I use these in my games, for 5th edition. I tried to simplify things but allow for some true grit.
its the cover stuff and danger of using guns that i wanted to emphasis. Its long, and needs more work. but... there it is
These rules allow the simulation of firearms and other weapons that are not typical in a medieval fantasy role playing setting. These weapons simulate different capacities, payloads, ranges and reliability factors depending on what era they come from. All weapons, from swords, daggers, bows, to firearms, can be categorized by the era in which they commonly occur. Examples of different eras are; The Primitive Age, The Ancient Era, The Feudal Era, The Age of Reason, The Industrial Age, The Modern Era, Advanced Age, Future, and Ultra Age. All firearms require Proficiency to operate, without which a wielder will suffer disadvantage on any attack or check related to the operation of the firearm, in addition to not applying a proficiency bonus to their attack. There are some firearms that don’t require a proficiency in them to operate.
The Mastery of Firearms Feat:
This feat offers several benefits to the wielder of a firearm. In order to take this feat you must be proficient in the use of at least one firearm.
Sharp Shooter - Your ability to counter the defenses of a target increase the damage of your shot by your Wisdom or Intelligence modifier whichever is higher. The range increment you can fire a weapon without disadvantage, is doubled. The range past which you cannot make a shot without specialized equipment is doubled.
Steady Hand - The distance you can maintain from a target when you have the “Drop” on a target is doubled, and when firing in Burst Mode you do not suffer Disadvantage when rolling for a ranged attack.
Lightning Reflexes - You have Advantage on opposing Dexterity or “Slight of Hand” checks when the target “Makes a Break” for it.
Armor is effective against bullets or energy weapons if the "Armor Class" is considered to be "ballistically rated." If the armor class of any armor is magically enhanced, made with special or unusual composites or alloys or than it is ballistically rated and effective against bullets or energy weapons. With armor that is not ballistically rated, the targets AC is treated as if they are not wearing armor. Regular armor is destroyed by bullets when the target, and thus the armor, takes 20 points of damage.
A Mishap is a broad category for a Jam, Malfunction and possible backfire or flash of a firearm. Firearms, suffers a "Mishap" on a roll of 1 on an attack roll. This requires a full round to clear or fix the chamber or energy cell. A followup "Mishap Save" is rolled DC 10. If that roll fails than the firearm ceases to function and requires repair. If the “Mishap Save” rolled is 1 than the firearm backfires, or flashes the wilder if it is an energy weapon, doing 1d10 points of damage to the wielder of the firearm. The weapon is considered useless until it is repaired. Firearms of the Industrial Age and beyond have Advantage on “Mishap Saves.” Bad quality, damaged or poorly maintained firearms suffer disadvantage on Mishap saves, and does 2d10 points of damage to the wielder if the “Mishap Save” rolled is 1.
The Drop & Coup de Grace
The Drop: You have the “Drop” condition on a target, when you have a gun, placed near the targets head or vital spot. The target had to be unaware, restrained, or unable to stop the attacker from placing the weapon so close, in order for the “Drop” condition to be applied. Firearms have a property that allows them to be used at point blank, or close range, with no Disadvantage to the attack roll. Close range for a firearm is equivalent to the value of the attackers Dexterity score in feet, or more if specified in a firearms entry. When the “Drop” condition is established, a bonus action or a reaction allows a special attack, with advantage, which if successful, will cause critical damage. The attacker must be proficient in the weapon to cause critical damage automatically, otherwise normal damage is rolled.
Note: If the DM allows, and under unique circumstances, you can also gain the “Drop” on a target with a cross bow, any cross bolt weapon, bow, or melee blade place up against a vital spot, such as the throat.
If the target is, or becomes aware of the shooters presence during their turn, they can attempt to “Make a Break” for it. They must beat the attacker on an opposing Dexterity check versus the attackers Dexterity Check or Slight of Hand Skill check. If successful they can attempt to disengage, avoiding the “drop” effects of the attack, and turning it into a regular ranged attack.
Considerations: There are circumstances when there is no question as to the outcome of an attack and is fundamentally a "coup de grace.” This is generally a full round action to perform the attack, where the target is helpless, paralyzed, bound, unconscious or otherwise at the mercy of the attacker. In such cases the target simply dies, with no need to roll for the outcome.
