewhat surprised if even the most gullible of individuals would be fooled by a walking jukebox for long."

"Now Sergeant's suggestion that we introduce ourselves was a good one. You can call me Peter. I work in J9 here at resolutes HQ. Boring work mostly but recently we got a snippet of information which might prove interesting. I am putting together a team to investigate a little further, which is why I asked you all here. I will be giving you all the details we have in this briefing, and of course if anyone feels this is not the mission for them then they are welcome to leave at any time."

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Notice checks]
I am assuming no one will want to waste hero points on this :>
Flux is reasonably impressed by the jukebox disguise, the impressions of Sergeant and Ms Jolie are ok but would probably not have fooled her even if she had not seen the transformation.

Sergeant quickly spots that the walking Jukebox is actually a particulate body. The impression of Ms Jolie is poor and the attempt to imitate his own apearance is frankly laughable.

Paladin is reasonably impressed by the jukebox disguise, the impersonation of Sergeant is poor and he has no idea who the dark haired beauty is supposed to be.

The young mage thinks the impressions are all absolutely amazing.

*Martin grins at the impersonations, thoroughly impressed. Unlike this Peter fellow, he thinks they are just smashing.*

"Sounds good to me. Let's hear the details then and get started--I have to work on my Master's Thesis soon when this is done."


First Post
The jukebox morphs back into a basic, featureless grey humanoid form. "I'm Clay. The real me is technically dead, and the Resolutes' psychiatrist is trying to have me accept that fact, though I think he's more disturbed by my current state than me; but that's a long story and this isn't the moment."

Flux jumps back a couple of feet away. "Geez! Gimme a little warning next time."

"I'm a collective of nanobots performing the simulation of a human's conscience. The nanobots can adopt basically any form, and I don't have distinct organs. This means a laundry list of useful abilities; morphing, ability to manifest monomolecular-edged weapons out of my body mass, resilience to being hurt, can stretch a couple hundred feet, flow like water, become transparent, sinthetize sounds, and rebuild lost nanobots and thus lost body mass very quickly. The nanobots can also tear the molecular structure of anything I'm touching, acting like some kind of very potent acid; I can precisely control how the damage is done, so I can selectively engrave things, or damage parts of an item and not others."

"I've received some training at stealth and acting at the Resolutes, seeing how my abilities can be useful at infiltration."

Clay morphs into Sergeant. "Don't you agree?"

"Okaaay...that's creepy...useful, but creepy..."

Velmont said:
"While we wait for the reunion to start, I suggest to present ourselves to each other. I,m not familiar with everyone here. That will also help us to figure the skills of everyone and the capacity of that group." tells Sergeant.

"I'm Patrick O'Connor. Formerly Sergeant in Special Case department in New York. My code name is Sergeant. I have almost thirty years of experience in the Police. I've done almost anything in it. In the last fifteen years, I've been in charge of the SWAT team and then been affected to Special Case since the fall of the meteor. I've handle a few Super arrestation while in the police, and I've also stop Relic lately with the Resolutes.

I also have won the USA police shooting contest the last five years.

And by the way, I'm not Super myself."

Flux clears her throat and swallows. "All right. My name is Susan...and I'm an alcoholic...oh, sorry, wrong meeting. The Men In White Coats upstairs gave me the codename 'Flux.' I also respond to 'Hey you! Da white girl with da hair!' I have more or less complete control over electricity and magnetism. So if you're made of metal, I pretty much own you." She glances over at Clay, and lightning arcs across her eyes for a second. "I can throw lightning bolts, juggle cars, turn guns into hubcaps, that sort of thing. I can also see electricity, metal, and magnetic fields around me, even if it's invisible to the naked eye, or dark, or on the other side of a wall." Then she shrugs. "And that's pretty much all I got. I gave up a promising dead-end job as a button-pushing monkey and the pursuit of a bachelor's degree I would have eventually finished in like ten or fifteen years to do this. The U.N. guys gave me a crash course in first aid and just enough science classes to understand what I was seeing and doing with my powers, and that's about it."

"So who's this 'Relic? character, anyway?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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