RPG Print News – WizKids, Mongoose, and More

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight gets pre-painted miniatures and Fateforge hits the ground running with a setting book, monsters, art, and pawns for Dungeons & Dragons. D&D also gets several decks of cards depicting magic items, spells, and monsters. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and Traveller get adventures and AD&D gets a magazine filled with interesting articles. Vampire the Masquerade gets a...

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight gets pre-painted miniatures and Fateforge hits the ground running with a setting book, monsters, art, and pawns for Dungeons & Dragons. D&D also gets several decks of cards depicting magic items, spells, and monsters. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG and Traveller get adventures and AD&D gets a magazine filled with interesting articles. Vampire the Masquerade gets a supplement and Humblewood gets minis.
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Note: RPG Print News covers new RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are only available to customers through kickstarter or as print on demand.

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Witchlight Carnival Premium Set - D&D Minis by WizKids
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: pack of 10 pre-painted miniatures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $79.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: An In-Depth Review
  • DESCRIPTION: Once every eight years, the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down bringing joy to one settlement after the next. Its owners, Mister Witch and Mister Light, know how to put on a good show. But there’s more to this magical extravaganza than meets the eye! This set contains: Mister Witch, Mister Light, Northwind and Red, Kettlesteam, and more.
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Encyclopedia (Eana) - Fateforge | Creatures - Fateforge | Art Print - Encyclopedia | Encyclopedia (Eana) (Red Dragon Alternate Cover) | Creatures (Red Dragon Alternate Cover) | Art Print – Encyclopedia (Red Dragon Alternate Cover) | Creatures Box by Studio Agate
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplements/art prints/box of pawns
  • RETAIL PRICE: $50/$50/$12.95/$60/$60/$12.95/
  • DESCRIPTION: Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book including dozens of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items. Includes 15 cities featuring many adventure hooks and dozens of memorable figures, both friends and foes: a kobold mining village, a diabolist city, a necropolis-city, a hobgoblin pirate port, and more. Four civilizations are covered, each distinct from the others from dwarven mines and fjords to frozen lands and giants to steppes and decadent city-states. Also includes magic items and many optional rules. Creatures details more than 200 illustrated creatures over 400 plus pages including six playable species (ulkani, kobolds, goblins, bugbears, hobgoblins, and orcs), NPCs with related adventure hooks, and legendary creatures. The art prints are printed on 8.25" x 11.75" card stock. Image size approximately 7" x 9 7/8". The Creatures Box is a set of 16 pawn boards including 20 bases with over 200 pawns. These pawns can be used for games set in the world of Eana or other settings. They will especially fit urban, volcanic, and arctic environments, as well as an atmosphere of sword and sorcery. In addition to creatures, some pawns are intended for player characters, their familiars, mounts or animal forms and companions.
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Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. #1 | Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. #3 | Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. #4 | Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. #5 | Griffon's Saddlebag Vol. #7 by Hit Point Press
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: decks of 50 (65 for #7) illustrated cards
  • RETAIL PRICE: $21.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Inventive uniquely niche-filling new weapons, armor, potions, and more designed with flavor, balance, and gameplay in mind. Each one makes a great reward for an adventure.
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The Deck of Many Animated Spells: Level 2 Vol 1 | The Deck of Many Monsters 4 by Hit Point Press
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: decks of tarot-sized cards
  • RETAIL PRICE: $29.99/$15.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The Deck of Many Animated Spells: Level 2 Vol 1 is bursting with second-level spells with amazing animated effects like Arcane Lock and Find Traps. Each card features an original 8 frame looping animation on the front and easy to reference information on the back. The Deck of Many Monsters 4 includes monsters like: ancient gold dragon, a stranger thing, basilisk, bulette, chimera, flying sword, clay golem, griffon, manticore, otyugh, and more. Also has five black encounter cards for custom built monsters.
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The Towers of Dr. Xill | The Years Between by Studio 9 Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $9.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: The PCs explore the Tower of Dr. Xill by thawing out the chambers. They have to be careful what they find. Using super-science devices infused with the raw power of fire and ice, he summoned and enslaved elemental creatures to merge with his human subjects. His labs tilted toward the polar side and slowly his menagerie was encased in ice. The ice temporarily blocks areas of the map and the frictionless floors create unexpected sliding and unintentional exploration. Also includes visual puzzles for the players to solve. The Years Between is an alternate method for PCs to level up. The leveling process is accelerated in order to serve the judge’s needs or make a higher level module survivable. Includes illustrations and prompts to help create the story of that experience along with new artifacts and relics.
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Naval Adventure 4 - Enemy of My Enemy by Mongoose Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Traveller
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $19.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The Travellers are sent on a mission to Collace to fight piracy in District 268. Aided by the Collacian Planetary Navy, the Travellers go on a pirate hunt looking for a secret base. Includes: a complete naval mission using the Naval Campaign Sourcebook from Element Class Cruisers - Ship Builder's Blueprints, a stealth variant of the Type-S Scout/Courier, and deck plans and data for a deep-space pirate base.
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Flipping & Turning #6 by Smoldering Dung Games
  • SYSTEM: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1E
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $9.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: This issue includes: The Game That Time Forgot, Some Words With Seth Skorkowsky, Lew Pulsifer's "My Life as a Werebear", Taking Some Initiative Is Sex Necessary?, Poison Rock Prison, and more.
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The Black Hand by Renegade Game Studios
  • SYSTEM: Vampire the Masquerade (5th Edition)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • DESCRIPTION: Outlines in detail the lore and background of the Sabbat, including new Paths and Disciplines, histories, and new Storyteller resources. This book contains: Paths of Enlightenment, information on the Gehenna War, and new tools to expand chronicles including Discipline powers, versatile antagonists, and the horrifying Ritae of the Black Hand.
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Humblewood Minis - Beasts of the Wood | Humblewood Minis - Boneyard Birds by Hit Point Press
  • SYSTEM: Humblewood
  • PRODUCT TYPE: five unpainted miniatures with some assembly required
  • RETAIL PRICE: $29.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: Beast of the Wood includes the following: a forest prowler with a large base, mountain lion with a large base, and three ember bat swarms. Boneyard Birds including five skeletal birds, one on a large base.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