Fast Draw Contest
A "Fast Draw Contest” takes place when two opponents wield weapons that can be deployed or drawn with speed and accuracy. Both opponents roll a Dexterity, or ‘Slight of Hand’ check. The opponent that wins the opposing check fires first and has advantage on that attack. If the opponents tie than both attacks are resolved at the same time and both attacks have advantage. On a successful strike the attack is considered to be a critical hit. The attacker must be proficient in the weapon to cause critical damage automatically, otherwise normal damage is rolled.
Suppressive Attack
An attacker on their turn can take an action to fire into an area with a firearm in order suppress an area, continuing that attack beyond their turn as reaction, with one attack occurring on there turn and an additional attack occurring during there reaction. A weapon has to have multiple shots, either in burst mode or auto-fire mode in order to perform a suppressive attack. The benefit of a suppressive attack is to force opponents, in the targeted area, to take cover or deal with getting shot.
If a target is in a suppressed area at the beginning of their turn, and the target doesn’t take "immediate cover" or already have cover, they will suffer Disadvantage on all ability checks, saves, and attacks, while getting shot at. Suppressive attacks against the target in the area, will have advantage because the target is walking into, or staying within the suppressed area. The attacker must be proficient in the weapon to gain advantage otherwise a normal attack is rolled.
Attack Type
Some weapons require a Full Round to prep and fire, indicated by the [Full] tag.
Using Auto fire mode takes a Full Round, and is indicated by the [Auto 00] tag.
Using Burst fire mode is a single attack, indicated by the [Burst 00] tag.
Using a Single shot is a single attack, and isn't indicated by any tag.
AUTOMATIC FIRE: This kind of firearm attack fills an area and consumes many bullets or energy when fired. The attacker first selects an area the gun is rated for and makes a Ranged attack roll. The target rolls a dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to the attackers Ranged attack roll. If the target is wearing ballistically Rated armor they may make the saving throw with Advantage. The attacker can select more than 1 area, but each additional area targeted reduces the attacks DC by 5. If the target save is successful they take half damage, if the save succeeds by 5 or more than the entire damage is evaded. If 1 on the dexterity save is rolled than a critical hit is dealt against the target. The damage entry under each weapon will have a tag that indicates how many shells, cartridges, or uses is consumed. For example; [Auto 100] means 100 cartridges are used in auto-fire mode.
BURST FIRE: Most firearms that can auto fire can fire in burst mode. Increasing the damage over single fire damage while using more bullets. Firing this way applies disadvantage to a shot due to recoil, except with exceptionally small weapons such as a sub machine gun. The damage entry under each weapon will have a tag that indicates how many, shells, cartridges, or uses is consumed when firing in this mode. For example; [Burst 5] means 5 cartridges are used when firing in burst mode. Disadvantage is indicated with the [Disadvantage] tag if burst mode applies disadvantage to the attack.
SINGLE FIRE: Most firearms attack with one bullet per individual attack. These attacks, are per ball, cartridge, shell, area attack for one use of a thrower, or one use of an energy pack. There is no parenthetical tag or indication of single fire mode for most weapons.
EXPLODING DAMAGE DIE: A heavy fire or especially designed firearm can apply Exploding damage to an attack, which is Indicated in the weapon entry after the damage dice for a particular weapon by the [Explode] tag. If exploding damage is limited to a specified distance that is less than the range increment of the weapon, the range will be also be indicated. For example [Explode range / 10' limit ] indicates the range limit where exploding damage is no longer a factor. When these firearms are deployed they can do damage utilizing Exploding Damage die. When any of the damage dice rolled is the maximum value of a single die, you may re-roll that damage die and add it to the preceding total. If the next roll is a maximum value you may continue to roll and add that damage in the same way. If a critical is scored the critical damage is similarly exploded in this way.
Note: Guns are generally a ranged attack and apply the dexterity modifier to damage die rolled, unless a specific gun, or ammunition entry says otherwise. If your game makes use of “maximized damage” for the first die rolled in a critical hit, than players have the option to roll that damage instead, in hopes that damage die rolled can utilize exploding die damage.
