TSR Rob Kuntz Recounts The Origins Of D&D

In this interesting article from Kotaku, Rob Kuntz relates a history of early TSR that differs somewhat from the narrative we usually hear. It delves into the relationship between Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson (D&D's co-creators) and the actual development of the game, which dates back to Arneson in 1971.


In this interesting article from Kotaku, Rob Kuntz relates a history of early TSR that differs somewhat from the narrative we usually hear. It delves into the relationship between Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson (D&D's co-creators) and the actual development of the game, which dates back to Arneson in 1971.


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You chaps have been very welcoming and I thank you for your engagement and friendliness. Perhaps Morrus might consider giving me a sub-forum here for Q&A's. I don't get many questions on my FB page (an interface that drives me crazy but is needed). Maybe you could suggest it to him and to get my e-mail from my account information to contact me. It wouldn't be like Master Gygax's bitd before his passing, but it would be something embracing it, all that was good and exciting from those days.

May you never get caught in a dead end by an iron golem!


For whoever is listening, I think an AMA similar to the sticky'd thread Gary has would be a great idea. Because I'd love to ask questions like, "If I'm remembering correctly, Robilar's soloing of ToEE is one of the greatest exploits by any of the "original old guard" PCs. Do you recall of any other similar accomplishments by other PCs of the original group?" By "original group", I know there was fluctuation of players, but I mean those who had directly been part of the development of the early years of D&D.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
You chaps have been very welcoming and I thank you for your engagement and friendliness. Perhaps Morrus might consider giving me a sub-forum here for Q&A's. I don't get many questions on my FB page (an interface that drives me crazy but is needed). Maybe you could suggest it to him and to get my e-mail from my account information to contact me. It wouldn't be like Master Gygax's bitd before his passing, but it would be something embracing it, all that was good and exciting from those days.

May you never get caught in a dead end by an iron golem!


I’m thinking maybe a monthly column like Jim Ward, Ed Greenwood, and Jonathan Tweet have?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Fun fact- I once said Tomb of Horrors, and it was misheard as Tome of, um (Harlots), and, well, much hilarity did not ensue.

We British derive great amusement from the way Americans say “horror”. You say [harlots] every time.

You do the same with “mirror” but the resulting sound (meer) isn’t a different word like horror’s is.

“Duty” is funny, too. Doody!


We British derive great amusement from the way Americans say “horror”. You say [harlots] every time.

You do the same with “mirror” but the resulting sound (meer) isn’t a different word like horror’s is.

“Duty” is funny, too. Doody!

Off topic, that reminds me of a view question that was sent to Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear years ago. The question? "I'm so and so from America. Why do you pronounce "jaguar" like that?"

Jeremy looked at the camera and deadpanned, "Because that's how it's spelled."

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