RPG Print News – Arc Dream Publishing, Renegade Game Studio, and More

Another adventure shambles loathsome and fetid into unnatural life for Delta Green. G.I. JOE RPG and Transformers RPG explode into action with two beginner boxes including dice and a GM screen. Goblin fun arrives for Troika! and Odin’s Beard has the latest edition and support for Runecairn: Wardensaga Remastered. Arkham Horror RPG is a new RPG debuting with a starter set filled with dice, tokens, maps, rules, and an adventure. Finally, DIE RPG gets a collection of three adventures and players even get the chance to use CCG or TCG cards in one of the adventures.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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God's Eye by Arc Dream Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Delta Green
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $19.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The PC Agents confront an inexorable government drone spy operation, unnatural revelations unleashed by the loss of privacy, and violence stemming from desperate revenge. A mathematician inexplicably vanishes from a secretive company in Reno which specializes in the software that allows high-flying drones to spy on every inch of the city. She is only the first. The PCs attempt to unravel a pattern of killings and disappearances. Works well with God’s Teeth.
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G.I. JOE RPG Beginner Box - Boot Camp | Transformers RPG Beginner Box - Roll Out by Renegade Game Studio
  • SYSTEM: G.I. JOE RPG/Transformers RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: beginner boxed sets
  • RETAIL PRICE: $35 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Contents of each boxed set: 32-page Playing the Game booklet, 28-page first adventure, 32-page second adventure, eight pre-generated characters, a set of themed dice, and GM Screen. PCs in Boot Camp embody heroes that include some of the best, brightest, and most courageous Joes joined together to oppose the global menace of COBRA. PC Joes travel the world, foil evil plots, and save the day as members of the world’s elite fighting force. In Roll Out PC Autobots on a noble mission fight to stop the dastardly Decepticons and protect planet Earth. PCs battle to stop the Decepticons, collect Energon cubes, and protect the people of Earth.
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Goblin Mail by All Rolled Up
  • SYSTEM: Troika!
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $16.95
  • DESCRIPTION: As the goblins’ labyrinth connects more and more spheres together, the need for efficient inter-sphere mail delivery grew. Goblins enthusiastically attempted to answer the demand and mail offices sprung up all over the spheres. The number of post offices rose until crowding led to direct conflict in the Great Goblin Mail War. Piles of important paperwork shipped without a stamp, the postal seal bubble crashed, and mailgobs went missing because of mail bandits or saboteurs from rival offices. The PCs stamp (heh) into a bureaucratic bloodbath.
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Runecairn: Wardensaga Remastered | Runecairn: Into the Nine Realms by Odin’s Beard
  • SYSTEM: based on Into the Odd and Cairn 20 roll under
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebook/softcover adventure collection
  • RETAIL PRICE: $40/$16
  • DESCRIPTION: Runecairn: Wardensaga Remastered is designed for one GM (the Warden) and one player (the Adventurer). The PC carves their own fate the Nine Realms in this Norse fantasy RPG inspired by games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Includes: Soulslike mechanics such as resurrecting at bonfires and respawning monsters, a quickstart dungeon crawl adventure, four standard backgrounds like the hearty Warrior and spirited Skald, two advanced backgrounds: the devastating Berserkr and fiery Pyre, solo play with a rune-based oracle, rules to drop in additional PCs, and a dark dungeon random generator. New in the Remastered edition: brought in new mechanics introduced in the Runecairn Bestiary like toxic and dismembered status effects, provided answers to common questions like how to increase mead flask sips and typo and corrections pass. Into the Nine Realms is a collection of 16 one-page dungeons with areas ranging from poison swamps to ruined fortresses, to corrupted villages. One PC or a solo PC will explore lost ruins, brave corrupted villages, delve cursed caverns, and scale the limbs of the world tree.
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Arkham Horror RPG Starter Set - Hungering Abyss by Edge Studio
  • SYSTEM: Dynamic Pool System (DPS)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: boxed set
  • RETAIL PRICE: $34.99
  • DESCRIPTION: An ancient force has come to the city of Arkham that threatens to consume everything. Set in Fantasy Flight Games’ world of Arkham Horror, this boxed set is designed for up to five players and a GM. Includes an adventure, five character portfolios, 24 dice, several tokens, three double-sided maps, and other components. The PCs race against time and the encroaching darkness to stop the ancient force threatening Arkham. While the foes are deadly dangerous, the PCs are heroes themselves and are able to fight back and perhaps win the day. PCs have a dice pool to pull from, sometimes to roll or sometimes just needing a certain number of dice. Damage reduces the size of the dice pool. Horror dice can fill it up instead as the PC is traumatized and those dice cannot be rerolled on a one and ones rolled on the horror dice inflict more trauma.
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DIE RPG Scenarios Volume 1 - Bizarre Love Triangles by Rowan, Rook & Decard
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure collection
  • DESCRIPTION: Three weird takes on a familiar formula for adventure. In the first one, frustrated by their players’ constant whining about failed relationships and lost loves, the Master throws them into their worst nightmare: a fantasy kingdom populated entirely by ex-lovers with (literal) axes to grind. Next, the PCs are luckless teenagers trapped at a summer camp where isolation, deprivation and cruelty are the order of the day. They escape into a fantasy kingdom by playing a strange RPG throughout the long night. Finally, Mugen Clash is the world’s greatest collectible card game, and the PCs have been drawn into the strange world depicted in the cards. Players can grab a hand of cards from any CCG or TCG and try to use them to succeed with cunning, strategy, and paper-thin narrative conveniences improvised on the fly.
Charlie Dunwoody participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and the Noble Knight Games’ Affiliate Program. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Noble Knight Games respectively. If you like the articles at EN World please consider supporting the EN World Patreon.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

As the goblins’ labyrinth connects more and more spheres together, the need for efficient inter-sphere mail delivery grew. Goblins enthusiastically attempted to answer the demand and mail offices sprung up all over the spheres. The number of post offices rose until crowding led to direct conflict in the Great Goblin Mail War. Piles of important paperwork shipped without a stamp, the postal seal bubble crashed, and mailgobs went missing because of mail bandits or saboteurs from rival offices. The PCs stamp (heh) into a bureaucratic bloodbath.
If they don't manage to work in rules for Literal Mail armor I'm going to very disappointed with the missed opportunity. :)
Players can grab a hand of cards from any CCG or TCG and try to use them to succeed with cunning, strategy, and paper-thin narrative conveniences improvised on the fly.
I think I'd go with a Big Can of Whupass and a few copies of Monkey Business from Shadowfist, splash in a Rain of Walrus and the Cut-Up Machine from On the Edge and a Shirtless Kirk promo card, then top it off with a counterfeit Black Lotus. :)

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