The "Range" of a firearm is often specific to the era from which it comes. Any firearm aimed at a target beyond its specified normal range is harder to hit and therefore has "Disadvantage" applied to the attack. The range increment given is measured in feet. Many firearms can reach 300 to 1000 yards, but to reasonably hit a target without the use of specialized equipment becomes improbable at ranges far less than that.
Firing a specific bullet, will drop off at very specific ranges. These range limits for firearms, are usually 10 to 100 times (or more) a given range increment. To successfully fire at these ranges a Marksmen's scope or another effect or ability that would provide a similar benefit, is required.
A firearm equipped with a modern era "Traditional Marksmen" scope, allow a sniper shot to be made. It requires 4 consecutive rounds of aiming at a motionless target, or if the target is moving, it does so in a moderate and predictable manner. If the shot is successful, the damage dealt is a critical hit. If the targets motion complicates the shot, or less time is spent aiming, a regular attack is made and regular damage is applied. The attacker suffers disadvantage on visual perception checks, and has a 0 passive visual perception check to anything not in the scopes direct view.
A firearm equipped with a modern era "Military Marksmen"can make that shot in 2 consecutive rounds instead of 4. All other requirements and outcomes of the shot are the same as for a "Traditional Marksman" Scope. Variants of this scope are found in the Advanced Age and perform as a "Military Marksmen Scope," but have a "Penetration" visual enhancement to their scopes. Smart scopes are found in the Advanced Age, Future and Ultra Age, eras, or produced through magical effects.
The ammunition "Payload," and the damage done is a function of the era from which a firearm comes. Various bullets for a firearms "Payload" penetrate ballistically rated armor and thick metal shielding differently, and can modify damage based on the nature of the bullets design parameters. Some ammo can be Non-Lethal, which means when a target is reduced to 0 Hp they auto stabilize but are unconscious. Payload statistics are simplified to reduce complexity within the game, unless the DM wants more statistical detail.
BALLS: Ancient Era "Lead Balls" are simple round bullets commonly loaded into a muzzle loaded firearm, with wadding and powder. A specific firearm will indicate how effective this ammo against armor with a AC modifier.
BULLETS: Bullets are manufactured with paper flash loaders or metal cartridges. There are many types of bullets "Soft, Hollow, Full metal” cartridges that can penetrate better, or cause more or less damage depending on their type. The differences are negligible for the purposes of this game. Firearms with this type of Ammo are rated for the gun entries that will follow. These types of bullets are common in Industrial Age firearms and less common in Modern Era firearms. Expensive "Armor Piercing" cartridges (-3 AC, -1 damage die) are designed with tips that allow bullets to penetrate armor easier but do slightly less damage when they hit. "Non-Lethal" bullets are often designed using rubber as the bullets projectile. They are deployed when you wish to demoralize targets and force them to vacate an area. They are common in Modern Era firearms. Specific Firearms will provide details regarding effectiveness against targets.
SHELLS: Shotgun "Shells" are common in the Industrial Age or Modern Era. There are a few types. "Non-Lethal” shells are packed with very tiny grains or balls and are generally cause non-lethal damage, against man sized targets. "Light Shot” Are often packed with small ball pellets, called buckshot. They cause normal damage at close range but reach further with less damage. “Heavy Shot” is packed with large slugs or scrap metal depending on the era of the weapon. They reach normal ranges causing heavy damage at close range. Modern weapons utilized shells with slugs. Scrap metal was loaded over powder and wadding in Age of Reason type weapons.
ULTRA FORM: Ultra Form (-4 AC, Optional Non-Lethal) bullets are commonly used in Advanced Age weapons. Such firearms utilize removable energy packs, to fire and create rounds inside the weapon. They often use an advanced magnetic railgun system to propel the rounds, depleting the energy packs as they are used.
ENERGY: Future and Ultra Age weapons often fire energy, in the form of light, waves, plasma, or bolts, that damage a target. You can also apply a stun effect or cause non-lethal damage. You can heat up objects and ignite combustible objects. Different effects are detailed under specific weapon entries.
