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(RP) GMF Lounge


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A shadowy lanky figure swaggers into town his heavy cowl setting his face back deep in shadows, thin fingers sticking out of his cloak roll a gold coin to-and-fro. The shadowy character appears to look about the town eyeing each person around with a stony grey gaze that sends a cold chill down their spines. As the Character swaggers forth the sound of rough clanging bells is heard rapidly rising in pitch and tone until a massive group of Cows comes into sight, apparently following the Shadowy figure. The thin man's shoulders suddenly sink, seeming a defeated man as the cows begin to gather about him.

"Why can't have Followers that can be useful!?!?"

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I look up, seeing a strange cowled man walk next to me, adressing me. "Me?" I asked, "How did you know?" I continued, in a raspy whisper, and louder, masking my previous remark, I almost shouted, "You want anything to drink? Its on me..." I proffered a hand, "Nice to meet you....?"

I shifted in my chair a little bit, and took a second look around the bar, nope, no irregular people apparent, only what looked like the normal drunkards were inhabiting this bar, that is besides me, and the man who somehow knew my alias.

"But, really, where did you hear that name?" I asked again, pleading, very insistant, still in a whisper. I looked him full in his cowled face, giving him my best, widest grin possible, my signature. I tried to see under the cowl, but it seemed to be unnaturally darkened, and I couldn't see past it. That was all he wore, a dark robe, seeming to be out of place, among my lightly tattered clothes, and the heavy patchwork that most of the peasants in the tavern wore.

((Ooc: I know I'm violating the rule I just posted (OOcness) but we don't necerally have to call ourselves what our SN is... for example 'Grin Reaper' is a horrid name for a character, but a cool screen name... No need to appologize Xen, its really NP, but just remember that in the future...I mean, my character is the grin reaper, but its a recived name, not his real one, and he isn't super well known, he is just semi-infamous))
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A tall, heavy man with short brown hair and an almost totally grey beard enters the room.
He wears loose-legged trousers tucked into high soft boots, with a long sleeved and loose fitting tunic. Slung over his shoulder is a soft suede satchel, and on his hand there is a simple golden ring.

Adjusting the satchel, he leans onto the bar and signals for the tavernmaster. "Hard cider, please. Pear or peach if you have it. Apple, if you have neither." Looking around the common room, he sees most of the tables are full, except one, where a small group of people are becoming acquainted with each other. Tossing a silver onto the bar, he takes his mug and moves through the crowd to the table. "My friends, may I join you? I am Cal, and I'm sure we all have tales and lies aplenty to keep our tongues wagging and our throats parched. Let me buy the first round to stave off that which is inevitable."


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"I wasn't aware it was a touchy subject, forgive me. I don't useally adress people without knowing something about them. I gleaned your name through... magical means, I take an intrest in visitors to our small town." Xen looks down at the hand offered and quickly looks back up, his hand remaining hidden.
"It would be unfair of me to know your name and you not know mine. I am Xen Tuin'tarl, a student of the arcane. Let me be the first to welcome you... welcome."
He silently waves away a waitress.


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DungeonmasterCal said:
A tall, heavy man with short brown hair and an almost totally grey beard enters the room.
He wears loose-legged trousers tucked into high soft boots, with a long sleeved and loose fitting tunic. Slung over his shoulder is a soft suede satchel, and on his hand there is a simple golden ring.

Adjusting the satchel, he leans onto the bar and signals for the tavernmaster. "Hard cider, please. Pear or peach if you have it. Apple, if you have neither." Looking around the common room, he sees most of the tables are full, except one, where a small group of people are becoming acquainted with each other. Tossing a silver onto the bar, he takes his mug and moves through the crowd to the table. "My friends, may I join you? I am Cal, and I'm sure we all have tales and lies aplenty to keep our tongues wagging and our throats parched. Let me buy the first round to stave off that which is inevitable."
Greetings Mr.Cal, though I must pass on the drinks I welcome the tales of one so obviously well traveled as yourself.


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A brown-haired, slender girl wearing a full green and brown cloak enters the bar from a side door, coming in quietly and quickly assessing all visitors in side. She studies each face slowly and, finally satisfied, removes the hood.
She seems to glide over to the bar, seating herself on a stool inconspicuously and speaking quietly, "Just water. I felt as if I should rest here."
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"Oh, an arcanist?" I comented, "Hmmmmm..." Sipping my drinks I observed as two other people, obviously not peasants walked in, one walking over to our table, offering a round. "No thanks Cal..." I responded, "I prefer to pay for my own." I stopped talking, and gave this newcomer Cal a piercing stare, looking him straight in the eye, satisfied, I told him, "I'm Vahn, but you might know me by another name, I'd prefer not to speak of it here."

I looked at the second newcomer, a girl, dressed in nice clothes, and most notably, a green-brown cloak. Another one who seemingly gilded over to the bar... I couldn't think why people enjoyed to create the illusion that they had no legs...


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Cal looks at Vahn. "Perhaps I do. You have an air of familiarity about you. But I must say I've never seen so many to turn down a free drink!" Pulling up a chair, he sits down and drains most of his mug in two long draughts. "Ahh... nothing like cold peach cider on a warm day."

Looking at the rest of the group, he smiles and asks, "Now, who'll tell us a tale?"

OOC: Should we decide which tense to use? I'm using 3rd person, and GR is using 1st person. I'm good either way, but we should pick one and all use it, I think. It just makes the reading easier.


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OOC: Agreed. I was a bit confused. Let's go for 3rd person, it makes the perspective more transferrable to anyone reading.

The girl sips quietly at her water, watching the scenery, seeming to seek someone or something. There is a clear focus to every movement, and yet there is also an ethereal quality to the way she seems to move. She laughs quietly at something, then stares into the corners of the tavern for a few minutes more.

She speaks, but does not turn her head; "Perhaps you would like to introduce yourself, stranger? I noticed you staring at me. Or perhaps you were just observing my cloak? Dangerous things have happened to those who enjoy the colors in my cloak a bit too much. They tend to ask questions, and some do not like the answers."

OOC: Will reveal name later.


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A new man walks in. His long blond hair falling almost like water over his shoulders and down his back. he wears armor that seems to be a chaotic shifting of all the colors, however the colors are dark and mixed in such a way that without careful inspection it simply appears black. He carries no weapon as weapons are forbidden in the bar. He notes a group of interesting people gathering, takes down his black hood revealing piercing blue eyes, and walks over to them.

"Gentlemen..." He looks at the girl for a moment, making his observation of her exemption from this category evident. "...and lady...how are you all? I see you ahve come here finally. I know you would all eventually come..."

He looks at the dark, cowled one:
"Xen...we've...met before I believe."
He then notes the girl:
He notes the rest indicating them correctly:
"Vahn...or rather...Reaper..."
"...nice to see you all. Shall we have a drink?"

He seems to be the essence of Chaos itself bound into one person. He is mysetery and change, he is destruction and transformation, he is power and movement. he is the Avatar of Chaos.

Voidrunner's Codex

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