Rules Questions


Question. As for the ability paradox, is there a save or check involved?
If not, whats stopping transcendent beings from taking this ability as many times as able to make duplicates to kill most omnific beings?

Make an opponent face himself in battle.
Prerequisites: Dex 130.
Benefit: You can summon a duplicate of your opponent to fight for you. The duplicate remains for a number of rounds equal to your hit die..
Special: You can take this ability multiple times and its effects stack.
Each time it is taken you can summon an additional duplicate. This ability
does not work in tandem with the Improved Summoning, Superior
Summoning and Perfect Summoning abilities, as they only work on
generic creatures rather than individuals.

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Question. As for the ability paradox, is there a save or check involved?
If not, whats stopping transcendent beings from taking this ability as many times as able to make duplicates to kill most omnific beings?

Make an opponent face himself in battle.
Prerequisites: Dex 130.
Benefit: You can summon a duplicate of your opponent to fight for you. The duplicate remains for a number of rounds equal to your hit die..
Special: You can take this ability multiple times and its effects stack.
Each time it is taken you can summon an additional duplicate. This ability
does not work in tandem with the Improved Summoning, Superior
Summoning and Perfect Summoning abilities, as they only work on
generic creatures rather than individuals.
So a lot of abilities you as the DM have to make rules for on the fly, otherwise they're entirely busted.

This is one of those times.

With this, for example, I would just get rid of the ability to take it multiple times right off the bat and I wouldn't allow it to summon anything of higher hit dice than the summoner. It would be in essence like the Simulacrum spell, it would still work but say you're 500 HD and you took an a 1000 HD Time Lord, if you summoned a copy of the Time Lord, it would be a 500 HD variant of that TIme Lord, matched to your, not it's, level. Otherwise it's the equivalent of allowing someone to in a roundabout way get like Omnific abilities at Transcendent levels.
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Another question, is quintessence more specifically power, only gained if the creature slain is an outsider? Or will any creature type suffice?
I do any type of creature, but, again, DM discretion. You could, theoretically, just go kill a macrobe human and minimum HD would put it at like a thousand HD, obviously as you could just farm them for big QP gain, you, as the DM have to limit things like make it known that they only have an amount of QP based on their character or class levels and not Racial HD. That way they can't just harvest them and break the game.

Likewise with the different types of QP, you have to be very careful with Resonance QP, you have to develop how long it lasts etc, it's a great tool but you -have- to get it under control as it can destroy your campaign rapidly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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