FUEL: Some weapons such as flame throwers use chemical fuel in their Payload. This chemical fuel is carried in large tanks or smaller pressurized canisters, and are deployed in controlled bursts. The fuel is used to engulf an area and apply different effects unique to the characteristics of the chemical fuel used. Different types of chemical fuel produce fire, induce cold, even cause corrosive damage to targets in the engulfed area. You will find variants of a chemical thrower throughout time, with more advanced chemical fuels utilized in the Modern Era, or Advanced Age. The Future uses plasma instead of a chemical fuel, to produce some unique, and some common effects and damage. The Ultra Age utilize energy pack capacitors instead of tanks or canisters to deploy a similar Payload.
A firearms "Capacity" to hold a given amount of ammunition is a function of the era from which it comes. A firearms ammunition "Capacity" is based on how bullets are loaded, in certain amounts, into the firearms chamber. Some are loaded as single shots, some over a powder charge, while others load bullets into a chamber through the use of Clips, Magazines, Drums, or Belts. Some weapons derive their firing potential through the use of a power pack energy capacitor. The weapons "Capacity" is noted under the firearms damage line with the loading mechanism specified and the number of shots possible before the weapons "Capacity" needs to be replenished or reloaded. Common terms are: Muzzle, Ball Revolver, Revolver, Interior Magazine, Magazine, Clip, Drum Magazine, Belt, and Pack. If warranted details regarding how to load, and use a firearm will follow a firearms entry.
Some firearms capacity is marked by the utilization of gunpowder to fire its payload. The "Muzzle" load firearm chamber is individually loaded with powder, wadding and a lead ball. Ignition of the powder is triggered with a flintlock, matchlock or other Age of Reason firing mechanism.
The capacity of other firearms use cartridge or shell ammunition. These are small cases, often made of metal, that hold the primer ignition mechanism, the powder charge, and the bullet or pellets together as a unit. These casings make loading a firearm extremely efficient.
An "Magazine" allows shells or cartridges to be loaded directly into the interior of the firearm through an accessible port.
Some weapons can't employ magazines because of the shear amount of cartridges that needs to be expended in the operation of the firearm. A "Belt" fed mechanism carries, loads and feeds continuously very large amounts of ammunition into the firing chamber. This often makes them hard to wield, without assistance or strength.
An energy "Pack" capacitor is rechargeable. There are sometimes different mechanisms employed to recharge different kinds of Packs. Details would be found under a firearms entry.
It takes 2 rounds, for a proficient shooter, to load a muzzle loaded firearm with powder, wadding and its payload. With prepackaged paper loads the reloading time is 1 round. A Dex check DC 15 can reduce the time of any loading procedure by half. Being non-proficient in the firearms will take half a minute to accomplish the same task.
It takes a proficient person a bonus action to reload any type "Magazine," and up to two cartridges into a "Revolver" firearm. It takes full round to reload a "Revolver" firearm, a "Breech Load" gun, or an "Interior Magazine" up to its full capacity. A dexterity Check DC 15 can make any loading procedure that requires a full round become an action, any action become a bonus action. Some equipment, such as speed loaders can alter the time required to load a weapon, negating the need for a dexterity check.
[] [] [] Primitive Age Weapons [] [] []
Knives (Book Statistics)
Spears (Book Statistics)
Clubs (Book Statistics)
Slings (Books)
[] [] [] Ancient Era Weapons [] [] []
Daggers (Book Statistics)
Bows (Book Statistics)
Swords (Book Statistics)
Maces (Book Statistics)
[] [] [] Feudal Era Weapons [] [] []
Cross Bows (Book Statistics)
Rockets (Book Statistics)
[] [] [] Feudal Era Arquebus [] [] []
7d4 (Full) Explode / Range 50'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Lead Ball / +3AC
[] [] [] Feudal Era Two Man Fire Trap [] [] []
3d10 (Full) / Area DC 25' sq / save half / Range 30'
Capacity Payload: Tank 1
• Fire: Ignited fluid sticks to targets continues doing 1d10 damage each round till the fire is put out by Dexterity Save DC 15. The mechanism requires two people to operate. Deployed from higher ground.
