RPGs prohibited in a Brazilian city...


First Post
Smetzger -> Something like this PrClass?

Football (Soccer) Star Scorer (5 level PrClass)

Ranged BAB: +3
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Combat Reflexes, Run
Bluff: 8 ranks
Sense Motive: 5 ranks

Skill Points 4+Int bonus per level.

Good Save=Reflex

At 1st level the Star Scorer gains a +4 competence bonus to Bluff checks when feinting (Dribble).
At 2nd level the Star Scorer can subtract from his damage and add the same ammount to his attack roll (Placing Shot).
At 3rd level the Star Scorer, after scoring a goal, gains a +2 morale bonus to all checks for the remainder of the current half-game (Saviour of the Crowd).
At 4th level the Star Scorer can feint as a free action.
At 5th level the star Scorer gains the Frightful Presence ability, activated just by entering the field.


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Rashak Mani

First Post
I´m Brazilian too... let me add a coment before people start thinking this is common in Brazil...

I dont remember the original reason for the prohibition but I guess some suicide attempt or murder was associated.... but overall Brazilians are very very ok with RPGs... its just a curiosity or fad and is rarely ever seen as dangerous or even geeky.

This Vila Velha law is a good example of people legislating about things they know nothing about... Politicians just responded too some distraught and vengeful families appeals too ban RPG. Thats why RPGer must keep an eye out for media coverage of RPG that can be overdone... if you dont keep an eye out you a silly Law pops out of nowhere... :(

Politicians are a easy species to be influenced... here and anywhere else... especially if it costs them nothing.


First Post
Rashak Mani is right, all this hibbub began after a girl was slain in a cemetery, the corpse indicating that some sort of ritual was performed, and those involved (the late girl and the killers) were RPGers. That was in the city of Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais.

The most played RPG here is Vampire, and you can only find with relative ease Vampire Clanbooks and some Werewolf Tribe books. And the few RPGs made down here deal with occult themes, like Arkanun and Trevas, which have a Vampire/In Nomine feel.

It's so hard to find a single DnD books (the MM tooks almost two years to be released, and there are no signs of any supplements coming in any significative way). So the so-called "darker, mature" RPGs are, in the general public's eyes, the only RPGs.

Holy Bovine

First Post
Now that does seem wierd, Klaus. You can get Vampire/Werewolf books and not D&D? What the heck is WotC doing? A huge virtually untapped market like Brazil gets no D&D? Gaaaaa! I can't evn think about it its too horrible!

I'm not trying to make light of this censorship and I hope you guys can get this overturned post-haste. Good luck!


First Post
And it is worst when you think that is easier to get Falkesn and Shadowrun

I think Devir don´t like DnD, I really hope that WoC find another
to sell DnD 3 Ed books( that like it, and want to sell it), or sell
in Brazil.
About the censorship, most Brazilians don´t know nothing about RPG, and must think it is about occult/demoniac.

It is not the first time something like that happen here, but it is the
first time they make something.

Congratulations to Thiago and the RPG players in Vila Velha, because
are trying to do something, much more then the ones that should do


333 Dave

First Post
Welcome to the boards Lordmon! I'm going to guess that your not a native English speaker... but your English sure kicks the crap out of my (insert any language besides English).


Klaus said:

It's so hard to find a single DnD books (the MM tooks almost two years to be released, and there are no signs of any supplements coming in any significative way). So the so-called "darker, mature" RPGs are, in the general public's eyes, the only RPGs.

Claudio, just to make sure you are kept up to date, "Gibiteria" (a famous RPG and Hobby store here in Rio - for those not from Brasil) has been bringing us most supplements.

I've been there the day before yesterday, and there were all kinds of nice things just arriving. Brand new shipment. There was everything new from WotC, and quite a lot of Rokugan D20 settings and "Creatures of Rokugan". They also received CoC D20, and lots of things from S&SS.

I've seen some Atlas games and AEG stuff there before, and I believe the only major D20 publisher who is not fairly represented there is Green Ronin.

I do not have updated news on how Metropolis' (another RPG store in a different neighborhood) supplies are coming in, but I'll bet they are not far behind, if at all.

Só uma lembrança... :D


First Post
Boy, this is unfortunate news. I hope a sensible court throws out the law. At the least, you've got to wonder if police would waste time enforcing it.

Michelle and I had the pleasure of visiting Rio earlier this year, and we positively fell in love with the city! We didn't go looking for game stores, but did manage to play in one D&D game. (Gaming is fun, but when in Rio, there is also the beach and tasty capirinhas demanding one's limited time...!)

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