D&D General Run Away!


aka Ian Eller
In my experience, the PCs fleeing combat is one of the rarest events in a D&D campaign. It often seems like they would rather fight to the death and suffer a TPK than turn tail and escape. This happens even when escape is relatively certain, and even when the fight is largely unnecessary.

It happened most recently in my new campaign. (Note, the PCs are starting at 3rd level, not 1st.) The first room in the dungeon contained 2 chuuls -- a deadly encounter for the 5 PCs -- and an easy way out that the chuuls could not follow. Despite bad luck -- not hitting and taking hits themselves -- the PCs absolutely would not take the way out. They focused fire and dropped one of the chulls, so I gave them a free round while the other devoured the innards of its mate. Even then they did not take the opportunity to leave. Injured and already almost out of their big guns, they decided to face the thing down, even though they have not hit it yet (so it is fresh).

Could be the shortest campaign ever, I guess.

Anyway -- what is your view on PCs fleeing fights? Do you see it happen relatively regularly? Do you design encounters to make it necessary? What is the GM's role, if any, in the party deciding to stand or flee?

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Seems as though the GM's role when it comes to the PCs running away--which is not the same thing as avoiding a fight--is to make sure it's possible (figure out how you'll run it, keeping in mind that turn-based initiative doesn't always work well with this) and to make sure the players know it's possible. You might also have to tell them point blank, "You can't win this, you should run away." You might also have to figure out how to make it palatable, which in this particular instance might be difficult, since they haven't had any fights they've won, yet.

People hate running. So much so that I've given up on scenarios where they should unless I can make it extremely obvious they don't even have a theoretical chance. Looking up they see hundreds of zombies coming at them, or a few dozen giants. Not just overwhelming odds, but cataclysmically overwhelming odds.

But I also don't remember the last time I did this. It's far more likely that they'll know there's a small army over the next hill and that they shouldn't engage. In part this is because it can be difficult to escape (even if you think the escape route is obvious). In part it's also the built in expectation, because they defeat the enemy the vast majority of times they assume they can win this encounter as well.

While it's incredibly rare I have had campaigns end in TPK it's not the end of the world, especially if the party is low level. You can even have a new party pick up the campaign where it left off, with the new PCs possibly hearing about the untimely demise of their predecessors. :)

While it's incredibly rare I have had campaigns end in TPK it's not the end of the world, especially if the party is low level. You can even have a new party pick up the campaign where it left off, with the new PCs possibly hearing about the untimely demise of their predecessors. :)
If it happens in this game it is no big deal, because according to the module backgrounds, the party itself is going in after 4 other groups that have already not returned from the site.

In a lot of cases a player will make their character with an inherent assumption that they are the indomitable, unflappable hero of the story. And while they won't want that character to die, they don't fundamentally object to it because it still fits the narrative for who they are.

But to have that character flee in the face of danger, or even imminent demise - that goes directly against their self-identity. That's why players will rarely take the way out even if it's offered.

One time I remember being in an encounter that was clearly unwinnable, and as players we all agreed that we needed to get out. There followed an entire round of combat where nobody got out because we each in turn attempted to stay back and cover everyone else's retreat.

I tend to agree with @UngainlyTitan in that the rules do not actively support running away. The way initiative works has hobbled groups I played in/DMd. Once the players realize they should run away it is already a bad situation.

The fighter tends to block the exit so the other can run, but then he is stuck, so the rogue hangs back to help, causing the monster to have its turn, then the fighter can go, but does not want to leave the rogue. The mage comes back to not leave everyone and the fighter cannot flee still since the rest of the party is still there. Then the monster can go again....

Likely be better in a system where the whole party had a turn, then the monsters over individual.

I tend to agree with @UngainlyTitan in that the rules do not actively support running away. The way initiative works has hobbled groups I played in/DMd. Once the players realize they should run away it is already a bad situation.

The fighter tends to block the exit so the other can run, but then he is stuck, so the rogue hangs back to help, causing the monster to have its turn, then the fighter can go, but does not want to leave the rogue. The mage comes back to not leave everyone and the fighter cannot flee still since the rest of the party is still there. Then the monster can go again....

Likely be better in a system where the whole party had a turn, then the monsters over individual.
Or if one side decides to run you drop out of initiatives. In 5e, the phrasing is "until the fighting stops" and "one side decides to run away" seems to qualify.

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