[] [] [] Age of Reason Weapon [] [] []
Cannons (Book Statistics)
[] [] [] Age of Reason Pistol [] [] []
3d4 / Range 25'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Bragadale Bullet Gun [] [] []
2d6 / Range 25'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Tituslander Blade Gun [] [] []
5d4 Explode 10' limit / Range 20'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 3
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Mini Pistol [] [] []
2d6 / Range 15'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Blunderbuss [] [] []
6d4 Explode 15' limit / Range 25'
Capacity Payload: Free Load 1
• Scrap Metal, Pellets / -2 damage die vs ‘any’ Armor
[] [] [] Age of Reason Chainlander Dragon [] [] []
8d4 Explode 10' limit / Range 20'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Mini Blades / -2 damage die vs ‘any’ Armor
[] [] [] Age of Reason Musket [] [] []
3d6 / Range 65'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 1
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Bragadale Ledgergun Mark 1 [] [] []
4d6 / Range 50'
Capacity Payload: Muzzle 2
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Age of Reason Flame Thrower [] [] []
3d10 (Full) / Area DC 20' sq / save half / Range 30'
Capacity Payload: Tank 2
• Fire: Ignited fluid sticks to targets continues doing 1d10 damage each round till the fire is put out by Dexterity Save DC 15.
[] [] [] Industrial Age Hold Out Pistol [] [] []
2d6 / Range 25'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 4
• Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Break Mark 1 [] [] []
2d6 / Range 20'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 5
• Flash Loader
[] [] [] Industrial Age Revolver [] [] []
3d6 / Range 35'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 5
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Industrial Age Lonavok Ezekial Kollier [] [] []
5d4 Explode / Range 35'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 4
• Lead Ball / +3 AC
[] [] [] Industrial Age Six Shooter [] [] []
5d4 Explode / Range 35'
Capacity Payload: Cartridge 6
• Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Gunther Issue [] [] []
4d4 Explode / Range 35'
Capacity Payload: Cartridge 8
• Flash Loader
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Gunther Special [] [] []
5d4 Explode / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Cartridge 8
• Flash Loader
[] [] [] Industrial Age Hunters Shotgun [] [] []
4d6 Explode 10' limit / Range 65'
Capacity Payload: Breech Load 2
• Non-Lethal
• Light Shell
• Heavy Shell / Explode 25’ Limit
[] [] [] Industrial Age Sawed Off Shotgun [] [] []
6d4 Explode 15' limit / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Interior Magazine 5
• Non-Lethal
• Light Shell
• Heavy Shell / Explode 20’ Limit
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Broadgun [] [] []
7d4 Explode 10' limit / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Breech Load 3
• Light Shell
• Heavy Shell / Explode 20’ Limit
[] [] [] Industrial Age Rifle [] [] []
6d4 Explode / Range 70'
Capacity Payload: Interior Magazine 5
• Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Marksmen's Rifle [] [] []
6d4 Explode / Range 70'
Traditional Marksman scope / Aim 4 rounds
Capacity Payload: Interior Magazine 5
• Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Ledgergun Mark 2 [] [] []
5d4 Explode / Range 80'
Traditional Marksman scope / Aim 4 rounds
Capacity Payload: Revolver 8
• Flash Loader
[] [] [] Industrial Age Gatling Gun [] [] []
7d6 (Auto 100) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 85'
4d6 (Burst 10) / Disadvantage / Range 35'
Capacity Payload: Belt cannot fire unmounted
• Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Bragadale Deck Gun [] [] []
9d6 (Auto 75) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 85'
6d6 (Burst 10) / Disadvantage / Range 65'
Capacity Payload: Belt cannot fire unmounted
• Resin Cartridge
[] [] [] Industrial Age Flame Thrower [] [] []
4d10 (Full) / Area DC 20' sq / Range 40
Capacity Payload: Tank 4
• Fire: Ignited fluid sticks to targets continues doing 1d10 damage each round till the fire is put out by Dexterity Save DC 15.
