

First Post
Fight for peace,
Kill to live,
Destroy to produce,
Steal to give.

Love to hate,
Pacify the warmonger,
Rile pacifists,
Weaken the stronger.

Sit up,
Stand down,
Always smile,
Always frown.

Loathe a bit,
Adore a little,
Kill halfway,
Unbalance the middle.

Sprint slowly,
Walk fast,
Stand behind you,
Move right past.

Am intelligently stupid,
Am quick to pause,
Touch with hands,
Rend with claws.

I’m found in burrowing birds,
In moles perched in trees,
In silent speech,
A witty moron that only half breathes.

What am I?

~The Riddlemaster

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First Post
*A young woman approachs the corkboards. She digs through the messages, delving through even the deepest and oldest. She stops upon finding an unanswered riddle. Quietly she retreives a pen and scribes an answer, in none to fancy script.*

As part of my duty of pennace, I answer this in respect to Oghma the Binder. Accept this as a furtherance of Torm's debt owed Lord Binder.

You are an Oxymoron. A contradiction of oneself and a paradox to the multiverse.

Miri Dudragon, Order of the Golden Lion.

*She tacks the post back up on the boards, removing it from it's hidden locale and bringing it once more to the forefront, turning and walking away after.*


First Post
Strangely more riddles appear...

If I asked;
bring me
a cherry without a stone
in your hand
what would I see?

You will never see me
Yet you'll feel me with every step
If I should ever leave you
You will not forget
I can easily tangle
Easily mess
But just as easily caress..
What am I?

What be the longest word in the common vocabulary?
What hand they were writ is hard to decipher, though it is neat and simple.


First Post
*A young woman approachs the corkboards. She digs through the messages, wuietly she retreives a pen and scribes an answer, in none to fancy script.*

Riddlemaster, I am honored to have been correct.

Unknown Riddler,

I offer these answers to your riddles.

For the first, you would receive the blossom of a cherry tree.

For the second, you would be the wind.

As for the third, it would depend upon you definition of a long word. Surely there are many, and it could be disputed that a coined word in literature, exsisting not outside a story would not be acceptable. In which case, I offer the word, 'Antidisestablishmentarianism'. The belief that to disestablish a church, regardless of transgressions against the people, is wrong.

Should you accept literary coinages, I would say there is no true longest word. What is to stop one bard from creating a yet longer word.

Miri DuDragon, Order of the Golden Lion

*She tacks up her reply, making her way off.*

((On which note, the longest accepted modern English word can be found at Luminary Uprise: Longest Word. The full chemical name for the protein Titin, also the longest protien strand currently discovered.))
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Voidrunner's Codex

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