I'm not sure I understand the animated effects of the spell cards? I went to the web site and it didn't really clear up what they mean. Anyone have a link to a actual picture of these things?


enworld.com is a reminder of my hubris
I'm not sure I understand the animated effects of the spell cards? I went to the web site and it didn't really clear up what they mean. Anyone have a link to a actual picture of these things?
My guess was like those old 1980's cards from cracker jacks or something where the image changes based on the angle you view it from. So to see the animation, you'd kind of tilt the card side to side.


My guess was like those old 1980's cards from cracker jacks or something where the image changes based on the angle you view it from. So to see the animation, you'd kind of tilt the card side to side.
Yes - I found their Kickstarter and that's exactly what it is. It's called "lenticular lenses" or "lenticular printing" where you have a different group of images on the card interlaced on a sheet of plastic and then depending on how you tilt the card you see different images. An analog version of an animated GIF.

Dire Bare

I backed the kickstarter for the Studio Agate books, for digital copies. Even though my bookshelf is full, I'm regretting not getting the physical books . . . the artwork is AMAZING and worth the price alone. Worldbuilding is fun too, and is presented from a slightly different perspective for American audiences, and the publisher is European (Italian if I remember correctly).


I backed the kickstarter for the Studio Agate books, for digital copies. Even though my bookshelf is full, I'm regretting not getting the physical books . . . the artwork is AMAZING and worth the price alone. Worldbuilding is fun too, and is presented from a slightly different perspective for American audiences, and the publisher is European (Italian if I remember correctly).
French. Pretty certain they're French. My physical books are due to arrive next week. Can't wait to see them in physical form.

It is not news of something in print, but rather of a new video game released that is set in a ttrpg world. The RPG Tormenta has gotten a video game made for it called Reverie Knights Tactics and is out on PC, XB1, PS4, and Switch. As rare as quality representation for game setting to video game products has been, I hope this one is good. @LuisCarlos17f aren't you in Brazil and can say anything about this system?



Unpaid Scientific Adviser (Ret.)
French. Pretty certain they're French. My physical books are due to arrive next week. Can't wait to see them in physical form.
I've been becoming more and more of a fan of the Euro RPG world. A lot of the work seems to be unfettered of the Edition Wars, and have a more organic albeit complex system that works far better than almost anything American published in the last 20 years.

Voidrunner's Codex

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