[] [] [] Industrial Age Xarius Magi-Tech Staff Cannon [] [] []
15d6 / Area DC 15' sq / Range 150'
Payload Capacity Magic Canister 300 - all payloads onboard
• Crimson Strike: A roar of blue and red flame burst from the ground and burning anything in the target area causing the indicated damage then continues doing 2d10 burning damage each round till the fire is put out by Dexterity save DC 15. (Fire)
• Icewind Penetration: An icy wind whips through the area and drops the temperature quickly causing the indicated damage and continues doing cold damage by 10 points per round until the character can rest and get warm. If near a significant heat source for 4 rounds consecutively they can counteract the damage taken. (Cold)
• Horrid Miasma: A penetrating pallid fog settles into the area and corrodes anything in the target area causing the indicated damage and continues doing 1d10 corrosive damage for 2d6 rounds. (Acid)
• Soul Blight: Shadowy Grasping tendrils of negative energy causes the indicated damage and blankets area with an energy sapping effect, causing those who begin their turn in the area to take 2d8 Necrotic damage. The area is under this effect for 10 minutes. (Negative)
• Grasping Wisps: Small balls of energy envelops the target area in a restrictive manner and causes the Entangle Spell effect DC20 for several minutes equal to the damage rolled, with no actual damage applied. (Force)
[] [] [] Modern Era Handgun [] [] []
2d6 / Attack / Range 40'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 6, Magazine 10
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
• Non-Lethal
[] [] [] Modern Era Heavy Handgun [] [] []
5d4 Explode / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Revolver 6, Magazine 10
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Combat Shotgun [] [] []
6d4 Explode 20' limit / Range 50'
Capacity Payload: Interior Magazine 5
• Non-Lethal
• Light Shell
• Heavy Shell / Explode 30’ Limit
[] [] [] Modern Era Automatic Shotgun [] [] []
10d4 (Auto 15) Explode 20' limit / Area DC 10' sq / Range 65'
4d6 (Burst 2) Explode 15' limit / Disadvantage / Range 50'
3d6 Explode 10' limit / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Drum Magazine 30
• Non-Lethal
• Light Shell
• Heavy Shell / Explode 25’ Limit
[] [] [] Modern Era Rifle [] [] []
3d6 / Range 80'
Traditional Marksman scope / Aim 4 rounds
Capacity Payload: Interior Magazine 5, Magazine 7
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Sniper Era Rifle [] [] []
7d4 Explode / Range 80'
Military Marksmen scope / Aim 2 rounds
Capacity Payload: Interior Load 1, Interior Magazine 5
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Sub Machine Gun [] [] []
4d6 (Auto15) / Area DC 5' / Range 65'
2d6 (Burst 5) / Range 55'
Capacity Payload: Magazine 30
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Light Machine Gun [] [] []
6d6 (Auto 50) / Area DC 10' sq / Range 500'
4d6 (Burst 10) / Disadvantage / Range 55'
Capacity Payload: Belt special
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Assault Rifle [] [] []
5d6 (Auto 30) / Area DC 10' sq / Range 90'
4d6 (Burst 3) / Range 60'
3d6 / Range 50'
Capacity Payload: Magazine 30 & 60
• Cartridge
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die
[] [] [] Modern Era Heavy Machine Gun [] [] []
12d4 (Auto 150) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 200'
8d4 (Burst 15) Explode / Range 45'
Capacity Payload: Belt special
• Cartridge / Tracer
• Armor Piercing / -3 AC, -1 damage die / Tracer
Tracer rounds allow the attacker to track where they are aiming, increasing effective range 5 times.
[] [] [] Modern Era Chemical Thrower [] [] []
5d10 (Full) / Area DC 20' sq / Range 80'
Capacity Payload: Tank 10 each
• Fire: Ignited chemical causes damage than sticks to targets and continues doing 1d10 fire damage each round till the fire is put out by making a Dexterity Save DC 20.
• Cold: Extremely cold chemical causes damage than continues doing cold damage by 4 points per round until the character can rest and get warm. If near a significant heat source for 3 rounds consecutively they can negate the damage taken.
[] [] [] Modern Era Energy Cannon Platform [] [] []
7d10 (Auto 20) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 200'
3d10 Explode / Range 70'
Capacity Payload: Large Battery Pack 10
• Energy / Mounted two person to operate
[] [] [] Advanced Age Heavy Machine Pistol [] [] []
12d4 (Auto 30) Explode / Area DC 5' sq / Range 95'
8d4 (Burst 3) Explode / Range 55'
5d4 / Range 75'
Capacity Payload: Pack 400
• Ultra Form / -4 AC, Optional Non-Lethal
[] [] [] Advanced Age Assault Rifle [] [] []
14d4 (Auto 75) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 200'
8d4 (Burst 15) Explode / Range 50'
4d4 / Range 55'
Military Marksmen scope / Aim 2 rounds / visual enhancement
Capacity Payload: Pack 1000, Large Pack 5000
• Ultra Form / -4 AC, Optional Non-Lethal / Tracer
The scopes visual enhancement visually penetrates 24" of wood, and 1" of metal. If shooting through barriers, the damage is reduced by 2 for every 2" of wood shot through, and is reduced by 10 for every 1" of regular metal shot through.
