RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Steamforged Games, Gaming Ballistic, and More

Plenty of support for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition this week with box sets full of minis supporting a box set of taverns and maps. There is also an entire sourcebook on journeys and exploration. Old-School Essentials gets a new island campaign setting along with a solo adventure for the island and a separate city adventure set next to a ruin strewn desert. Finally, there is absolution seeking, a haunted mine, and Ragnarök supplements for Mörk Borg.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Uncharted Journeys by Cubicle 7
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes detailed travel rules for journeys and exploration. Rules for four key journey Roles: the Outrider, the Quartermaster, the Sentry, and the Leader and each Role has a unique ability. Advice on which Classes are best suited to which Roles, as well as new rules for resting and recovering Class abilities while on a long journey. New ways to create unique and interesting travelers and new rules for creating ancient ruins. Covers almost 2,000 encounters across 16 different regions including huge cities teeming with people, haunted lands ruled by a malicious Vampire Lord, and scorched hellscapes ruled by demons and monstrosities.
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Local Legends - Night Hag Encounter | Local Legends - Bat Demon Encounter | Local Legends - Ghost Pirate Encounter | Local Legends - Owl Bear Encounter | Local Legends - Wraith Encounter | Local Legends - Tavern Kit by Steamforged Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: boxed sets with unpainted minis/box set
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24.99 each/$39.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Each Local Legends box is designed to work with the Local Legends - Tavern Kit and includes two to five minis, an illustrated battle map, and an encounter booklet. The Night Hag, Marshina, seeks to increase her power through tapping ancient leylines and with every stroke of her wicked scythe. If the PCs don’t stop her, the whole multiverse could be doomed. Drawn to shady places where dark emotions fester, the Diaemus, a grotesque Bat Demon, feeds on guilt. Do the PCs have the fortitude to defeat it? Returned from death’s dark abyss, Captain Bloodbeard McGraw the Ghost Pirate is from the dead to recruit new members for his otherworldly crew. Will the PCs stop him or will they fall and bolster his growing undead crew? Legend has it the local Owlbear may be linked to the disappearance of a certain infamous druid. Right now, though, the PCs are probably more concerned about it rampaging through town! Shrouded in darkness, the Wraith has haunted The Silver Purse tavern for many years and lures victims to their doom in the boobytrapped labyrinth beneath it. The PCs seek to put an end to its ghostly tyranny and avoid suffering the wasting chill of its ethereal hospitality. Local Legends - Tavern Kit includes 10 fantasy inns, 60 NPCs, and tavern games that are a test of wits designed to raise the spirits. Inside: inncounter book featuring a guide to running tavern inncounters, tavern book including 10 fantasy taverns complete with plot hooks, NPC book and cards featuring 60 NPCs with portraits and adventure hooks, 10 tavern maps, and 10 illustrated play mats for tavern games each unique for every pub.
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The Isle of Sedra | Monster Hunter Belladonna | The Scorpion Labyrinth by Gaming Ballistic
  • SYSTEM: Old-School Essentials
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover sourcebook/softcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $27/$22/$15
  • DESCRIPTION: Located in a vast ocean, The Isle of Sedra forms a regional campaign setting small enough to be manageable but large enough to contain a wide variety of adventures. It is home to Ironskull Castle and can be used as a campaign start or a drop in destination a few weeks sail from another setting. The major cities and locations are expanded on, and factional alliances and conflicts provided, supporting adventures featuring dark gothic fantasy, monster hunting, dungeon and wilderness crawls, and political intrigue. Monster Hunter Belladonna is solo adventure for a sixth to eighth level character. Monsters never rest, so neither does the vampire huntress Belladonna. As work piled up, she found it politically expedient to join the Monster Hunter's Guild, newly formed by the Duke of Thorn, and confront the dangerous creatures from the Isle of Sedra. Play as the lethal maid Belladonna or don the crimson cloak of the members of the Duke's new guild. PCs get the chance to plunder the depths of a long-forgotten ruin called The Scorpion Labyrinth. An innkeeper has discovered a mysterious crimson door engraved with a scorpion sigil under his humble inn. This door leads to an ancient ruin lying beneath the city streets of the city-state of Tamuz. Includes details on a bustling urban neighborhood filled with colorful characters. Just another day on the edge of the Red Desert which is strewn with the wreckage of the ancient ruins of a long-lost empire.
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Pilgrimage of the Penitent | Beyond Deep | Ragnaborg by Worlds of Game Design
  • SYSTEM: Mörk Borg
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover/softcovers
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24.95/$20 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Pilgrimage of the Penitent includes a storyline that explores the lengths to which one might go to seek absolution during the impending apocalypse. Inspired by the ancient pilgrim routes of Camino de Santiago, it has a plethora of different NPCs, locations, treasures, creatures, and diseases PCs might meet along the way. The storyline is extremely combat-light and introduces a new “affliction” system in which magical diseases can develop over time, granting boons or banes to the PCs. In Beyond Deep, the PCs visit the secluded mining town of Bereleah built around a now corrupted mine plagued by harrowing conditions, grotesque creatures, and a horrific mystery. The town has been ground down by the exploitation of Thunder Trove Mining, its inhabitants grasping for survival at the treacherous edge of civilization. Full of detailed maps, gruesome monsters, compelling characters, explorable locations, and strange encounters. PCs are warriors in Ragnaborg, a Norse environment in the final days of Ragnarök. PCs play in an epic tale of violence and honor as they battle their way to Valhalla.
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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

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