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(RP) Dangerous Legacy


"I guess we'll have a look around on this side. But I expect that it wouldn't be much of a trap if the controls were on the inside. Jaeden, let us know if something unfriendly comes. I should be able to lend support from here."

Liam begins to look around the walls of the chamber, searching for anything that might be controls for the portcullis, or might conceal them.

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Knight Otu

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hafrogman said:
"I guess we'll have a look around on this side. But I expect that it wouldn't be much of a trap if the controls were on the inside. Jaeden, let us know if something unfriendly comes. I should be able to lend support from here."
"I figured it would be for keeping people like us out rather than anything else... not that I had much time to think when that thing came down..." Sel offers as he looks around on his side.


First Post
((OOC: I'm lame, I should have posted to make a spot check back last time I posted... I'll go ahead and roll one for you))

Sel looks around quickly for some kind of lever or trigger to open the portcullis from the inside, as does Liam and the others on the outside. But before long, Jaeden says "They're here!" Your eyes turn to the eastern entrance and in strides half a dozen men leading a small force of Enberton Guardsmen. They turn and notice you and raise their weapons...

Sel notices a strange "brick" in the wall and suspects that it is, or hides the trigger to open the portcullis. But it is out of his immediate reach.


Liam quickly abandons his search and moves forward to stand at the portcullis, peering through at the new arrivals. Guardsmen, or, more likely, more of Movak's traitors. He calls out through the bars to the guards.

"I don't suppose there's any chance that you lot are still loyal to the king are you? Reinforcements and so on?"

He doesn't hold much hope for his question, and watches them warily, ready to respond with force as soon as they attack.


First Post
Sel cannot reach the trigger without crossing a good chunk of the stone floor, but he can do so without coming under direct attack, at least not from those with melee weapons. It would be obvious what he was trying to do for an archer, that is, if the archer knew the location of the mechanism.

The first man through the eastern corridor steps forward toward Jaeden, how also draws his weapon.

The lead guardsman steps forward beside the other and says, "It is in the service of the King that we are here! State your names and purpose? Why are you in this foul place?" The apparent captain orders.


Liam shrugs, but doesn't quite relax. Not ready to trust these men quite yet, but willing to give honesty a shot.

"I am Liam Wester, and my companions and I been sent by the king to attempt the rescue of Lady Asta who has been kidnapped by a traitor or traitors as part of a plot against the king."

Knight Otu

First Post
Sel stays cautious and silent, ready to spring towards the probably mechanism if things turn sour.
(For some reason I get the feeling that Sel should take a level of rogue if he sees the next level. :p )
(Subscriptions should be back in working order, by the way.)


First Post
((Sorry guys, life's been busy... back to business though :) ))

"Then you must be the ones Good King Promus had mentioned when he quested this mission to us." The captain says

One of the "adventurers" steps forward. He is an elf wearing fancy studded leather armor. He has a large hat that is pulled low over his face so it sits in shadow and he has a pasty complexion ((Please make spot checks)). "My companions and I have been working for the King since we arrived in Enberton trying to solve the mysteries that have plagued the Summit meetings since it began with the murder of the Dwarven ambassador. We have recently uncovered a plot by the King's own brother to unleash a horde of undead horrors upon Enberton at the completion of some diabolical ceremony this vary eve. We are the advance team as the King musters his army. By chance, you've not any sort of clue as to where we might find such an army?" the elf says

Voidrunner's Codex

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