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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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Round 7 - Complete


30 – Elemental #1 – (Lightly Wounded) - Confused – Reappears ~ 60’ off stern
28 – Elemental #2 – (Severely Wounded) - Attack Jaxel twice – one HIT for 18 damage
26 – Aeranduil (64/64) – Attack Elemental #2 w/ 3 arrows – 3 HITS for 35 damage before DR
21 – Elemental #3 (Severely Wounded) – Attacks Dalwir HIT for 13 damage, Attacks Sanne HIT for 8 damage (Sanne uses 1 AP to riposte the attack) MISS
21 – Dalwir – Full attack on Elemental #3 with flaming rapier – 1 hits for 13 damage before DR
21 – Jaxel (29/75) – Move to F12
17 – Ipshivi (46/46) – (in main cabin)
15 – Lieutenant -- Spots elemental #1, drinks potion
14 – Sanne (56/65) – Full Attack on Elemental #3 – two HITS for 51 damage before DR
9 – Yoggrith (84/90) – Move to F20, Cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Crewman #2 – heals 21 damage
5 – Morika (45/66) – Call Lightning on Elemental #1 for 10 damage
5 – Voadam (43/43) – Cast Magic Missile on Elemental #1 for 12 damage
4 – Crew (8) – Crew #1 - #8 except #2, who is prone, but now conscious, running for the cabin/shelter.

Yoggrith and Sanne both spot the form of the huge elemental a small distance off of the stern of the ship.

The second elemental, brings two more fists of air down onto the gnome, his is able to avoid the first, but the second cascades over his small form cracking his freshly knit rips.

Heeding Voadam's words, the elven archer focuses his shots on the elemental not confounded by the wizard's spell. All three arrows strike true, the elemental sputters once, then explodes into hundreds of unorganized torrents of wind.

Its brain scrambled, the elemental continues to lash out at its attackers, catching Dalwir and Sanne with slashing tendrils of air. Sanne swings her crackling rapier once again in response, but loses her footing on some blowing flotsam on the deck, spoiling the attempt.
(AP used for Sanne’s riposte, MISS)

Dalwir lunges at the elemental twice and manages to connect once, further wounding the creature.

Jaxel lets out a sigh as the elemental was destroyed in front of him,”Aye, I had ‘im finally where I wanted ‘im and now its gone….. Bullocks!” He notices the others looking towards the aft and sees the returning form of the elemental.

Lieutenant Isolda, spotting the form of the elemental off the aft pulpit, screams,”ITS BACK!” and grabs a vial from her belt and drinks it. All her visible wounds disappear.

"Thank you sir," Sanne says after the halfork heals her.

"Now, if you would assist the Captain and I in removing the presense of this creature, which is an affront to my House, I would appreciate it.”

The elemental appears somewhat startled by the scream from the first-mate, and Sanne capitalizes on it, executing a quick spin and slashing twice with her glowing rapier, infusing the creature with an enormous amount of electricity, which breaks down the last vestige of will keeping the mass of air together – its form breaks down into several gusts of air, which scatter to the four winds.

"It's moved to the back, has it? Interesting." Yoggrith murmurs amidst the chaos. His eyes close momentarily to get a sense of whose life force is ebbing, then begins moving straight at that person. Through the Shadow's power, Yoggrith notices that the downed crewman is on death's door, and infuses his still form with the power of his diety. The man chokes a few times, but his eyes open.

Hearing the scream from the back deck, Morika spots the dark form of the elemental. She laughs into the face of the whirlwinds and screams again into the sky, lightning playing along the clouds before spearing through the elemental which has made its way back into view. She grimaces slightly when she notices that the lightning stroke was not as powerful as before.

Voadam scowls at the elemental's reappearance and with a violent gesture flings four darts of pure magic to streak unerringly towards the elemental off the stern. Remembering a bit about elemental's and their element affinities, he glides back down to the ship deck for the moment.

