Rumour that Disney will have to sell Lucas Film and some parks to pay for Hulu

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Indy is on track to lose massive amounts of money, its audience score among top critics is 40% at RT, all critics 51%, the reviews are nightmare fuel. They had to stop making Star Wars movies because they started at making 2 billion dollars and end up on a downward spiral to losing money on Solo. Weather that is normal for Star Wars or not, it looks horrible to investors. It has a massively divided fan base, and unlike Star Trek that rift isn't healing its growing wider. The streaming shows have been massively hemeraging audience, even the Mandolarian.
Not exactly. It is at 54% on RT and trending up. The European reviewers generally liked it and most of the negative reviews said the beginning was great and it was better than Crystal Skull. The negs seem to center in it not being as good as Raiders (well duh) and the action being too much (which might be fair).

I for one will be there in day 1.

Star Wars WAS a profitable brand, but each Disney Star Wars movie made less money, but Solo the last Star Wars movie, made like 1.6 billion less then the first Disney Star Wars movie, so they stopped making them and switched to streaming.

Solo wasn’t the last Star Wars film. As much as Rise of Skywalker was forgettable for a lot of people, it still exists. And it made a billion dollars.


Book-Friend, he/him
Solo wasn’t the last Star Wars film. As much as Rise of Skywalker was forgettable for a lot of people, it still exists. And it made a billion dollars.
Even Solo made money, it just showed Star Wars in the title wasn't an automatic win, and they had to reconsider their strategy. Doesn't mean they are selling the brand, the annual merchandise sales are still astronomical.


LOL, nothing near as bad as what Lucas did to Star Wars.
You must be talking about the Star Wars Holiday Special. I have to admit, the prequel trilogies actually look pretty decent when compared to the sequel movies. But Disney has done a decent job with series like Obi-Wan, The Mandalorain, and their animated shows.


Book-Friend, he/him
You must be talking about the Star Wars Holiday Special. I have to admit, the prequel trilogies actually look pretty decent when compared to the sequel movies. But Disney has done a decent job with series like Obi-Wan, The Mandalorain, and their animated shows.
Even Rise of the Skywalkers was only as bad as attack of the Clones, and Force Awakens and Last Jedi are both better than everything Luchas did post-Empire.


You must be talking about the Star Wars Holiday Special. I have to admit, the prequel trilogies actually look pretty decent when compared to the sequel movies.
Respectfully, strongly disagree. The third sequel is about as bad as the best of the prequels. Force Awakens is super fun, and The Last Jedi was fantastic (consider the reviews on both); the only problem there was they didn't stick with that direction and used the third film to try to please the unappeasable, toxic but loud minority of their fan base. The same ones who create ridiculous rumours like the OP cited.

And Andor was the best Star Wars thing since Empire. Fight me!

PS: I love the Star Wars Holiday Special. I mean, it's terrible, but I love it.

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