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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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Day 1 – 20 Zarantyr:

The Precarious Retreat heads out of Sharn to the south, picking up altitude, before finally levelling out around 1000 feet. It has been only a couple of hours since you first arrived at House Medani, but it seems much longer.

Once you’ve cleared the outskirts of Sharn, the clouds begin to break up, and a cool winter sun rises high overhead.

The ship moves gracefully and swift through the clear skies, all of your gear stowed below in the common area, except for Sanne, who has occupied the guest cabin located next to Dalwir’s cabin below. On the horizon, you can see the Hilt, with the great ocean not too far beyond it.

You have noticed Dalwir giving orders to the crew of eight and piloting the ship out of Sharn, but he has now given up the helm to his second in command, a half-elf woman, of no more than 35 years. A more casual examination of him shows that he carries a rapier at his hip, along with a lute strung over his back, and there is no hiding his dragonmark – it has grown to such size that it is the largest you’ve ever seen, with corners poking out of sleeves and collars. He walks down from the stern platform of the ship, and approaches your group.

“Welcome aboard, mates’, ‘tis a fine time as any to be headed out over the great sea. I should have ye’ at Stormreach in about 3 days time. Thar be reports of a storm somewhere to the northwest o’ Stormreach, so we’ll be givin’ it a wide berth.”

“We don’t live fancy on the Precarious, but we do live well...”

“Feel free to wander the ship, hopefully this will be more like a pleasure cruise.”

“We’re well stocked with rum and ale belowdecks, and Francis is our on-board chef, one of the best in the House.”

The rest of the day passes uneventfully. The ground below has given way to the waves of the sea. After a hearty evening meal, the evening entertainment comprises of several of the crew playing various instruments and telling tales. The stories and music interweave together to such a degree, that it almost feels as though you are part of the story.

You sleep peacefully through the night.

Day 2 – 21 Zarantyr:

Morning breaks, and the smell of baked biscuits and fresh gravy rouse you from your slumber. You make your way to the source of the aroma and have your fill. You spend a fair amount of time above decks, peering overboard at the endless sea below you, noticing on occasion a group of whales here and there.

Around midday, the winds have risen to around gale force, and appear to be steadily increasing.

Dalwir exclaims,”Damn, I thought we’d miss it. ‘Tis too big to go ‘round, so we’ll need to go through.”

The captain appears to begin the casting of a spell, and you notice the tips of his dragonmark being to glow. He completes his task in about 10 minutes time, and over the next ten minutes, you notice that the winds begin to taper off, the clouds part, and you are now surrounded by calm, sunny skies, though you can still see the storm surrounding you in all directions on the horizon.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully.

After another amazing meal and evening of entertainment, you retire to your bunk and fall quickly asleep.

You are awoken to a clanging sound and shouts of “ALL HANDS ON DECK! ALL HANDS ON DECK!” When you eyes open, you notice that it is the middle of the night and the rest of the crew is hastily grabbing weeapons and heading up the stairs. You hear a loud thump come from directly above your bunks, where you remember the deck-mounted ballista was.

OOC: I need initiative and actions for all of you. You have awoken from sleep, so you are unarmored and weaponless, in your bunks below decks.

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Hearing the shouts, Sanne grabs her combat gear and shuffles out the door, putting things on as she runs from her guest cabin to the source of the shouts.

"What's attacking us?" She asks the first crewman she sees.

Initiative (1d20+4=14)

OOC: What's safe to assume we 'slept in'? A lot of Sanne's magic items are protective light clothing or jewelery.


First Post
Aeranduil Warraven, elf archer

drothgery said:
OOC: What's safe to assume we 'slept in'? A lot of Sanne's magic items are protective light clothing or jewelery.

OOC: And how does this affect Aeranduil, since elves trance for four hours instead of sleep? (I think; Eberron could be different). :)

Aeranduil springs to his feet at the call to arms, grabbing for his bow, buckler and quiver of arrows. Thusly armed, he quickly moves to join the defenders above deck and find out what it going on.