Spells in Effect:

Yoggrith: Divine Favor (4 rounds), Spikes (8 hours), Bear’s Endurance (75 rounds)
Sanne: Weapon Infusion – Elemental Bane (196 rounds)
Morika: Master Air (4 rounds), Call Lightning (78 rounds or 6 bolts)
Voadam: Fly (47 rounds)


Elemental #1 – Confused (5 rounds)


Ship will decrease speed 20’/round for the next 1 rounds. Current ship speed is 20’



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First Post
Round 8 - Complete


30 – Elemental #1 – (Lightly Wounded) - Confused – Returns to the ship, moves to D/E/F – 2, attacks Lieutenant Isolda, HIT for 11 damage
26 – Aeranduil (64/64) – Move to E12, Attack Elemental #1, 1 hit for 14 damage before DR
21 – Dalwir – Move to G3, Attack Elemental, HIT for 14 damage before DR
21 – Jaxel (29/75) – Double Move to G5 (wheel in the way at F5)
17 – Ipshivi (46/46) – (in main cabin)
15 – Lieutenant -- 5’ step, uses wand on Dalwir
14 – Sanne (56/65) – Move to F6
9 – Yoggrith (84/90) – Double Move to F8
5 – Morika (45/66) – Call Lightning on Elemental #1 for 14 damage before save
5 – Voadam (43/43) – Move to F15
4 – Crew (8) – Crew #1 - #8 except #2, move towards the cabin, load and fire their flaming crossbows at the elemental, 4 hits for 35 damage before DR

The scrambled elemental makes its return to the ship, as it crashes over the stern. It seeks out the closest living creature and slams it with a tendril of storm.

With unnatural speed, the elven archer bursts through the cabin and looses a pair of arrows at the creature, one of them finding its mark.

The captain yells out for the crew to form a firing line near the cabin, then closes on the elemental, striking the creature with his flaming rapier.

"Crazy tornados movin' all around." Jaxel grumped as he made his way closer to the enemy.

Sanne rushes to the captain's side, her rapier ready to riposte if the creature should get a clean attack at her.

"Shall we take down another one of these together, then, captain?" Sanne says. This was a Lyrandar airship she was fighting to defend; she would risk her life for one. For her own ship, she'd risk more than that.

As the crewman sputters back to life, the halfork immediately rises again and turns to face the other end of the ship. As he sees the elemental come back over the stern, he hustles forward himself to put him near the action. "Things are wrapping themselves up it appears. This is good. The Shadow falls across us to keep us safe."

Morika spins in mid-air and shrieks at the relentless elemental, hammering it with more lightning as it breaks over the stern.

The celestial touched wizard moves aft towards the stern and readies himself to swoop in should anyone need a flying rescue.

Spells in Effect:

Yoggrith: Divine Favor (3 rounds), Spikes (8 hours), Bear’s Endurance (74 rounds)
Sanne: Weapon Infusion – Elemental Bane (195 rounds)
Morika: Master Air (3 rounds), Call Lightning (77 rounds or 5 bolts)
Voadam: Fly (46 rounds)
Dalwir: Cat’s Grace (30 rounds)


Elemental #1 – Confused (4 rounds)


Ship will decrease speed 20’/round for the next 1 rounds. Current ship speed is 20’



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First Post
Sanne rushes to the captain's side, her rapier ready to riposte if the creature should get a clean attack at her.

"Shall we take down another one of these together, then, captain?" Sanne says. This was a Lyrandar airship she was fighting to defend; she would risk her life for one. For her own ship, she'd risk more than that.

OOC: I don't think Sanne can charge the elemental, because there are other people in her way (you can move normally through a square occupied by an ally, but I don't think you can charge through one), so she'll take one move action to move to F6, and then another move action to Tumble to F3 (she can't fail a DC 15 tumble check). She'll use an AP to Storm's Riposte if attacked.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika spins in mid-air and shrieks at the relentless elemental, hammering it with more lightning as it breaks over the stern.

OOC: Wash, rinse, repeat. :)


As the crewman sputters back to life, the halfork immediately rises again and turns to face the other end of the ship. As he sees the elemental come back over the stern, he hustles forward himself to put him near the action. "Things are wrapping themselves up it appears. This is good. The Shadow falls across us to keep us safe."

OOC: Double move to the group. Intention is to try and reach Jaxel for eventually healing, so he'll get as close to him as he can.


First Post
Aeranduil - Round 9 actions (if necessary)

Aeranduil continues firing arrows at the elemental.

Rapid Shot + Woodland Archery on Elemental #2.
Three arrows - Attack +15/+10/+15 for 1d8+7 each (if any arrow misses, each subsequent arrow receives a +4 to attack roll.


The celestial touched wizard moves aft towards the stern and readies himself to swoop in should anyone need a flying rescue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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