3PP Release Complete Class Compendium Playtesters Needed!

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies

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A cadre of new character classes are coming to Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition!​

Each of these classes has been redeveloped, retooled, rebalanced, and infused with nuance by a team of designers from the core Level Up rulebooks (Peter Martin aka @Timespike , Anthony Alipio, and Akeem Favor) to stand out amongst the core character classes and apart from their counterparts in 5E. This includes new class features, social and exploration features for every class, and appendices with the magic items, feats, spells, and creatures to fully realize them all.

If you are interested in helping playtest these exciting classes please message me through the ENWorld forums before 11PM Eastern on Friday January 31st.​

Unlock magical supremacy through the power of blood. Then master a Tradition of Blood…
Bloodbinder to heal torn flesh.
Crimson Witch to curse your foes.
Scarlet Reaper to wield blood like a blade.

Summon the forces of evil to enact your will. Then learn a Dark Path…
Demonist to marshal Abyssal fiends.
Infernalist to command fiends from Hell.
Voidfallen to beckon things from Beyond.

Master biology to survive. Then study a Field of Medicine…
Chemist to make incredible serums.
Physician General Practitioner to master healing.
Surgeon to turn medical arts into lethal arts.

Turn luck and courage into glory. Then choose a Heroic Archetype…
Disciple to take empowering vows.
Enchanted Warrior to wield potent magic weapons.
Epic Hero to realize demigodhood.
People’s Champion to be aided by a loyal companion.
Slayer to hunt down monsters.

Use chaos as a tool and nature as your ally. Then embody a Primal Sphere…
Beasts to fight alongside animals.
Entropy to be daringly fey-like.
Plants to become one with the woods

Transform accursed existence into power. Then experience a Mutant Archetype…
Bizarre to be as grotesque as your abilities.
Frenetic to be as strange as you are swift.
Hulking to be something unstoppable.

Fight with incredible agility and walk two paths. Then discover an Existential Balance…
Atavist to bob between youth and old age.
Equalist to negotiate the body and mind.
Nychthemeron to find power from both daylight and twilight.
Reluctant Hero to know both cowardice and courage.

Mad Scientist
Pursue truly forbidden knowledge. Then decide the focus of your Mad Science…
Engineer of Evil to exploit weaknesses.
Fleshworker to remake and unmake the body.
Trickster to confound and explode.

Wear powerful armor that enables your survival. Then realize a Mechanical Aptitude…
Light Specialization to be protected but unencumbered.
Medium Specialization to fight critically and ignore radiation.
Heavy Specialization to become a juggernaut.

Transform by embracing the occult. Then learn the True Path…
Abomination to be the dead horribly revived.
Horror to be a thing from Beyond.
Nightmare to be a stranger from the shadows.
Ooze to be amorphous and unyielding.
Vampire to be a predator of the night.
Werecreature to embrace lycanthropy.

Salvage technology to remake it as your own. Then find a Technological Aptitude…
Roboranger to become the bane of constructs.
Trapper to pursue the science of turrets.
Weaponeer to craft amazing armaments.

Rely on swiftness to triumph. Then train in a Quickness Archetype…
Deft Dodger to evade and outmaneuver.
Marathoner to share your gift of speed.
Quick Killer to transform celerity into a weapon.
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Just a general FYI: I am receiving the messages being sent to the inbox here, disregard the error prompt if it pops up when you send one (they know about and are working to fix it). I'll send a reply to your message when I see it. (y)(y)
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So... having read several of the classes, I'd like to provide some of my insights to folks:

Tzimisce. That one word encapsulates them well. Okay, so maybe they've got some Tremere in there, as well, but it's very much WoD style bloodmagic spellcasting and vampiric tendencies. Even if you don't use a Vampire-Like heritage for a character, they're going to feel like a vampire.

As a class the Diabolist is closest to Warlock in every respect. However, where the Warlock has a lot of theming around maybe being a not terrible person, the Diabolist goes all in on being evil knowingly and willingly. I could absolutely see a campaign setting where all the Warlock Fiend options are shuffled off that class and the Diabolist is introduced as a setting-specific fiend-worshipping class that acts as an iconic character concept for the setting.

It's very directed in what it does. At level 5 it gets a feature that skews it off toward "Mad Scientist" as opposed to "Field Medic", but it still feels like it occupies a specific wheelhouse.

Prepare for your over the top Bollywood and Wuxia dreams to come true. They're not quite fighters they're not quite monks, they're 100% heroic action characters. The following video clearly shows Exemplars in action:


Scarlet Reaper to wield blood like a blade.
This particular subclass reminds me of some of the characters from the Blood Blockade Battlefront anime. :)

Ex. Zapp Renfro

Zapp Renfro (ザップ・レンフロ, Zappu Renfuro) is a hot-blooded, womanizing Libra member and master of the Big Dipper Blood-Fighting Style (斗流血法, Hikitsuboshiryū Keppō)'s Kagutsuchi branch, which allows him to manipulate his blood into blades and explosions.

Ex. Steven A. Starphase

Steven A. Starphase (スティーブン・A・スターフェイズ, Sutībun Ē Sutāfeizu) is Libra's second-in-command. A shady man with many connections, and a genius of deception and intuition. Master of the Esmerelda Blood Freeze (エスメラルダ式血凍道, Esumeraruda-shiki Kettōdō), a kick-based fighting style that freezes enemies on contact.

The closest thing would be the A5E Artificer Stitcher, but if you don't want your "Frankenstein's Monster" you are missing a main part of the archetype.

But Gemini and/or Speedster sound ideal for an idea I got.
The normal A5E classes can't really handle the main cast of DanDaDan...

The closest thing would be the A5E Artificer Stitcher, but if you don't want your "Frankenstein's Monster" you are missing a main part of the archetype.

But Gemini and/or Speedster sound ideal for an idea I got.
The normal A5E classes can't really handle the main cast of DanDaDan...
Actually, the latest issue of the Gate Pass Gazette released includes an excellent physician archetype for the Savant class.

If you messaged me about the playtest please check your inbox where there should be a playtest PDF waiting for you. :cool:

(If not please let me know—and if you want one anyway and haven't messaged me yet, you've got another 88 minutes before the train leaves the proverbial station!)
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