Initiative +6

Aeranduil's items worn during trance:
- Clothing, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Ring of Protection +1, Boots of Striding & Springing, Cloak of Resistance +1
- If (as everyone notes) there is no penalty for sleeping in Mithril Shirt, I see no reason why Aeranduil wouldn't trance in it as well.

He will gather his bow, quiver of endless arrows, and buckler.
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The only crewmember Sanne sees before he sprints up the stairs has no idea what is attacking the ship.


I will need a list from each of you of:

1) What you wear while sleeping/trancing (i.e. that you never take off)
2) What items you are gathering before heading topside. (this will dictate how long it will take

I'm fairly lenient when it comes to what you sleep in, but armor/shields/weapons can't be slept/tranced(?) in/with.

I'll post the tactical map later today.


First Post
s@squ@tch said:
I'm fairly lenient when it comes to what you sleep in, but armor/shields/weapons can't be slept/tranced(?) in/with.

There's no mechanical penalty for sleeping in light armor; Sanne wears a mithral shirt for armor, which is light enough to wear under normal clothes.


"Ymir's cloven skull!" Voadam is a bit foggy upon waking and curses by the gods of his homeworld. Old habits die hard and dressed only in his undergarment he reaches for a spear that is not there. Upon realizing where he is Voadam curses again "Ymir's rotting carcass." and reaches for his magical backpack that carries all his current gear. Drawing his green sash with the spell component pouch he quickly wraps it around his waist and draws forth a piece of cured leather. The silver-haired wizard incants the verbal components to conjure a spirit suit of armor for himself then heads barefoot topside, ears straining to catch details, the backpack in one hand.


Initiative 5 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1369411

grab backpack, get sash with spell component pouch ready, cast mage armor then head up.


First Post
Ipshivi rarely seemed to sleep, and unlike most halflings she pretty much ignored the meals that they were presented. Instead, it seemed as if she spend most of her time exploring the ship or lounging in her small hammock, reading whatever books happened to be lying around (or otherwise available). At least, that seemed to be the way of things, for she was rarely visible, and only occasionally did she chuckle or make obvious sounds to signal her presence. At the sounds of alarm, it was easy enough to determine her location- one need only listen for the muttered cursing. Like the others, though, she was a seasoned adventurer, and despite her irritation she was quick enough to react.

OOC: Ipshivi likewise sleeps in her armor (mithril shirt)- when she sleeps at all. She usually takes her two hours a night either at sunset or just before sunrise. Most of her invocations last 24 hours and are reset at dawn- Entropic warding, see the unseen, and spiderwalk would all be running, though needing recasting at dawn. For the sake of convenience, her order of action is: 1. Invoke Walk Unseen, 2.grab Haversack, 3. Head for the deck to see what is going on- she can make an active Spot and Listen check each round as a free action instead it taking a move action as normal. Initiative roll (at +8= 17, roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1369430 )

Rings, vest, gloves and mundane clothing (darkweave explorer's outfit) would basically be worn all the time- if she actually (for some reason) doesn't have her armor on (as it would normally be under at least one layer of clothing) she will do without; same for boots. Rod, bracers, thieves tools would all be in the haversack- she'll leave the rapier for now and rely on the dagger worn with her gear.
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First Post
Well, Sanne's gear breaks down as...

not worn/carried (will be grabbed immediately, before leaving her room; she will take the move action to put on her buckler)
- rapier, +1 shock
- buckler +1

mundane stuff grabbed
- infusion component pouch

definitely worn/carried at all times
- normal clothing
- ring of protection +1
- amulet of natural armor +1
- gloves of dexterity +2
- vest of resistance +1

worn/carried if allowed (but would not take time to put on)
- counterstrike bracers (she can use action points for ripostes if she needs to)
- mithral chain shirt +2 (5 rounds to don armor is too much time)


First Post
s@squ@tch said:
@drothgery: It's your call if you think Sanne would sleep in her armor/wear the bracers.

Hmm... she certainly would 'in the field' (i.e. in a wilderness/dungeon area); she probably wouldn't anywhere she thought was safe. So the question becomes how common are attacks on Lyrandar airships on this run?

Voidrunner's Codex

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