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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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The elven maid looks gives a puzzled look at the halfork as she leans to the side to see behind him. She regains her composure and says,"Yes, House Tharashk has reserved 7 rooms for your group. Here is your key."

She hands him a key with the number 204 etched upon it. "Second floor, on the left." She nods in the direction of the stairs behind her.

You quickly scan the bar area and see Jaxel chatting with a dwarf at the bar. No one appears to have taken too much interest in your arrival.

You hear the door open behind you.

"Be with you in a minute," The elven maiden says to the newcomer.

To your right, it appears that a band is setting up on the stage.

The Chapterhouse is a newly constructed building, with prominent reliefs of House Phairlan and Ghallanda etched into the stone columns framing the doorway. Several tables filled with late lunch patrons are outside in a vine covered portico. Once inside, the brightly lit common room has an ample sized stage to one side, more tables and a bar on the other. Directly in front of you stands a beautiful elven maiden, standing behind an innkeepers desk, currently talking with a large halfork, which you quickly recognize as Yoggrith. On the opposite wall, you make out stairs going up.

Several halflings are seen carrying trays laden with food and drink.

"Be with you in a minute," The elven maiden says.

You quickly scan the bar area and notice Jaxel chatting with a dwarf.


"Are you kiddin' me?" The half-elf half chokes on some peanuts he was eating,"You won't find me trudging through the jungles of Xen'drik -- these boots were made fer walking, but only through water or air."

"I'm not achin' to find out how true these tales are... unless they can be seen from great heights..."

You notice one of your daggers is missing from its sheath on your belt. You don't know exactly when you saw it last.

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s@squ@tch said:
"Are you kiddin' me?" The half-elf half chokes on some peanuts he was eating,"You won't find me trudging through the jungles of Xen'drik -- these boots were made fer walking, but only through water or air."

"I'm not achin' to find out how true these tales are... unless they can be seen from great heights..."

You notice one of your daggers is missing from its sheath on your belt. You don't know exactly when you saw it last.

"I had thought someone might have survived and had some business with us. People who face strange creatures in the jungles often have interesting things to trade. Or want a quick ride home no matter what it costs." Sanne said.

"Have we had any problems with thieves lately?" She added. "And I do not mean people trying to sell their trash as Age of Giants artifacts. Someone seems to have lightened me of a dagger. Strange; it's not particularly valuable."


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s@squ@tch said:
The elven maid looks gives a puzzled look at the halfork as she leans to the side to see behind him. She regains her composure and says,"Yes, House Tharashk has reserved 7 rooms for your group. Here is your key."

She hands him a key with the number 204 etched upon it. "Second floor, on the left." She nods in the direction of the stairs behind her.

You quickly scan the bar area and see Jaxel chatting with a dwarf at the bar. No one appears to have taken too much interest in your arrival.

You hear the door open behind you.

"Be with you in a minute," The elven maiden says to the newcomer.

To your right, it appears that a band is setting up on the stage.

DM[sblock] Ipshivi listened as the elf and Yoggrith spoke, but most of her attention was focused outward, as she surveyed the inn and its occupants. When she saw Jaxel, she almost began to head over towards him and his new dwarven friend- but as she heard the door open behind her, she turned in the direction instead, almost reflexively stepping towards a more protected spot.

OOC: 5 foot step to be beside Yoggrith rather than behind him. Change facing to see who has entered behind us. A little useful paranoia is probably better than playing Traveler's tricks on the staff.[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

[sblock=DM/Jaxel/Dwarf/Anyone else at the Chapterhouse]Morika nearly stomps into the Chapterhouse, her hunger slightly asuaged, but her temper still bad. A short, heavily muscled shifter woman with a thick, low, brutish forehead, her hair in many braids, wearing serviceable leathers, she strides over to the bar, ignoring the entertainments going on.

"Ale," she growls at the barkeep, her manner suggesting she's going to forcibly remove the tongue of anyone that sasses back at her right now.[/sblock]


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drothgery said:
[sblock=DM/Aeranduil]"Have we had any problems with thieves lately?" She added. "And I do not mean people trying to sell their trash as Age of Giants artifacts. Someone seems to have lightened me of a dagger. Strange; it's not particularly valuable."

At Sanne's words, Aeranduil turns his attention to his own valuables, checking to see if he is missing anything...


Elven Maid said:
"Yes, House Tharashk has reserved 7 rooms for your group. Here is your key. Second floor, on the left."
Yoggrith nods once to the female and takes the key from her fingers. He ignores the sounds and sights behind him and in the house, and instead moves immediately to the stairs. He climbs the flight easily and upon reaching the second floor he walks the hallway until he finds his room.

He unlocks the door with his key and enters the room, closing and locking the door behind him. Yoggrith intendeds to spend the rest of the evening closed up within his room, gathering his focus and his strength for the duty ahead.


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[sblock=Sanne and Aeranduil]

"I can't vouch for these strange creatures, as I haven't seen 'em with my own eyes, but, come to think of it, we had a parcel that was dropped off by some bloke to be delivered to Morgrave University back in Sharn. He mentioned he needed the opinion of a collegue of his about some strange monsters he saw out in the jungle... Think his name was Sissyfus -- no, that doesn't sound right -- maybe Silayuss, yeah, that sounds better.

Said he was some sort of scholar or something..."


OOC: Yoggrith has retired to his room for the night, Voadam will be arriving very late, that leaves Jaxel, Morika, and Ipshivi in the chapterhouse to meet/converse with Thanor at this point.


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[sblock=OOC]The color you used for the last block of text was pretty much unreadable for me (against the default skin).[/sblock]

"Thank you for the information. And the other matter I asked of?" Sanne said, refering to that minor bit of theivery someone appeared to have practiced on her.


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[sblock=Anyone in the Common Room] Getting no response from Jaxel, Thanor continues with his drinking. Eventually he gets loose enough that he starts to sing an ancient dwarven ballad about abandoned tunnels:

The dust piles up, the silence swells
No work is done, but mark it well
No dwarf will rest, no beard will grow
Till life returns and forges glow.

As the song ends the depressed dwarf sinks back into his seat and stares at the flames of the hearthfire.[/sblock]


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Once Yoggrith headed off to his room, presumably for the night, Ipshivi was left to her own devices in the common room. She debated the merits of minor tricks to be played on the staff, but finally decided against such mischief. Instead she scrambled up one of the nearby walls and ensconced herself on a convenient perch above the table that Jaxel had chosen. There she sat, watching the inn's other occupants. She listened to the dwarf's song, but it seemed a bit sad, even by the typical standards of dwarven melancholy... Finally her curiousity got the better of her.

"You seem like an experienced sort of fellow," said a quiet voice from the air above, pitched just loud enough for those at the table to hear clearly over the other sounds of the room. "We're new in town, looking to hunt some giants. I don't suppose you've been here long enough to hear any tales that might be helpful in our venture..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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