Plenty of new rules, miniatures (including two from the covers of AD&D), battle maps, map tiles, and more for various editions of Dungeons & Dragons and variants including rules for PCs wielding the power of collectible monsters. Finally, The Fall of Delta Green and MÖRK BORG get a collection of adventures and rules for zero level funnels respectively.
Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.
Campaign Builder - Castles & Crowns | Campaign Builder - Castles & Crowns Map Folio by Kobold Press
The Dragon's Hoard - Issue #42 | The Dragon's Hoard - Issue #43 by Legendary Games
BattleZoo Eldamon (D&D 5E) | BattleZoo Eldamon (Pathfinder 1E)
Beasts of Legend - Construct Codex by Legendary Games
The Borellus Connection by Pelgrane Press
Foul by M. Allen Hall
Eidolon (AD&D) | Efreeti (AD&D) by WizKids
Gold Dragon (D&D 5E 2024) | Lolth (D&D 5E 2024) by WizKids
Map Tiles - Caves & Caverns | Map Tiles - Villages by Kobold Press
Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.
Campaign Builder - Castles & Crowns | Campaign Builder - Castles & Crowns Map Folio by Kobold Press
- SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
- PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement/24” x 36” double-sided 12 battle map collection
- RETAIL PRICE: $49.99 each
- DESCRIPTION: Castles & Crowns is a campaign builder toolkit to build legendary rulers, mythic kingdoms, opulent palaces, and imposing fortresses down to the last detail with a host of tables and guides. Everything needed: award royal titles, create factions, wage war, broker peace, build detailed NPCs such as rulers and generals, and construct strongholds. Plus new PC options, magic items, sample kingdoms, and spells for courtly characters. The Castles & Crowns Map Folio Includes a variety of feudal locale battle maps: hunting grounds, monastery, dungeon, castle (2 floors), dwarven fortress, prison and siege grounds with a 1-inch square grid and coated to wipe dry when using wet-erase, dry-erase, or even permanent markers.
The Dragon's Hoard - Issue #42 | The Dragon's Hoard - Issue #43 by Legendary Games
- SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplements
- RETAIL PRICE: $12.99/$11.99
- DESCRIPTION: The Dragon’s Hoard is a monthly anthology of magic items, spells, monsters, and more from Legendary Games' ongoing Legendary Loot Patreon along with dozens of pieces of new art. Issue #42: magical items like the bloodvine rope and spellcrash scepter, spells including mutant plague and summon horde of flesh, character special features such as the Sea Reaver background, and the Path of the Plains Runner, and featuring killer monsters like the ancient jotunnár horde and the apocalyptic radioactive purple worm. Inside Issue #43: magical items like the icegate elixir and rod of hallucination, spells such as joyful rapture and righteous bastion, the barbaric Path of the Destroyer and the resplendent Inner Harmonies are new character options, and dangerous creatures include the blood-tainting afudius and the rapacious dinichthys.
BattleZoo Eldamon (D&D 5E) | BattleZoo Eldamon (Pathfinder 1E)
- SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition/Pathfinder First Edition by Roll for Combat
- PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplements
- RETAIL PRICE: $59.99 each
- DESCRIPTION: Eldamon are ancient creatures slightly out of phase with reality that like to meld into items, creatures, and locations. They can be added into most settings, allowing PCs to interact with and collect them. Inside: over 160 eldamon, 13 elements like special moves for eldamon to learn, the eldamon trainer class which befriends eldamon and phases them into reality to fight, the elemental avatar class which embodies an eldamon and manifests its power directly, rule and tables to customize adding eldamon to a campaign, setting information, and variants such as whether eldamon are rare or invisible to most people or ubiquitous and well-known.
Beasts of Legend - Construct Codex by Legendary Games
- SYSTEM: Black Flag Roleplaying
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
- RETAIL PRICE: $12.99
- DESCRIPTION: Includes 13 creepy constructs ranging from CR 1/2 to 17s, each one illustrated, from the bloodthirsty manikin and living crematory to the stained glass knight and cranial dissectibot. Constructs, in light of a horror-themed campaign, are soulless, pitiless, without fear, judgment, or mercy. They are brought to a horrifying mockery of life by forces beyond comprehension such eldritch experimentation of madmen, the accursed invocations of apostate heretics, or by the tormented hauntings of spirits unable to rest and unwilling to forget or forgive the miseries they suffered or perpetrated in life.
The Borellus Connection by Pelgrane Press
- SYSTEM: The Fall of Delta Green
- PRODUCT TYPE: 415 page hardcover supplement
- RETAIL PRICE: $64.95
- DESCRIPTION: This campaign of eight operations set in the 1960s for The Fall of Delta Green is over 400 pages hence the price. PCs work for or with the United States Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs against the heroin trade and. It runs from South-East Asia to the Middle East to Europe, as the Agents uncover the sinister machinations of a necromantic cult. Operations range from assassinations to surveillance to investigations all while facing human foes and the horrors of the Mythos.
Foul by M. Allen Hall
- PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
- DESCRIPTION: Includes zero level rules. Special advancement rules mean that as characters are lost, remaining characters get stronger. Each player begins with three to four characters that embark on a dangerous mission into the sewers below Grift. The PCs fight smugglers, heretics, monsters, and the servants of the Lord Beneath. The PCs become FOULED by the filth that fills the sewers, acquiring FOUL ABERRATIONS that may hurt or help their mission. Also has new monsters and items.
Eidolon (AD&D) | Efreeti (AD&D) by WizKids
- SYSTEM: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (First Edition)
- PRODUCT TYPE: single miniatures
- RETAIL PRICE: $34.95 each
- DESCRIPTION: The idol (eidolon) from the cover of the AD&D Player’s Handbook and the efreeti from the cover of the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Gold Dragon (D&D 5E 2024) | Lolth (D&D 5E 2024) by WizKids
- SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, 2024
- PRODUCT TYPE: single miniatures
- RETAIL PRICE: $49.95 each
- DESCRIPTION: The gold dragon from the cover of the Player's Handbook (D&D 5E 2024) and Lolth from the cover of the Dungeon Master's Guide (D&D 5E 2024 alternate cover).
Map Tiles - Caves & Caverns | Map Tiles - Villages by Kobold Press
- SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
- PRODUCT TYPE: each includes 24 illustrated 7”x7” map tiles hardcover supplement/24” x 36” double-sided 12 battle map collection
- RETAIL PRICE: $24.99 each
- DESCRIPTION: Caves & Caverns includes an underground lake shore, mushroom grotto, dragon lair, cave shrine, and other settings for subterranean adventure. Villages contains locations like: a small house, tavern, well, smithy, watchtower, roadside shrine fishing dock, graveyard, ruins, and more.