For many gamers, the dream is to play great games. Within that group, there’s a subset that dreams of making great games, being paid to create content for tabletop RPGs. For them, bringing joy to gamers while covering their bills is the goal. For any gamer looking to make the jump (and even those that already have), finding jobs can be a challenge. To that end, we’re curating a list of some of the gaming companies that are looking for freelancers and permanent employees to create content, fiction, and art.
Bloat Games
Happy Gnome Publishing
Ginger Goat Press
Does RPG journalism call to you? Would you like to write about tabletop RPGs for ENWorld? Check out EN World’s Columnist program and let us hear from you. The rate is “$0.04c per word” for 600-word articles.
This article was contributed by Egg Embry as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. Do you have a tabletop RPG related job you’d like to share? Contact Egg Embry here to share the details.
Bloat Games
- Type of employment: Freelance short story author
- Assignment: 2,500 to 16,000 word superhero short story
- Rate of pay: $0.01 per word
- Deadline: TBD
- Note: Bloat Games is asking for the “[n]on-exclusive rights to publish the story. Writer retains all other rights and Intellectual IP and can resell the story to other publishers.”
Happy Gnome Publishing
- Type of employment: Freelance writer
- Assignment: Content for Agents of A.A.R.F. Adventure Path
- Rate of pay: $0.03 per word
- Deadline: Not disclosed
Ginger Goat Press
- Type of employment: Freelance short story author, OR freelance poetry author
- Assignment: Up to 6,000 word short story, OR a poem
- Rate of pay: $0.06 per word for a short story, OR $30 flat fee for a poem
- Deadline: September 30th, 2018
- Note: “All protagonists must be racially marginalized. […] At least one space is reserved for an unpublished self-identified author of color or ethnically marginalized author.”
Does RPG journalism call to you? Would you like to write about tabletop RPGs for ENWorld? Check out EN World’s Columnist program and let us hear from you. The rate is “$0.04c per word” for 600-word articles.
This article was contributed by Egg Embry as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. Do you have a tabletop RPG related job you’d like to share? Contact Egg Embry here to share the details.