Rules Question: Savage Rend via multiclassing


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Okay, my character Talon is a Beastmaster Ranger who multiclassed into druid. I took Savage Rend as my beast form at-will power that gets turned into an Encounter power instead of At-will.

The question comes from just realizing that the power has a special field saying it can be used as a basic melee attack. Aren't all basic melee attacks usable At-will by definition? Can I use it at-will, or only once per encounter? Since it's the only attack I can make while wild-shaped, it would be nice to have it more than once per encounter, but since that isn't my whole focus I can live with it as an encounter thing too. (As I have been up to this point)

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First Post
My understanding would be this:

MBA's are at-will. This power can be used in place of an MBA, but it is not an MBA in and of itself. It can only be used 1/encounter (otherwise you gain an, no other MC feat does this). So 1/fight when you're in beast mode you can use Savage Rend.


First Post
yes , ren is correct

If you want Talon to use it as an at-will(and not an encounter) then I think the only option you have to do an overhaul and remake him as an hybrid ranger/druid


First Post
Yep, the druid multi-class feat is kind of lame. You only have an encounter power for your shapechange. You can't even make unarmed basic melee attacks. Totally unable to fight except for one attack...

And yes, hybrids are in PHB3, but you run into the same issues. Your ranger powers aren't usable shapechanged.

Voidrunner's Codex

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