[] [] [] Advanced Age Chemical Thrower [] [] []
5d10 (Full) / Area DC 20' sq -5 per extra / save half / Range 120'
Capacity Payload: 3 Tanks - 10 each type per onboard tank
• Fire Oil: Ignited chemical causes damage than sticks to targets and continues doing 1d10 fire damage each round till the fire is put out by making a Dexterity Save DC 20.
• Cold Salt: Extremely cold chemical causes damage than continues doing cold damage by 4 points per round until the character can rest and get warm. If near a significant heat source for 3 rounds consecutively they can negate the damage taken.
• Acid Gel: Corrosive chemical causes damage than continues doing 1d6 acid damage for 2d6 rounds.
• Restrictive Foam: Solidifying chemical material causes the Entangle Spell effect at a DC 20 for several minutes in time equal the damage rolled with no actual damage applied.
[] [] [] Advanced Age Energy Cannon [] [] []
7d10 (Auto 20) Explosive / Area DC 10' sq / Range 300'
3d10 Explode / Range 90'
Military Marksmen scope / Aim 2 rounds / visual enhancement
Capacity Payload: Large Battery Pack 100
• Energy / Detonate 10d4 / Heat
The scopes visual enhancement visually penetrates 24" of wood, and 1" of metal. If shooting through barriers, the damage is reduced by 2 for every 2" of wood shot through, and is reduced by 10 for every 1" of regular metal shot through.
[] [] [] Future Energy Blaster [] [] []
3d10 / Range 100'
Capacity Payload: Pack 2000
• Energy use / Optional Non-Lethal Damage / Detonate 10d6 / Heat / Tracer
Tracer rounds allow the attacker to track where they are aiming, increasing effective range 5 times.
You can set a timer on the weapon and allow it to detonate doing a large amount of damage. The range is a 15 foot area.
[] [] [] Future Energy Rifle [] [] []
18d4 (Auto 20) Explode / Area DC 10' sq / Range 300'
3d10 Explode / Range 80'
Military Marksmen scope / Aim 2 rounds
Capacity Payload: Large Pack 5000
• Energy / Optional Non-Lethal Damage / Detonate 15d6 / Heat / Tracer
Tracer rounds allow the attacker to track where they are aiming, increasing effective range 5 times.
The scopes visual enhancement visually penetrates 40" of wood, and 3" of metal. If shooting through barriers, the damage is reduced by 2 for every 2" of wood shot through, and is reduced by 10 for every 1" of regular metal shot through.
You can set a timer on the weapon and allow it to detonate doing a large amount of damage. The range is a 30 foot area.
[] [] [] Future Plasmic Cannon [] [] []
10d6 Explode / Area DC 20' sq / Range 150'
Capacity Payload: Canister 200 - all payloads onboard
• Red Plasma quickens molecular motion causing the indicated damage then penetrates a target and continues doing 2d10 burning damage each round till the fire is put out by Dexterity Save DC 15. (Fire)
• Blue Plasma slows molecular motion causing the indicated damage and continues doing cold damage by 10 points per round until the character can rest and get warm. If near a significant heat source for 4 rounds consecutively they can counteract the damage taken. (Cold)
• Green Plasma breaks up molecular bonds causing the indicated damage and continues doing 1d10 corrosive damage for 2d6 rounds. (Acid)
• White Plasma irradiates area causing the indicated damage. Anyone entering the area struck and is in the area at the beginning of there turn takes 2d10 radiation damage. The area is irradiated for 10 minutes. (Radiation)
• Dark Plasma negative energy causes the indicated damage and blankets area with an energy sapping effect, causing those who begin their turn in the area to take 2d8 Necrotic damage. The area is under this effect for 10 minutes. (Negative)
• Translucent Plasma increases density of particles in the atmosphere around the target in a restrictive manner and causes the Entangle Spell effect DC20 for several minutes equal to the damage rolled, with no actual damage applied. (Force)