S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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Yoggrith looks behind him and sees the khoravar get whalloped by both giants in the hallway. A quick estimation tells him that he wouldn't be able to reach her and heal her wounds straight away. He shouts to the female windcaptain the options before him.

"Sanne! What are you intentions? Do you want to back away so that I may heal your wounds, or are you moving in to engage those two beasts?"

"It should be one in just a second here." Sanne says, as she steps up to full attack.

OOC: She should be able to 5' step to a position where she can attack both giants. Attacks are @ +13 and +8. 1st attack = 16 + 13 = 39, presumed hit for 19 damage on giant #2. 2nd attack = 16 + 8 = 24, presumed hit for 14 damage (if giant #2 goes down, then this is on giant #3). Again, if the opportunity arrises, Sanne will use her counterstriker bracers to riposte.

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Sanne steps forward to attack, and Yoggrith finally acts when he sees her move. "So be it." he says, and quickly waves his hand over the end of his quarterstaff, dimming the light in the hallway. He then moves down the hall towards her, granting them both shadowy concealment from the giants.

(OOC: Using my held action to go directly after Sanne: Standard Action: Cast Darkness on staff / Move Action to BI49 // Darkness grants Sanne and Yoggrith Concealment - 20% miss chance from the giant's attacks.)
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OOC: @yoggrith: Just wanted to double check that you realize that the giants will be within the 20' radius of the darkness and also gain 20% concealment. Also, I see on your sheet that your base movement is 30', but shouldn't it be 20' -- due to the full plate armor?

@voadam: web has 20' radius spread -- where do you propose to have the center of the web area be? keep in mind the ceiling is roughly 20' tall in this part of the Steading.
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First Post
Round 5


23 - Morika - Attack Giant #3 - 2 HIT (crit unconfirmed) for 23 damage
21 - Ipshivi - Double move back to BJ45 - in darkness area
20 - Female Giant - Attack Thanor - 2 MISS
19 - Sanne - Move to BJ47
19 - Voadam - Ready Action - use Wand of Web on BH53 - action triggered
15 - Thanor - Full Attack Giantess - 2 MISS
15 - Hill Giant youth #18 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #28 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #22 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #29 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #24 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #25 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #26 - Various movement
15 - Hill Giant youth #19 - Various movement
9 - Aeranduil - Attack Hill Giant youth #18 - 2 HIT for 44 damage, move to BI41, AoO misses
3 - Yoggrith - Cast Cure Critical Wounds on Sanne - heals 26 dmg
1 - Giant #3 - dead

Morika takes advantage of the shadowy conditions around her and catches the giant off guard with her blade -- it plunges unimpeded into its thigh and severs tendon and muscle -- almost cutting cleanly through the femoral artery, [crit threatened] but it glances off a piece of the thighbone, which almost jars the blade out of Morika's hand [nat 1 on confirmation]. She pulls the blade free and slices into his flesh again quickly -- then a moment passes, and the giant slumps to the floor -- its injuries too much to keep it alive, or on its feet.

"That room is empty- no more threats,"
Ipshivi called to the others as she scampered across the ceiling. "Let's not get spread out too far. We need to stay close enough to work together. I bet we're going to see a lot of giants any time now with all this shouting." Even as she spoke, she moved back towards the center of the group.

With only one opponent remaining and the others in a good position to fight it, Sanne moves back to Yoggrith's side, trying not to let her injuries show too much.

Voadam pushes down the corridor readying his wand to send webs further up the crossing corridor if giants appear.

Thanor continues to battle the giantess, but is unable to look at her directly, due to her intense anti-beauty, and the swings of his axe glance off of her high heels and shins.

Due to quick reconnoiter, your sensitive hearing picks up sounds coming from both the east and west.

A rush of sound hits your ears as doors open and feet pound on the wood planks. From 'round both corners come smaller versions of the giants -- one look at their faces makes you realize that these must be some of their young -- but the clubs in their hands and the wide-eyed expressions on their faces (when they see their fallen adults, makes you realize that they are not here to play games.

Several rush Aeranduil from the west, while Voadam spots several coming down the east hallway and he sends webbing up into the rafters.

Morika is able to avoid being completely entangled, but she is still within the web. [Reflex Save pass]

Taking advantage of his years of training, Aeranduil quickly fires off a trio of deadly arrows right in the face of the giant youth standing in front of him, ducking and weaving in such a way that the enemy can't take advantage of his distraction.

The arrows fired, two of the three hitting, but not dropping the youth, the elven archer quickly retreats behind Thanor, deftly evading a swing of a greatclub in the process. [AoO misses]

Yoggrith turns to look back down the corridor, and as Sanne saddles up next to him, he nods without looking at her... then lightly places his hand on her upper arm, giving it a slight squeeze. The warming heat of healing energy passes between them, and the khoravar feels much better.


Condition Summary:

Voadam: (43/43) - Mage Armor (~ 6 1/2 hrs)
Yoggrith: (90/90) - Spikes (~ 7 1/2 hrs), Bear's Endurance (58/80 rounds)
Aeranduil: (64/64)
Sanne: (45/65) - Giants Bane Infusion (178/200)
Morika: (66/66) - Shifting (7/10), Barkskin (776/800)
Ipshivi: (46/46) - Walk Unseen, Spiderwalk, Ventriloquism (6/10)
Thanor: (94/110)

Giant #1: 128 dmg, prone, Test of Mettle, Bane , dead
Giant #2: 131 dmg, dead
Giant #3: 155 dmg, dead
Giantess: 29 dmg
Hill Giant Youth #18: 44 damage

Gray area is Grease AOE, blue halo means prone. Dark Gray/black is darkness



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(OOC: Yes, I know they'll also occasionally gain concealment... but cutting down on attacks that hit us is more important than the occasions where we might miss ours. As far as my speed... I have this weird feeling that there was a reason that I had listed him with a 30' speed back during character creation, but I cannot recall what that might've been. And I've yet to find an ability I have that also might explain it. So I guess for now, I do only have 20')


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OOC: Unless I'm seriously misreading the map, Morika's in melee with Hill Giant 3 right now; he's badly injured, but not down yet. Hill Giant #2 is unconscious.


Voadam sheathes a wand and takes a five foot step towards Sanne. He gestures and four bolts of magical force streak around Morikka to strike the giant.

ooc Magical missile 16 damage

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