He / Him
This next year I'm thinking of running a 5e D&D game online. For the first time, I'm planning on running a game for strangers instead of my friends.
The reason for this is that my friends I used to play with (for 20 years) are now in different time zones and busy with their lives. My own life is busy too, so it's nearly impossible to play with my old gang anymore. I've organized some local in-person games, which has been fun, but I haven't yet met folks who want to get as into building lore and house rules as I do.
I've run D&D and a few other systems on Roll20, using Dndbeyond for character sheets and Discord for voice / video. Though Roll20 has its limitations, I've spent some time learning it and prefer it to other systems. So I'm not looking for advice on what Virtual Table Tops to use.
Instead, I'm interested in your own experiences playing games online with strangers! How did you attract players who match your own style? Did you have difficulty with folks committing to a weekly game? What are some of the challenges, and how did you overcome them?
My dream is to find a group of like-minded players who want to play weekly, and also want to collaborate on building up a custom campaign setting. I think it would be really fun to create a kind of "campaign bible" together, and maybe even trade off running games in the same shared world. Is this an unrealistic dream?
Thank you in advance for sharing your own experiences and advice!
The reason for this is that my friends I used to play with (for 20 years) are now in different time zones and busy with their lives. My own life is busy too, so it's nearly impossible to play with my old gang anymore. I've organized some local in-person games, which has been fun, but I haven't yet met folks who want to get as into building lore and house rules as I do.
I've run D&D and a few other systems on Roll20, using Dndbeyond for character sheets and Discord for voice / video. Though Roll20 has its limitations, I've spent some time learning it and prefer it to other systems. So I'm not looking for advice on what Virtual Table Tops to use.
Instead, I'm interested in your own experiences playing games online with strangers! How did you attract players who match your own style? Did you have difficulty with folks committing to a weekly game? What are some of the challenges, and how did you overcome them?
My dream is to find a group of like-minded players who want to play weekly, and also want to collaborate on building up a custom campaign setting. I think it would be really fun to create a kind of "campaign bible" together, and maybe even trade off running games in the same shared world. Is this an unrealistic dream?
Thank you in advance for sharing your own experiences and advice!