No way dude. Velociraptors would be far better.Better mammoths than velociraptors. Just sayin'.
Mammoths can open doors with their trunks.
Why would you want to ride one? I was thinking it would be better to have a smaller dinosaur you could train to attack other people would be better than a giant we ball of hair.No, because they aren't big enough. No matter what Jurassic Park may have told you, Velociraptors were about 1.5 feet high at the hip. They're not big enough for a human to ride
View attachment 60950
Now, Achillobator is another matter....
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Or maybe Utahraptor...
View attachment 60954
That is not very dramatic, now is it? Seems mammoths are jerks.Open with their trunk? They can just shoulder the darn thing down.
[video=youtube;8WLrM8wx6Bk][/video]Sure, go ahead and clone them. I'm curious to find out how mammoth ribs (ala Flintstones) taste...
Why would you want to ride one?
I was thinking it would be better to have a smaller dinosaur you could train to attack other people would be better than a giant we ball of hair.